Mostrando resultados de 1-12 de 369

  • 1-2-Switch (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Organiza una fiesta improvisada en cualquier lugar y con cualquier persona gracias a un nuevo estilo de juego en el que los jugadores se miran unos a otros, ¡no a la pantalla! Lleva la acción y la diversión al mundo real mientras te enfrentas en duelos del salvaje oeste, competiciones de ordeñar vacas, un baile de imitación y mucho más. Cada juego aprovecha las características del mando Joy-Con de la consola Nintendo Switch de formas diferentes. Mientras la acción se desarrolla fuera de la pantalla, el público observa a los propios jugadores en lugar de la pantalla. Esto hace que sea tan divertido de ver como de jugar: ¡un amplificador de fiestas instantáneo!

  • A Highland Song (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Moira McKinnon está huyendo. Para llegar al mar, Moira debe cruzar primero las Tierras Altas escocesas, un desierto de senderos, picos, atajos, peligros y canciones. Plataformas Sube a los picos para orientarte y planear tus próximos pasos. Sumérgete en cuevas, escala acantilados, salta de roca en roca y deslízate por laderas pedregosas mientras avanzas ....

  • Un espacio para los desatados (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    A Space For The Unbound es un juego de aventuras con un precioso arte de píxeles ambientado en la Indonesia rural de finales de los 90 que cuenta una historia sobre la superación de la ansiedad, la depresión y la relación entre un chico y una chica con poderes sobrenaturales. Sigue a dos novios de instituto, Atma y Raya, en un viaje de autodescubrimiento en...

  • Ace Attorney Investigations Collection (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Experience both Ace Attorney Investigations games in one gorgeous collection! Step into the shoes of Miles Edgeworth, that prosecutor of prosecutors from the Ace Attorney mainline games!
    Leave the courtroom behind as you walk with Edgeworth around the crime scene, gathering evidence and clues and talking with persons of interest. Use your wit and what you discover to solve tough, intriguing cases through logic and deduction.
    – Both games have been given the full HD treatment, including all-new designs for the chibi characters! Classic pixel art style is also available for a more retro vibe!
    – Quality of life improvements including Chapter Select have been added, making it a breeze to replay your favorite parts!
    – Autoplay and Story Mode have also been added. Autoplay will progress the dialogue for you, while Story Mode will solve even the toughest puzzles on your behalf — perfect for those who just want to sit back and enjoy a good mystery!
    *You can turn Story Mode on and off at any time.
    – A Gallery section packed with bonus materials that are sure to please is also included! View in-game illustrations and character animations along with character design sketches and more! Listen to the background music of each game or bask in the beauty of some orchestral arrangements!
    – Play the games in English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese!

  • Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Dirige un ejército en combates estratégicos por turnos como asesor táctico del Ejército de la Estrella Naranja. Tu experiencia es necesaria para mover unidades terrestres, aéreas y navales por el campo de batalla. Derriba escuadrones enemigos y captura ciudades y bases para asegurar la victoria y mantener la paz. No pierdas de vista el terreno y el clima cambiantes del juego mientras lideras una variedad de unidades a través de múltiples mapas. Esta nueva versión incluye dos campañas que cubren los acontecimientos de Advance Wars y Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising.

  • AEW Fight Forever (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Desarrollado por YUKE's Co, Ltd., creadores de numerosos juegos de lucha que han vendido millones de unidades, AEW: Fight Forever combina la nostálgica sensación de los juegos arcade con los innovadores remates y movimientos ofensivos en tándem de All Elite Wrestling. All Elite Wrestling está arrasando cada semana en las cadenas TNT y TBS con sus programas Rampage y Dynamite, en los que aparecen algunas de las leyendas más grandes que han subido al cuadrilátero, además de un nuevo grupo de talentos de alto vuelo de AEW. AEW: Fight Forever reúne lo mejor de lo mejor de esa lista de talentos en un solo juego. La lucha cooperativa online pasa a un nivel superior en Fight Forever con combates Tag Team que incluyen secuencias de maniobras por equipos ejecutadas con sencillos comandos. Te esperan un profundo modo carrera, la personalización de los luchadores, los característicos escenarios de AEW y más tipos de combates de los que puedas contar, incluyendo diversión a la antigua usanza y sin sanción.

