Zeigt 1-12 von 123 Ergebnissen
Ein Seuchenmärchen Unschuld (PSN) PS4
13,77 €A Plague Tale: Innocence, für PlayStation 4, Xbox One und PC, erzählt die düstere Geschichte zweier Geschwister, die in den dunkelsten Stunden der Geschichte gemeinsam ums Überleben kämpfen. Dieses neue Videospiel von Asobo Studio schickt dich auf eine emotionale Reise durch das Frankreich des 14. Jahrhunderts, mit einem Gameplay, das Abenteuer, Action und Stealth kombiniert, unterstützt durch eine fesselnde Geschichte. Folgen Sie der jungen Amicia und ihrem kleinen Bruder Hugo, die sich der Brutalität einer verwüsteten Welt stellen müssen, während sie ihre Bestimmung entdecken, ein dunkles Geheimnis zu lüften. Auf der Flucht vor den Soldaten der Inquisition, umgeben von unaufhaltsamen Rattenschwärmen, die den Schwarzen Tod verkörpern, lernen Amicia und Hugo einander kennen und vertrauen, während sie gegen alle Widerstände um ihr Leben kämpfen.
- Eine originelle, kraftvolle Geschichte, die die Reise der jungen Adeligen Amicia de Runes und ihres liebenswerten und klugen Bruders Hugo verfolgt
- Überlebe eine große, rätselhafte Gefahr in einer brutalen, unbarmherzigen Welt. Mit der Schwarzen Pest erschienen tödliche Rattenschwärme, die wahllos alles verschlangen, was sich ihnen in den Weg stellte.
- Eine nahtlose Mischung aus Abenteuer und Stealth-Gameplay, eingebettet in ein düsteres mittelalterliches Geheimnis. -
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S
6,83 €Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown ist der achte große Teil der Flugsimulatorreihe Ace Combat.
###PVor Ort und Einstellung
Die Serie ist im Strangereal angesiedelt, einer fiktiven alternativen Version der Erde. Diese Welt hat eine andere Geografie und Geschichte, auch wenn ihre Länder und Kulturen auf Prototypen unserer realen Welt basieren. Skies Unknown folgt dem Leuchtturmkrieg (auch Zweiter Kontinentalkrieg genannt), einem Konflikt zwischen dem Königreich Erusea und der Oseanischen Föderation in einem alternativen Jahr 2019. Das Ziel des Krieges ist die Kontrolle über den Internationalen Weltraumfahrstuhl. Die eruseanische Armee greift das oseanische Militär an, das den Aufzug schützt. Als Reaktion darauf startet Osea einen Großangriff auf Farbanti, die Hauptstadt von Erusea, was zu massiven Verlusten unter der Zivilbevölkerung führt.###MHauptzeichen
Der Hauptprotagonist der Story-Kampagne Skies Unknown ist Trigger, ein Pilot der Osean Air Force. Ihm wurde ein Mord angehängt und er wurde in die Strafstaffel versetzt. Obwohl der Spieler als Oseanischer Militär beginnt, bevorzugt das Spiel keine Seite in diesem Konflikt. Rosa Cossette D'Elise, eine Prinzessin und Thronfolgerin von Erusea, spielt ebenfalls eine wichtige Rolle in der Handlung.###Gameplay
Der Spieler steuert Triggers Kampfflugzeug, den F-22A Raptor, und absolviert verschiedene Missionen gegen feindliche Kampfjets. Andere Flugzeugtypen tauchen in diesem Spiel nicht auf, anders als in den vorherigen Spielen. Das Spiel führt einige Mechanismen aus den Vorgängern wieder ein, z. B. Checkpoints und vom Spieler gesteuerte Leuchtraketen. Skies Unknown ist auch das erste Spiel der Serie, in dem Wolken das Gameplay beeinflussen. -
Der Schatz einer anderen Krabbe (eShop) Nintendo Switch
14,84 €Another Crab's Treasure ist ein seelenähnliches Abenteuer in einer zerfallenden Unterwasserwelt, die von einem mysteriösen Fluch geplagt wird. Als Kril, der Einsiedlerkrebs, musst du den Müll um dich herum als Panzer tragen, um Angriffen von Feinden zu widerstehen, die ein Vielfaches deiner Größe haben. Begeben Sie sich auf eine epische Schatzsuche, um Ihre beschlagnahmte Muschel zurückzukaufen, und entdecken Sie die dunklen Geheimnisse hinter dem verschmutzten Ozean.
