Mostrando 37-48 de 78 resultados

  • Jurassic World Evolution 2 (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    Building upon the groundbreaking and immersive 2018 management simulation, Jurassic World Evolution 2 introduces a compelling, new narrative campaign set after the events of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, incredible new features, and awe-inspiring new dinosaurs brought to life with captivating realism. Together with expanded construction and more customisation options, the result is an even bigger, better and authentic Jurassic World game.

  • Killing Floor 2 (Jogo épico) PC


    Killing Floor 2 é um jogo cooperativo de terror e sobrevivência na primeira pessoa desenvolvido pela Tripwire Interactive.

    O jogo é baseado nos eventos do primeiro Killing Floor. Uma empresa de biotecnologia, a Horzine, tenta criar clones militares, mas algo corre mal e agora os clones mutantes estão espalhados por toda a Europa. Os governos entram em colapso e as infra-estruturas são quase inexistentes.

    Até 6 jogadores aparecem no mapa para matar o chefe. Os jogadores têm de aguentar 4, 7 ou 10 vagas de inimigos, após as quais surge o chefe. Cada vaga tem mais inimigos e mutantes especiais. Após o fim de uma vaga, os jogadores podem visitar o comerciante, onde podem comprar armas e equipamento. Os jogadores ganham dinheiro e pontos de experiência ao matar inimigos. Quanto mais jogadores houver no mapa, mais inimigos aparecem. O nível de dificuldade também é afetado pelo número de jogadores. A única diferença entre o modo de jogador único e o modo de jogador múltiplo reside no número de jogadores.

    O jogo tem um sistema de classes. Os jogadores nascem com o nível 0 e podem subir de nível até ao nível 25. Cada classe é melhor num campo de combate. Por exemplo, os médicos têm um aumento de velocidade e podem curar outros jogadores, enquanto os suportes são capazes de selar as portas.

  • Made in Abyss Binary Star Falling Into Darkness (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    The world’s sole remaining, unconquered chasm,the Abyss, is the stage where many adventures are born…and disappear.

    Those who appear in these stories are mesmerized by thepower of the Abyss and aim for the bottom of the netherworld.

    The story about to be told is that of a nameless Cave Raiderthat begins their adventure many days afterRiko and Reg depart for the Abyss.

  • METRO EXODUS (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    Metro Exodus is the third installment in the Metro series. It is based on the series of post-apocalyptic novels by Russian writer Dmitry Glukhovsky. The game is the sequel to Metro: Last Light and is set two years after its ending.

    Exodus takes place in the year 2036 in post-apocalyptic Russia. According to the Metro universe backstory, in 2013 the planet was devastated by a total nuclear war. The atomic bombing left many parts of the Earth’s surface uninhabitable due to high radiation rates, dangerous mutated monsters, and anomalies abound. The last remnants of humanity survive by hiding in the subway tunnels (hence the name of the series). The main protagonist is Artyom, a former dweller of Moscow Metro. Together with his wife Anna, he escaped the capital to search for survivors in the Russian Far East (thus making the “Redemption” ending of the Last Light the series’ canon).

    The player controls Artyom from the first person view. Exodus introduces the sandbox open-world, although the game combines it with the traditional linear levels. Unlike in previous games, Exodus is set mostly outside the subway system. Thus, the game also introduces the weather, the day and night cycle and the change of seasons. The player explores the Russian wilderness during and after the nuclear winter and rides a steam locomotive named Aurora through Siberia.

  • No Mans Sky – (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    No Man’s Sky is a space action-adventure survival game developed by Hello Games.

    The overall visual style of the game is inspired by various science fiction books. Demoscene also served as a source of inspiration for the developers.

    The main feature that the game revolves around is the procedural generation. Each planet you visit is generated from scratch. The information about the planets and their inhabitants is dynamically updated so every player can discover a new species or planet and give it a name.

    No Man’s Sky gameplay implies the exploration of space and planets some of which are inhabited with extra-terrestrial life, gathering resources, space battles, maintaining and upgrading the player’s ship and completing bounty hunting missions. The main objective is to reach the center of the galaxy.

