Mostrando 97-108 de 128 resultados

  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl (Steam) PC Key EU


    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 é uma nova entrada na lendária série, apreciada por milhões de jogadores em todo o mundo.

    A combinação explosiva de tiro na primeira pessoa, simulação imersiva e terror está de volta. É a derradeira experiência S.T.A.L.K.E.R. com uma escala sem precedentes, gráficos avançados, liberdade de escolha e a atmosfera mais densa de uma aventura mortal.

    Bem-vindo à Zona - uma área de exclusão à volta da Central Nuclear de Chernobyl. Cheia de radiação, mutantes e anomalias, continua a atrair aventureiros de fora do perímetro.

    Caçadores de recompensas habitam as profundezas da Zona, movidos por seus tesouros e mistérios. Essas pessoas são conhecidas como perseguidores.

    Está pronto para se tornar um deles?

  • SaGa Emerald Beyond (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Demo de SaGa Emerald Beyond
    Esta demo gratuita dá aos jogadores a oportunidade de experimentar SaGa EMERALD BEYOND antes do seu lançamento a 25 de abril de 2024.
    Esta demo apresenta a jogabilidade do início da história da protagonista Diva No. 5 e permite aos jogadores experimentar o sistema de batalha de comando altamente estratégico que é o epítome da série SaGa.
    Tem em atenção que é possível transferir dados guardados desta demonstração para a versão completa do jogo.
    Sobre o jogoA mais recente entrada autónoma no franchise SaGa, SaGa Emerald Beyond, reúne os melhores elementos da adorada série para oferecer a cada jogador uma experiência de jogo única.

    Utiliza brilhos e combos nas batalhas; conhece um elenco diversificado de raças, incluindo monstros, mechs e vampiros; e vive a tua própria história, criada através das tuas escolhas e acções.Mundos Distantes Entrelaçados:Viaja para 17 mundos únicos de Junction, conduzido pela mão do destino ou por um caminho forjado pelas tuas próprias escolhas.
    Descobre culturas e paisagens completamente diferentes, que vão desde uma floresta densamente desenvolvida de arranha-céus e um habitat verde e luxuriante coberto de plantas a um mundo governado por cinco bruxas ou um mundo governado por vampiros - só para citar alguns dos cenários distintos. Um elenco eclético de protagonistas: Seis personagens principais, todas de origens diversas e com objectivos muito diferentes, partem na sua viagem em cinco arcos de história únicos. Eles aventuram-se numa miríade de mundos pelas suas próprias razões pessoais: Um, um humano com a missão de proteger a barreira que defende a sua cidade; outro, uma bruxa que tenta recuperar a sua magia perdida, mantendo o seu disfarce de estudante; e ainda outro, um senhor vampiro que pretende recuperar a sua coroa e reclamar o trono como o legítimo rei do seu mundo. Até mesmo a seleção do mesmo protagonista para uma segunda - ou terceira ou quarta - jogada levará a eventos e histórias completamente novos, um caminho e uma experiência completamente novos. Uma história feita por ti: SaGa Emerald Beyond tem o maior número de enredos ramificados de todos os jogos da série SaGa. A história ramifica-se abundantemente, dependendo das tuas escolhas e acções. Sempre que visitares um mundo, a história evoluirá, permitindo que o protagonista e o jogador descubram novas possibilidades. À medida que a história se desenrola desta forma, torna-se um conto só teu, não só afectando o caminho que percorres, mas também os múltiplos finais potenciais que aguardam cada protagonista. Batalhas em que uma única escolha pode mudar tudo:SaGa Emerald Beyond aperfeiçoa ainda mais as batalhas de linha temporal altamente estratégicas pelas quais o franchise SaGa é conhecido há muito tempo. Com os pilares da série, como a capacidade de adquirir habilidades espontaneamente através do sistema Glimmer, a colocação tática de aliados conhecida como Formações e os Ataques Unidos que permitem que habilidades individuais se liguem para formar ataques em cadeia devastadores, oferece a melhor iteração do combate por turnos de SaGa até à data.

    O novo sistema de combate acrescenta mais drama do que nunca, permitindo-te apoiar os membros da equipa, interromper as acções do inimigo e utilizar Ataques Unidos manipulando estrategicamente a ordem das acções dos aliados.

    As personagens que se juntam a ti, as armas que empunhas, a formação do teu grupo e as tuas tácticas em batalha - tudo depende de ti!