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy (eShop) Nintendo Switch
18,76 €Die juristische Reise von Apollo Justice beginnt von Neuem!
Begleite den jungen Anwalt Apollo Justice und seinen Mentor, den legendären Phoenix Wright, in dieser Sammlung von 3 Spielen! Dieser Titel enthält die 14 Episoden von "Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney", "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies", und "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice" und die 2 bisher nur als DLC erhältlichen Special Episodes für insgesamt 16 Episoden!
Außerdem ist ein Berg von zusätzlichen Goodies enthalten, die jeden Ace Attorney-Fan begeistern werden!
Orchestersaal - Hören Sie die Hintergrundmusik im Spiel und wählen Sie orchestrale Arrangements!
Kunstbibliothek - Sehen Sie sich Illustrationen, Designvorgaben, Auftragsarbeiten und sogar den speziellen Spirit of Justice Prologue Anime an!
Animationsstudio - Spielen Sie mit Charakteranimationen und stellen Sie Ihre Lieblingsszenen nach!
Diese Sammlung unterstützt Japanisch, Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Koreanisch, traditionelles und vereinfachtes Chinesisch. Kombinieren Sie sie und spielen Sie in der Sprache, die Sie möchten!
Tauchen Sie ein in diese wunderschöne Sammlung und rufen Sie "Einspruch!" in diesen neu renovierten Hallen der Justiz!
Einige der Inhalte der Spiele in dieser Sammlung werden so präsentiert, wie sie ursprünglich veröffentlicht wurden, um die Spiele in ihrer ursprünglichen Form zu erhalten. -
ARK Survival Evolved (Steam) PC
13,85 €As a man or woman stranded naked, freezing and starving on the shores of a mysterious island called ARK, you must hunt, harvest resources, craft items, grow crops, research technologies, and build shelters to withstand the elements. Use your cunning and resources to kill or tame & breed the leviathan dinosaurs and other primeval creatures roaming the land, and team up with or prey on hundreds of other players to survive, dominate… and escape!
Dinosaurs, Creatures, & Breeding! — over 100+ creatures can be tamed using a challenging capture-&-affinity process, involving weakening a feral creature to knock it unconscious, and then nursing it back to health with appropriate food. Once tamed, you can issue commands to your tames, which it may follow depending on how well you’ve tamed and trained it. Tames, which can continue to level-up and consume food, can also carry Inventory and Equipment such as Armor, carry prey back to your settlement depending on their strength, and larger tames can be ridden and directly controlled! Fly a Pterodactyl over the snow-capped mountains, lift allies over enemy walls, race through the jungle with a pack of Raptors, tromp through an enemy base along a gigantic brontosaurus, or chase down prey on the back of a raging T-Rex! Take part in a dynamic ecosystem life-cycle with its own predator & prey hierarchies, where you are just one creature among many species struggling for dominance and survival. Tames can also be mated with the opposite gender, to selectively breed successive generations using a trait system based on recombinant genetic inheritance. This process includes both egg-based incubation and mammalian gestation lifecycles! Or put more simply, raise babies!
You must eat and drink to survive, with different kinds of plants & meat having different nutritional properties, including human meat. Ensuring a supply of fresh water to your home and inventory is a pressing concern. All physical actions come at a cost of food and water, long-distance travel is fraught with subsistence peril! Inventory weight makes you move slower, and the day/night cycle along with randomized weather patterns add another layer of challenge by altering the temperature of the environment, causing you to hunger or thirst more quickly. Build a fire or shelter, and craft a large variety of customizable clothing & armors, to help protect yourself against locational damage & extreme temperatures using the dynamic indoor/outdoor insulation calculation system!
By chopping down forests full of trees and mining metal and other precious resources, you can craft the parts to build massive multi-leveled structures composed of complex snap-linked parts, including ramps, beams, pillars, windows, doors, gates, remote gates, trapdoors, water pipes, faucets, generators, wires and all manner of electrical devices, and ladders among many other types. Structures have a load system to fall apart if enough support has been destroyed, so reinforcing your buildings is important. All structures and items can be painted to customize the look of your home, as well as placing dynamically per-pixel paintable signs, textual billboards, and other decorative objects. Shelter reduces the extremes of weather and provides security for yourself and your stash! Weapons, clothing & armor gear can also be painted to express your own visual style.