    On release, it was stated that the game is in fact multiplayer, but the size of its world is so big that the probability of meeting another player is extremely small. It turned out that it is impossible to meet any other player due to the extremely limited multiplayer aspect. As of 2018, Hello Games released the fourth major update which included the full multiplayer experience.

  • Oxygen Not Included (Epic Game) PC


    In the space-colony simulation game Oxygen Not Included you’ll find that scarcities of oxygen, warmth and sustenance are constant threats to your colony’s survival. Guide colonists through the perils of subterranean asteroid living and watch as their population grows until they’re not simply surviving, but thriving…
    Just make sure you don’t forget to breathe.

    Build Extensive Bases and Discover What it Takes to Survive:
    Everything in your space colony is under your control, from excavation and resource allocation right down to plumbing and power systems. Resources will begin depleting with your first breath, however, so be sure to dig fast if you want to live.
    t’s Mind Over Matter with Stress Simulations:
    Keep the psychological impact of survival at bay with fun leisure activities, great accommodations and even better food for your colony. Duplicants each have different and potentially destructive ways of reacting to stress, so be sure to always keep them happy. Whatever the cost.

    Avoid Boiling with Thermodynamics:
    Temperature control is a constant concern in space; too cold and you’ll freeze, too hot and you’ll fry. Keep tabs on ambient environmental temperatures and your colony’s heat production to maintain a nice, cozy atmosphere for your colonists.

    Enhance Efficiency through Complex Gas and Liquid Simulations:
    Create interlocking pipe systems to swiftly deliver fuel and liquid to critical areas of your base. Plan well and be rewarded as your colony transforms into an imperishable, well-oiled machine.

    Take Charge with Power Grid Simulations:
    Choose from a multitude of power sources including coal, hydrogen, natural gas or just plain old elbow grease. Manage power runoff, circuit overloads and meltdowns to keep your colony running smoothly.

    Always Keep Yourself Breathing:
    Enter the Oxygen Overlay and watch air moving through your base in real time. Monitor carbon dioxide accumulation and oversee oxygen generation processes to mold your colony into a veritable deep-space oasis.

    Waste Nothing through Extreme Recycling:
    Make use of every last resource for a base that truly exemplifies efficiency. Recycle waste into precious fuel, process unbreathable gas into air or harness the natural bodily processes of wild creatures for food. If you’re clever, you might even be able to run a base off colonist farts.Explore Diverse, Procedurally Generated New Worlds:
    Summon new worlds with a push of a button. Experience tons of untamed space rocks, then suffocate to death in them!

  • Oxygen Not Included (Steam) PC


    In the space-colony simulation game Oxygen Not Included you’ll find that scarcities of oxygen, warmth and sustenance are constant threats to your colony’s survival. Guide colonists through the perils of subterranean asteroid living and watch as their population grows until they’re not simply surviving, but thriving…
    Just make sure you don’t forget to breathe.

    Build Extensive Bases and Discover What it Takes to Survive:
    Everything in your space colony is under your control, from excavation and resource allocation right down to plumbing and power systems. Resources will begin depleting with your first breath, however, so be sure to dig fast if you want to live.
    t’s Mind Over Matter with Stress Simulations:
    Keep the psychological impact of survival at bay with fun leisure activities, great accommodations and even better food for your colony. Duplicants each have different and potentially destructive ways of reacting to stress, so be sure to always keep them happy. Whatever the cost.

    Avoid Boiling with Thermodynamics:
    Temperature control is a constant concern in space; too cold and you’ll freeze, too hot and you’ll fry. Keep tabs on ambient environmental temperatures and your colony’s heat production to maintain a nice, cozy atmosphere for your colonists.

    Enhance Efficiency through Complex Gas and Liquid Simulations:
    Create interlocking pipe systems to swiftly deliver fuel and liquid to critical areas of your base. Plan well and be rewarded as your colony transforms into an imperishable, well-oiled machine.

    Take Charge with Power Grid Simulations:
    Choose from a multitude of power sources including coal, hydrogen, natural gas or just plain old elbow grease. Manage power runoff, circuit overloads and meltdowns to keep your colony running smoothly.

