Left Alive is a spin-off installment of Front Mission franchise. Its events are set between Front Mission 5 and Front Mission Evolved. ###Plot
The game is set in the year 2127 on Christmas Eve in a fictional East European country called Ruthenia. The plot concerns an invasion of the city of Novo Slava by the Garmonia Republic army (all of them are also fictional), an event that is known as “One Day Incident”. The plot is non-linear and is divided into stages corresponding to the stories of certain characters. ###Characters
The game follows three playable characters of Slavic origin, who are left isolated in Novo Slava: Mikhail Alexandrovich Shuvalov, Olga Sergeyevna Kalinina, and Leonid Fedorovich Osterman. They have separate plotlines and methods of progression, but all of them share one goal: to survive in the fierce street battles. The game switches the player between protagonists throughout the story. ###Gameplay
The game combines survival action with mecha simulation. Left Alive features wanzers, the Front Mission’s trademark walking battle robots. They are delivered to battle using helicopters. The player does not only fight against the wanzers, but the game also allows him or her to steal and pilot one. Left Alive also includes weapon customization and crafting options.