Pick seeds from the wild vegetation around you, plant them in plots that you lay down, water them and nurture them with fertilizer (everything poops after consuming calories, which can then be composted, and some fertilizer is better than others). Tend to your crops and they will grow to produce delicious and rare fruits, which can also be used to cook a plethora of logical recipes and make useful tonics! Explore to find the rarest of plant seeds that have the most powerful properties! Vegetarians & vegans can flourish, and it will be possible to master and conquer the ARK in a non-violent manner!
By bringing sufficient rare sacrificial items to special Summon locations, you can capture the attention of the one of the ARK’s god-like mythical creatures, who will arrive for battle. These gargantuan monstrosities provide an end-game goal for the most experienced groups of players and their armies of tames, and will yield extremely valuable progression items if they are defeated.
Create a Tribe and add your friends to it, and all your tames can be commanded by and allied to anyone in your Tribe. Your Tribe will also be able to respawn at any of your home spawn points. Promote members to Tribe Admins to reduce the burden of management. Distribute key items and pass-codes to provide access your shared village!
All items are crafted from Blueprints that have variable statistics and qualities, and require corresponding resources. More remote and harsh locales across the ARK tend to have better resources, including the tallest mountains, darkest caves, and depths of the ocean! Level-Up your player character by gaining experience through performance actions, Level-Up your tames, and learn new “Engrams” to be able to craft Items from memory without the use of blueprints, even if you die! Customize the underlying physical look of your character with hair, eye, and skin tones, along with an array of body proportion modifiers. As you explore the vast ARK, you’ll find clues left by other Survivors who have made the ARK their home in ages past, in the form of collectible detailed 3D “Explorer Notes”. By uncovering all of these, you can begin to piece together the true nature of the ARK, and discover its purpose!
Everything you craft has durability and will wear-out from extended use if not repaired, and when you leave the game, your character remains sleeping in the persistent world. Your inventory physically exists in boxes or on your character in the world. Everything can be looted & stolen, so to achieve security you must build-up, team-up, or have tames to guard your stash. Death is permanent, and you can even knock out, capture, and force-feed other players to use them for your own purposes, such as extracting their blood to for transfusions, harvesting their fecal matter to use as fertilizer, or using them as food for your carnivorous tames!
The mysterious ARK is a formidable and imposing environment, composed of many natural and unnatural structures, above-ground, below-ground, and underwater. By fully exploring its secrets, you’ll find the most exotic procedurally randomized creatures and rare blueprints. Also to be found are Explorer Notes that are dynamically updated into the game, written by previous human denizens of the ARK from across the millennia, creatively detailing the creatures and backstory of the ARK and its creatures. Fully develop your in-game ARK-map through exploration, write custom points of interest onto it, and craft a Compass or GPS coordinates to aid exploring with other players, whom you can communicate with via proximity text & voice chat, or long-distance radio. Construct & draw in-game signs for other players to help them or lead them astray… And yet.. how do you ultimately challenge the Creators and Conquer the ARK? A definitive end-game is planned.
On the 100+ player servers, your character, everything you built, and your tames, stay in-game even when you leave. You can even physically travel your character and items between the network of ARK’s by accessing the Obelisks and uploading (or downloading) your data from the Steam Economy! A galaxy of ARKs, each slightly different than the previous, to leave your mark on and conquer, one at a time — special official ARKs will be unveiled on the World-map for limited times in singular themed events with corresponding limited-run items! Furthermore, you can now design or randomize your own unique ‘Procedurally Generated ARKs’, for infinite replayability and endless surprises.
You can play single-player local games, and bring your character and items between unofficial player-hosted servers, back and forth from singleplayer to multiplayer. Mod the game, with full Steam Workshop support and customized Unreal Engine 4 editor. See how we built our ARK using our maps and assets as an example. Host your own server and configure your ARK precisely to your liking. We want to see what you create!
The over-the-top hyper real imagery of the ARK its creatures is brought to expressive life using a highly-customized Unreal Engine 4, with fully dynamic lighting & global illumination, weather systems (rain, fog, snow, etc) & true-to-life volumetric cloud simulation, and the latest in advanced DirectX11 and DirectX12 rendering techniques. Music by award-winning composer of “Ori and the Blind Forest”, Gareth Coker! -
ARK Survival Evolved (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S
8,91 €As a man or woman stranded naked, freezing and starving on the shores of a mysterious island called ARK, you must hunt, harvest resources, craft items, grow crops, research technologies, and build shelters to withstand the elements. Use your cunning and resources to kill or tame & breed the leviathan dinosaurs and other primeval creatures roaming the land, and team up with or prey on hundreds of other players to survive, dominate… and escape!