    Combina la nostálgica sensación de la lucha arcade con los innovadores remates y movimientos ofensivos de All Elite Wrestling.
    La lista de talentos combina a las mayores leyendas del ring con nuevas estrellas de alto vuelo de AEW.
    Combates individuales, por equipos, a tres, a cuatro, en escalera, Casino Battle Royale, Falls Count Anywhere, Unsanctioned Lights Out, Exploding Barbed Wire Death y multijugador cooperativo en línea.
    Multijugador cooperativo en línea
    Los combates por equipos se caracterizan por una secuencia de maniobras por equipos ejecutadas con órdenes sencillas.
    Profundo modo carrera
    Amplia gama de modos de personalización: atuendo y apariencia del luchador, conjuntos de movimientos, entradas, equipos y arenas.
    Más de 40 armas
    Retos diarios y semanales

  • Afterimage (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Explore mystic Engardin One of the supreme deities created this vast world called Engardin, upon which natural wonders lie everywhere: gigantic volcanoes, steep canyons, deep seas and a tower that soars into the clouds… Encounter fantastic creatures during your journey: giant beasts wandering in fire, and spirits lurking in the depth of complicated labyrinths… Learn…

  • Airhead (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Airhead is an adventure through a sprawling interconnected world, where you must explore, evolve and overcome intricate puzzles to succeed. You play as Body, a small creature who meets a round, inflated organism and uses it as a head. And while Head is slowly but surely deflating, you have a chance to save its life….

  • AKIBA’S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Supernatural creatures are stalking the pop culture mecca of Akihabara—and you know that because they’ve turned you into one of them. Their only weakness, and yours, is sunlight, which means there’s only one way to stop them: call them out on the streets, knock their clothes off, and expose their skin before they can do…

  • Alan Wake Remastered (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Alan Wake Remastered is the original experience you fell in love with all those years ago. We did not want to change that. But the visuals all around, including the character model of Alan Wake himself and the cinematics, have been updated and improved with some choice next-generation upgrades.

  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    If the hustle and bustle of modern life’s got you down, Tom Nook has a new business venture up his sleeve that he knows you’ll adore: the Nook Inc. Deserted Island Getaway Package! Sure, you’ve crossed paths with colorful characters near and far. Had a grand time as one of the city folk. May’ve even turned over a new leaf and dedicated yourself to public service! But deep down, isn’t there a part of you that longs for…freedom? Then perhaps a long walk on the beach of a deserted island, where a rich wealth of untouched nature awaits, is just what the doctor ordered!

    Peaceful creativity and charm await as you roll up your sleeves and make your new life whatever you want it to be. Collect resources and craft everything from creature comforts to handy tools. Embrace your green thumb as you interact with flowers and trees in new ways. Set up a homestead where the rules of what goes indoors and out no longer apply. Make friends with new arrivals, enjoy the seasons, pole-vault across rivers as you explore, and more!

  • Another Code: Recollection (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Sleuth your way to the truth in two fully enhanced mystery adventures with Another Code: Recollection.

    Travel to the remote Blood Edward Island as Ashley, a 13 year old girl in search of her father in Another Code: Two Memories. Ashley receives a letter from her father who she believed to be dead, setting off a chain of mysteries and visions into the past. Investigate your surroundings and locales while solving puzzles to reveal the truth in this refreshed retelling of the original Trace Memory game for the Nintendo DS system.

    Experience Ashley’s full story, including the events of the first game’s sequel – Another Code: R – Journey into Lost Memories. Previously unreleased in North America, this second installment completes Ashley’s intriguing tale as she journeys to Lake Juliet two years after the events of the first game to uncover the hidden truth surrounding her mother.

    This collection includes fully enhanced versions of both original games, featuring overhauled visuals, fully explorable environments, new voice acting, puzzles, music, and more.

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