  • Satisfactory (Steam) PC


    Welcome to FICSIT Incorporated! A company specialised in the research, development and application of new technology and science, anything to find short-term solutions to long-term problems! As part of our brand-new Save The Day program, you’ll be sent to one of many alien planets in an effort to contribute to Project Assembly, a project I am legally bound to not tell you anything about for fear of our lives. And my job.
    As an engineer and pioneer, you won’t only be constructing and automating the very factory that will contribute to Project Assembly, but also explore and exploit the planet and its inhabitants as you expand. Don’t worry, we’re super inclusive when it comes to alien lifeforms! We’ll even allow for pets, how cool is that!?
    Just don’t tell R&D.
    Below you can find the three main pillars of your mission! Time to get to work, and Stay Effective!*
    *This motto is FICSIT Inc. property. Please do not use ironically.
    To achieve company milestones according to satisfaction we expect you to construct your FICSIT Inc. factory in such a way that it allows for easy expansion and complexion. Not only will buildings grow more complex over time, so will the parts they produce. Project Assembly isn’t your average high-school science project. We’re making history here! Go big or go home!* Of course, this requires both high-level and low-level power management, good luck getting to nuclear! We even support stuff like multi-floor warehouses so you can stack your buildings, and a whole bunch of navigational constructs like jump pads and walkways! Walkways are the best. They’re attached to the ground and everything.
    *Employee will be expected to fund their own travel expenses
    So you know how your FICSIT Inc. factory can be turned into this incredibly intricate maze of conveyor belts in every direction, merging, splitting, crossing each other above and below? Conveyor belts carry, after all, the life-blood of our company! Well, since you’ll be in a pretty big area you’re going to need outposts. To make your life easier, we’ve developed self-driving trucks and trains so you can set up your very own transport system between any point in your area!
    R&D hasn’t figured out how to clone materials yet, weirdly enough, so you’re going to have to go out and use our patented method of extraterrestrial pioneering! This means exploring to find more or new stuff to exploit, to help expand your FICSIT Inc. factory. You’re on an uncharted alien planet, so try to be careful, don’t go alone if you don’t have to, and use protection! Who knows what kind of organisms have made this place their home? Or who knows what awesome treasures you’ll find? Don’t worry, this is why we assigned you your very own FICSIT Inc. handler.

  • Satisfactory (Steam) PC key GLOBAL


    Welcome to FICSIT Incorporated! A company specialised in the research, development and application of new technology and science, anything to find short-term solutions to long-term problems! As part of our brand-new Save The Day program, you’ll be sent to one of many alien planets in an effort to contribute to Project Assembly, a project I am legally bound to not tell you anything about for fear of our lives. And my job.
    As an engineer and pioneer, you won’t only be constructing and automating the very factory that will contribute to Project Assembly, but also explore and exploit the planet and its inhabitants as you expand. Don’t worry, we’re super inclusive when it comes to alien lifeforms! We’ll even allow for pets, how cool is that!?
    Just don’t tell R&D.
    Below you can find the three main pillars of your mission! Time to get to work, and Stay Effective!*
    *This motto is FICSIT Inc. property. Please do not use ironically.
    To achieve company milestones according to satisfaction we expect you to construct your FICSIT Inc. factory in such a way that it allows for easy expansion and complexion. Not only will buildings grow more complex over time, so will the parts they produce. Project Assembly isn’t your average high-school science project. We’re making history here! Go big or go home!* Of course, this requires both high-level and low-level power management, good luck getting to nuclear! We even support stuff like multi-floor warehouses so you can stack your buildings, and a whole bunch of navigational constructs like jump pads and walkways! Walkways are the best. They’re attached to the ground and everything.
    *Employee will be expected to fund their own travel expenses
    So you know how your FICSIT Inc. factory can be turned into this incredibly intricate maze of conveyor belts in every direction, merging, splitting, crossing each other above and below? Conveyor belts carry, after all, the life-blood of our company! Well, since you’ll be in a pretty big area you’re going to need outposts. To make your life easier, we’ve developed self-driving trucks and trains so you can set up your very own transport system between any point in your area!
    R&D hasn’t figured out how to clone materials yet, weirdly enough, so you’re going to have to go out and use our patented method of extraterrestrial pioneering! This means exploring to find more or new stuff to exploit, to help expand your FICSIT Inc. factory. You’re on an uncharted alien planet, so try to be careful, don’t go alone if you don’t have to, and use protection! Who knows what kind of organisms have made this place their home? Or who knows what awesome treasures you’ll find? Don’t worry, this is why we assigned you your very own FICSIT Inc. handler.