    Always Keep Yourself Breathing:
    Enter the Oxygen Overlay and watch air moving through your base in real time. Monitor carbon dioxide accumulation and oversee oxygen generation processes to mold your colony into a veritable deep-space oasis.

    Waste Nothing through Extreme Recycling:
    Make use of every last resource for a base that truly exemplifies efficiency. Recycle waste into precious fuel, process unbreathable gas into air or harness the natural bodily processes of wild creatures for food. If you’re clever, you might even be able to run a base off colonist farts.Explore Diverse, Procedurally Generated New Worlds:
    Summon new worlds with a push of a button. Experience tons of untamed space rocks, then suffocate to death in them!

  • Pacific Drive (Steam) PC


    Pacific Drive is a run-based, first-person driving survival game. Your car is your only companion as you navigate a surreal and anomaly-filled reimagining of the Pacific Northwest. Structured as a “road-like”, each excursion into the wilderness brings unique and strange challenges, as you restore and upgrade your car from an abandoned garage that acts as your home base. With the car as your lifeline, you’ll unravel a long-forgotten mystery as you make your way to the heart of the Olympic Exclusion Zone.

  • Project Zomboid (GOG) PC Key


    O jogo combina os géneros de terror de sobrevivência e jogo de role-playing. O tema principal do jogo é a sobrevivência durante um apocalipse zombie.

    Tem um mundo aberto e em mudança, muitas oportunidades para o fabrico de coisas úteis e a cooperação com outras personagens, para combater a fome, os ferimentos, a depressão e a paranoia.

    O jogo passa-se no condado de Knox, Kentucky, EUA.

    Como resultado da epidemia, uma grande parte da população do distrito foi infetada com um vírus desconhecido e transformou-se em zombie. Os poucos sobreviventes terão de lutar pela sobrevivência.

    O jogador joga como um dos sobreviventes. O jogo não tem um final definido, não pode ser ganho e terminará quando a personagem do jogador morrer - e só depende dele o tempo em que isso acontecerá.

    O jogo começa com a criação de uma personagem.

    O jogador pode escolher o nome, o sexo, a raça, o penteado, o vestuário inicial, bem como a presença de barba e de pêlos no peito de um personagem masculino.

    Em seguida, começa a criação da personagem e parte do historial da personagem. Podes escolher a profissão da personagem antes do apocalipse. Posteriormente, isso afectará algumas das habilidades (por exemplo, um ex-polícia dispara melhor, um construtor constrói defesas melhor, os enfermeiros curam as feridas com mais sucesso, os cozinheiros cozinham melhor, etc.).

    Depois, podes escolher as caraterísticas positivas e negativas da personagem. As caraterísticas negativas incluem obesidade, preguiça, visão fraca, fadiga crónica, sede constante, etc. Para os traços negativos escolhidos, recebe pontos - estes pontos podem ser gastos nos traços positivos desta personagem, tais como agilidade, força, elevada resistência a doenças e até sorte.

    Depois de criar uma personagem, o jogador (ou melhor, uma personagem) encontra-se numa casa selecionada aleatoriamente num mapa do jogo. O apocalipse zombie já começou e a tua personagem tem de procurar uma forma de sobreviver. No jogo, nem sequer são permitidas formas muito morais de o fazer: pode pilhar e roubar, pode criar um grupo de pessoas honestas e resistir tanto aos zombies como aos bandidos.

    Para além de vencer batalhas, o herói precisa de comida, água, sono, descanso e companheirismo para sobreviver - a solidão constante pode levar à depressão.

    A complexidade do jogo aumenta constante e gradualmente - a atividade dos zombies aumenta, a eletricidade e o abastecimento de água são desligados e os produtos deterioram-se. No entanto, o jogador é capaz de se sustentar a si próprio - cozinhar alimentos numa fogueira, recolher água da chuva, cultivar alimentos.

    No entanto, nenhuma ação pode garantir a sobrevivência eterna - mais cedo ou mais tarde, a personagem morre. O slogan no início de cada novo jogo é pessimista: "Esta é a história da tua morte".

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