Dinosaurs, Creatures, & Breeding! — over 100+ creatures can be tamed using a challenging capture-&-affinity process, involving weakening a feral creature to knock it unconscious, and then nursing it back to health with appropriate food. Once tamed, you can issue commands to your tames, which it may follow depending on how well you’ve tamed and trained it. Tames, which can continue to level-up and consume food, can also carry Inventory and Equipment such as Armor, carry prey back to your settlement depending on their strength, and larger tames can be ridden and directly controlled! Fly a Pterodactyl over the snow-capped mountains, lift allies over enemy walls, race through the jungle with a pack of Raptors, tromp through an enemy base along a gigantic brontosaurus, or chase down prey on the back of a raging T-Rex! Take part in a dynamic ecosystem life-cycle with its own predator & prey hierarchies, where you are just one creature among many species struggling for dominance and survival. Tames can also be mated with the opposite gender, to selectively breed successive generations using a trait system based on recombinant genetic inheritance. This process includes both egg-based incubation and mammalian gestation lifecycles! Or put more simply, raise babies!
You must eat and drink to survive, with different kinds of plants & meat having different nutritional properties, including human meat. Ensuring a supply of fresh water to your home and inventory is a pressing concern. All physical actions come at a cost of food and water, long-distance travel is fraught with subsistence peril! Inventory weight makes you move slower, and the day/night cycle along with randomized weather patterns add another layer of challenge by altering the temperature of the environment, causing you to hunger or thirst more quickly. Build a fire or shelter, and craft a large variety of customizable clothing & armors, to help protect yourself against locational damage & extreme temperatures using the dynamic indoor/outdoor insulation calculation system!
By chopping down forests full of trees and mining metal and other precious resources, you can craft the parts to build massive multi-leveled structures composed of complex snap-linked parts, including ramps, beams, pillars, windows, doors, gates, remote gates, trapdoors, water pipes, faucets, generators, wires and all manner of electrical devices, and ladders among many other types. Structures have a load system to fall apart if enough support has been destroyed, so reinforcing your buildings is important. All structures and items can be painted to customize the look of your home, as well as placing dynamically per-pixel paintable signs, textual billboards, and other decorative objects. Shelter reduces the extremes of weather and provides security for yourself and your stash! Weapons, clothing & armor gear can also be painted to express your own visual style.
Pick seeds from the wild vegetation around you, plant them in plots that you lay down, water them and nurture them with fertilizer (everything poops after consuming calories, which can then be composted, and some fertilizer is better than others). Tend to your crops and they will grow to produce delicious and rare fruits, which can also be used to cook a plethora of logical recipes and make useful tonics! Explore to find the rarest of plant seeds that have the most powerful properties! Vegetarians & vegans can flourish, and it will be possible to master and conquer the ARK in a non-violent manner!
By bringing sufficient rare sacrificial items to special Summon locations, you can capture the attention of the one of the ARK’s god-like mythical creatures, who will arrive for battle. These gargantuan monstrosities provide an end-game goal for the most experienced groups of players and their armies of tames, and will yield extremely valuable progression items if they are defeated.
Create a Tribe and add your friends to it, and all your tames can be commanded by and allied to anyone in your Tribe. Your Tribe will also be able to respawn at any of your home spawn points. Promote members to Tribe Admins to reduce the burden of management. Distribute key items and pass-codes to provide access your shared village!
All items are crafted from Blueprints that have variable statistics and qualities, and require corresponding resources. More remote and harsh locales across the ARK tend to have better resources, including the tallest mountains, darkest caves, and depths of the ocean! Level-Up your player character by gaining experience through performance actions, Level-Up your tames, and learn new “Engrams” to be able to craft Items from memory without the use of blueprints, even if you die! Customize the underlying physical look of your character with hair, eye, and skin tones, along with an array of body proportion modifiers. As you explore the vast ARK, you’ll find clues left by other Survivors who have made the ARK their home in ages past, in the form of collectible detailed 3D “Explorer Notes”. By uncovering all of these, you can begin to piece together the true nature of the ARK, and discover its purpose!
