Microsoft Windows 7 Professional (OEM)


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Release Date:
29 July 2015
36 users on this page

About the Game

Even with the advent of Windows 8 and Windows 10, Windows 7 remains a popular option for many customers. The operating system is not only reliable, but also compatible with a variety of software and games. It is also much […]
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Developer: Microsoft

Editor: Microsoft

Genre: Other, Software


Even with the advent of Windows 8 and Windows 10, Windows 7 remains a popular option for many customers. The operating system is not only reliable, but also compatible with a variety of software and games. It is also much cheaper than newer versions of Windows.

With a Windows 7 key available for both 32-bit and 64-bit versions, you get a secure and reliable Windows version that you can use both privately and in business. With Windows, you get an operating system that is supported by all software providers and is also known for its name and reliability. In addition, the professional version includes many extras in the area of security. It is also possible to use the full version of Windows, for example with a domain or a VPN.