  • Sid Meier’s Civilization VII (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Sid Meier’s Civilization VII is a strategy game. You can play Sid Meier’s Civilization VII on Xbox Series S/X, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

  • Sid Meier’s Civilization VII (Steam) PC


    The award-winning strategy game franchise returns with a revolutionary new chapter. Sid Meier’s Civilization VII empowers you to build the greatest empire the world has ever known! In Civilization VII, your strategic decisions shape the unique cultural lineage of your evolving empire. Rule as one of many legendary leaders from throughout history and steer the…

  • Sin Slayers: Reign of The 8th (Steam) PC Key


    Sin Slayers is back on Steam after a while at its best. It’s a challenging RPG Roguelite where you decide the fate of the world while taking its sins upon yourself. Would you be able to cling to the light when everything else has succumbed to darkness? Sin Slayers: Reign of the 8th includes: New threats from an unexpected 8th region Revised game flow and balance (no need to complete each region twice)Numerous optimizations and improvements (faster startup and smoother gameplay)Atone to your sinsWhen everything around you has succumbed to madness, would you still try to do the right thing? Navigate the Sinometer: the more sinful actions you perform throughout your run, the more riches you can recover – but beware. The world would notice, unleashing increasingly horrendous creatures in your path until the Sin Lord himself emerges. Would you dare to cross the point of no return? Build your party of Lost SoulsKnights and rogues, witches and nuns – all have their burden that lures them into this madness. Build your team, gear up and train, and lead once more into the monster-filled plains where they have to fight bearing the curse you cast upon them with your choices Slay the Sin LordsEach enemy is a manifestation of Evil – yet all of them have their weaknesses. Repeatedly facing the same monsters you will learn more about them and the ways to exploit their weaknesses. Use it to your advantage and face the ultimate challenge of Sin Lords, walking manifestation of Cardinal Sins. Perhaps their souls could break the cycle and free the Lost Souls from the Nightmare they cast upon themselves

  • Skull and Bones (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    Book now and receive the High Seas Highness Pack, which includes the Notorious Costume and Coronation Fires! Enter the dangerous world of Skull and Bones, an open-world cooperative pirate action RPG experience, to become the most infamous pirate boss of them all! Engage in intense naval battles, build several unique ships and form unlikely alliances…

  • Skydance’s Behemoth (PSN) PS5


    Skydance’s BEHEMOTH is an original story set in the Forsaken Lands, a fallen kingdom haunted by tragedy. Play as an outland warrior, Wren the Hunter (the player), and embark on a perilous quest to end the curse that plagues yourself and your village. Your only hope is to slay the unslayable, the monstrous Behemoths.
    A Dark Fantasy Adventure in VR
    A bold new vision from the developers of The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners. Skydance brings its in your face – “Virtual Physicality” – to this fully immersive experience, allowing the player to
    A Dangerous New World: Survive the four biomes of the Forsaken Lands. From snowy tundras to swampy marshlands, the harsh environments may seem uninhabitable, but they hide swarms of traitorous marauders and something much, much worse.
    Brutal Violence Solves Everything: Use your superstrength in bone-crunching, flesh-cleaving ways to cut down, maim, sever, break and rip apart your enemies.
    Behemoths Loom Large and Dangerous: To defeat these gargantuan threats you’ll not only need all your strength, you’ll also need every skill in your arsenal to battle them on the ground, in the air, and in the clouds.

  • Sniper Elite Resistance (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    Offering unparalleled sniping mechanics, stealth and tactical third-person combat, Sniper Elite: Resistance turns the attention of the award-winning series towards a hidden war, far from the front lines, deep within the heart of occupied France.

  • Sniper Elite: Resistance (PSN) PS5


    Pre-order the Sniper Elite: Resistance standard edition now and receive: • Target Führer – Lights, Camera, Achtung campaign mission • 1x weapon skin • Karabiner 98 Rifle Pre-order the Sniper Elite: Resistance Deluxe edition now and receive: • Two days early access • 1x weapon skin • Karabiner 98 Rifle • M1911 pistol NEW OPERATIVE,…

  • Sniper Elite: Resistance (Steam) PC


    Pre-order the Sniper Elite: Resistance standard edition now and receive: • Target Führer – Lights, Camera, Achtung campaign mission • 1x weapon skin • Karabiner 98 Rifle Pre-order the Sniper Elite: Resistance Deluxe edition now and receive: • Two days early access • 1x weapon skin • Karabiner 98 Rifle • M1911 pistol NEW OPERATIVE,…

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