Everything you craft has durability and will wear-out from extended use if not repaired, and when you leave the game, your character remains sleeping in the persistent world. Your inventory physically exists in boxes or on your character in the world. Everything can be looted & stolen, so to achieve security you must build-up, team-up, or have tames to guard your stash. Death is permanent, and you can even knock out, capture, and force-feed other players to use them for your own purposes, such as extracting their blood to for transfusions, harvesting their fecal matter to use as fertilizer, or using them as food for your carnivorous tames!
The mysterious ARK is a formidable and imposing environment, composed of many natural and unnatural structures, above-ground, below-ground, and underwater. By fully exploring its secrets, you’ll find the most exotic procedurally randomized creatures and rare blueprints. Also to be found are Explorer Notes that are dynamically updated into the game, written by previous human denizens of the ARK from across the millennia, creatively detailing the creatures and backstory of the ARK and its creatures. Fully develop your in-game ARK-map through exploration, write custom points of interest onto it, and craft a Compass or GPS coordinates to aid exploring with other players, whom you can communicate with via proximity text & voice chat, or long-distance radio. Construct & draw in-game signs for other players to help them or lead them astray… And yet.. how do you ultimately challenge the Creators and Conquer the ARK? A definitive end-game is planned.
On the 100+ player servers, your character, everything you built, and your tames, stay in-game even when you leave. You can even physically travel your character and items between the network of ARK’s by accessing the Obelisks and uploading (or downloading) your data from the Steam Economy! A galaxy of ARKs, each slightly different than the previous, to leave your mark on and conquer, one at a time — special official ARKs will be unveiled on the World-map for limited times in singular themed events with corresponding limited-run items! Furthermore, you can now design or randomize your own unique ‘Procedurally Generated ARKs’, for infinite replayability and endless surprises.
You can play single-player local games, and bring your character and items between unofficial player-hosted servers, back and forth from singleplayer to multiplayer. Mod the game, with full Steam Workshop support and customized Unreal Engine 4 editor. See how we built our ARK using our maps and assets as an example. Host your own server and configure your ARK precisely to your liking. We want to see what you create!
The over-the-top hyper real imagery of the ARK its creatures is brought to expressive life using a highly-customized Unreal Engine 4, with fully dynamic lighting & global illumination, weather systems (rain, fog, snow, etc) & true-to-life volumetric cloud simulation, and the latest in advanced DirectX11 and DirectX12 rendering techniques. Music by award-winning composer of “Ori and the Blind Forest”, Gareth Coker! -
Assassin's Creed : Valhalla (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Serie X|S
5,64 €Become Eivor, a mighty Viking raider and lead your clan from the harsh shores of Norway to a new home amid the lush farmlands of ninth-century England. Explore a beautiful, mysterious open world where you’ll face brutal enemies, raid fortresses, build your clan’s new settlement, and forge alliances to win glory and earn a place in Valhalla.
England in the age of the Vikings is a fractured nation of petty lords and warring kingdoms. Beneath the chaos lies a rich and untamed land waiting for a new conqueror. Will it be you?
Assassin’s Creed III: Remastered (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S
6,83 €Relive the American Revolution or experience it for the first time in Assassin’s Creed® III Remastered, with enhanced graphics and improved gameplay mechanics. Plus, Assassin’s Creed® III Liberation Remastered and all solo DLC content are included.
Includes: Assassin’s Creed® III Liberation and all original solo DLC, including The Tyranny of King Washington.
Enhanced graphics, now featuring 4K resolution, new character models, polished environment rendering, and more.
Gameplay mechanics have been revamped as well, improving your experience and your immersion.
Fight for freedom! As the American Colonies are about to revolt, secure liberty for your people and your nation.
1 player
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© 2019 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Assassin’s Creed, Ubisoft, and the Ubisoft logo are registered or unregistered trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the US and/or other countries. -
Astral Chain (eShop) Nintendo Switch
13,01 €Als Mitglied einer polizeilichen Spezialeinheit ist es Ihre Aufgabe, gegen mysteriöse, außerirdische Kreaturen zu kämpfen, die in die Welt eingedrungen sind.
In der Arche, einer multikulturellen Stadt in der nahen Zukunft, kommt es zur Katastrophe, als plötzlich Tore zu einer anderen Dimension auftauchen! Gefährliche Kreaturen tauchen auf, greifen die Menschen an und verseuchen das Land, und die normalen Polizeikräfte sind nicht in der Lage, mit ihnen zu konkurrieren. Um sich gegen diese Bedrohungen zur Wehr zu setzen, wird eine brandneue Spezialeinheit der Polizei namens Neuron gegründet.
Wähle zwischen zwei spielbaren Charakteren - einem männlichen und einem weiblichen - auf deinem Abenteuer. Die Figur, die du nicht wählst, erscheint auch als dein jüngerer Zwilling und als ein Mitglied von Neuron.
Um sich gegen die Kreaturen zu wehren, hat die Menschheit eine besondere Waffe entwickelt: die Legion. Die Legion fungiert als dein Partner und hilft dir bei deinen Ermittlungen. Doch erst im Kampf zeigt die Legion ihr wahres Können...
Arbeiten Sie mit der Legion zusammen und nutzen Sie alle möglichen Kampfstile, um Ihre Feinde zu bekämpfen. Sie können beide gleichzeitig denselben Feind angreifen, verschiedene Gegner ins Visier nehmen oder Ihre Legion in die Offensive schicken, während Sie sie mit Gegenständen unterstützen. Nutzen Sie dieses synergetische Aktionssystem, um gemeinsam zu kämpfen und zu erkunden!
Atomic Heart (Steam) PC
19,22 €Atomic Heart is an adventure first-person shooter, events of which unfolds in an alternate universe during the high noon of the Soviet Union. The principal character of the game is a special agent P-3, who after an unsuccessful landing on enterprise “3826” is trying to figure out what went wrong and to clear up a factory from went mad robots.
As of the game P-3 will receive a lot of weapon in his armory, there will be several quests, and he will learn to destroy one robot after another silently in order to clear his way to the event hall, where he will meet a main enemy – a huge robot with tentacles.
A crazy Soviet setting, a hurricane action and a terrific story will not let you sleep even if you were born in the USSR. Restore peace and order and show us the best you can! -
Avatar : Frontiers of Pandora (Xbox Live) Xbox Series X|S
15,94 €Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora™ is a first person, action-adventure game developed by Massive Entertainment – a Ubisoft studio, in collaboration with Lightstorm Entertainment and Disney.
Built using the latest iteration of the Snowdrop engine, and developed exclusively for the new generation of consoles and PC, Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora brings to life the alluring world of Pandora with all of its beauty and danger in an immersive, open world experience.
In this new, standalone story, play as a Na’vi and embark on a journey across the Western Frontier, a never-before-seen part of Pandora. Explore a living and reactive world inhabited by unique creatures and new characters, and push back the formidable RDA forces that threaten it.
Battlefield 2042 (Epic Game) PC
14,17 €Battlefield™ 2042 is a first-person shooter that marks the return to the iconic all-out warfare of the franchise. Adapt and overcome in a near-future world transformed by disorder. Squad up and bring a cutting-edge arsenal into dynamically-changing battlegrounds supporting 128 players, unprecedented scale, and epic destruction.
The next generation of fan-favorites Conquest and Breakthrough features the largest Battlefield maps ever and up to 128 players. Experience the intensity of all-out warfare on maps filled with dynamic weather and spectacular world events.
Battlefield’s massive, iconic sandbox mode returns – this time supporting 128 players on PC. The maps have been specifically designed for this vast scale, with action divided into “clusters” of various kinds. Also, the action now centers around sectors consisting of several flags instead of individual control points.Breakthrough
The return of Breakthrough sees two teams – Attackers and Defenders – battle over larger-scale sectors as the Attackers push towards the final objective. Each sector is designed to house a larger number of players, enabling more strategic choice and more flanking opportunities. Approach the capture areas from multiple locations and take advantage of more types of tactical possibilities.
BATTLEFIELD PORTALDiscover unexpected battles and enter the wide universe of Battlefield in a community-driven platform that gives you the power to change the rules of war. The possibilities are endless when you can customize weapons, gear, rules, and more in this creative sandbox mode. Replay classic experiences with select content from Battlefield 1942, Battlefield 3, and Battlefield: Bad Company 2, or leverage the modern content from the world of Battlefield 2042 to discover, create, and share something completely new.
BATTLEFIELD HAZARD ZONEA tense, squad-focused survival experience, Battlefield Hazard Zone combines edge-of-your-seat gameplay with the best of the Battlefield sandbox. Inserted as a four-member squad, you must locate and retrieve critical Data Drives scattered throughout the battlefield, while competing against opposing squads with the same objective and local militias. Succeed by gathering the Data Drives and choosing when to extract before a storm overtakes the area in this high-stakes, one-life experience. Every bullet, every skirmish, and every decision counts.
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