Mostrando 205-216 de 300 resultados
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chernobyl Deluxe Edition (Steam) PC Key EU
56,75 €Este jogo pós-apocalítico que deu origem ao franchise S.T.A.L.K.E.R. é inspirado (mas não propriamente baseado) no romance "Roadside Picnic" dos irmãos Strugatsky e no filme de Tarkovsky "Stalker", tomando emprestados alguns dos termos e da estética de ambos. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl passa-se na Ucrânia, na infame Zona de Exclusão de Chernobyl. Várias partes do cenário de mundo aberto foram modeladas com base nos arredores reais de Chernobyl, incluindo a central eléctrica e a cidade de Pripyat, embora os designers tenham tomado algumas liberdades. O ambiente sombrio e a música ambiente escura ajudam a criar uma atmosfera inquietante deste lugar.
De acordo com a história, em 2006, ocorreu o segundo desastre de Chernobyl, transformando a área circundante em ruínas pós-apocalípticas, cheias de mutantes grotescos e anomalias espácio-temporais. Os "perseguidores" neste mundo são os exploradores que vagueiam pela Zona em busca de saques valiosos. Jogas como o Marcado, um perseguidor que perdeu a memória. Tudo o que resta do seu passado é um memorando que diz "Kill Strelok". O Marcado terá de aprender mais sobre si próprio, Strelok, The Zone e os seus mistérios. O enredo não é linear e há vários finais que dependem das missões que completaste anteriormente. -
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Coração de Chornobyl (Epic Games) PC
54,25 €S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 é uma nova entrada na lendária série, apreciada por milhões de jogadores em todo o mundo.
A combinação explosiva de tiro na primeira pessoa, simulação imersiva e terror está de volta. É a derradeira experiência S.T.A.L.K.E.R. com uma escala sem precedentes, gráficos avançados, liberdade de escolha e a atmosfera mais densa de uma aventura mortal.
Bem-vindo à Zona - uma área de exclusão à volta da Central Nuclear de Chernobyl. Cheia de radiação, mutantes e anomalias, continua a atrair aventureiros de fora do perímetro.
Caçadores de recompensas habitam as profundezas da Zona, movidos por seus tesouros e mistérios. Essas pessoas são conhecidas como perseguidores.
Está pronto para se tornar um deles?
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl (Steam) Chave para PC
48,37 €S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 é uma nova entrada na lendária série, apreciada por milhões de jogadores em todo o mundo.
A combinação explosiva de tiro na primeira pessoa, simulação imersiva e terror está de volta. É a derradeira experiência S.T.A.L.K.E.R. com uma escala sem precedentes, gráficos avançados, liberdade de escolha e a atmosfera mais densa de uma aventura mortal.
Bem-vindo à Zona - uma área de exclusão à volta da Central Nuclear de Chernobyl. Cheia de radiação, mutantes e anomalias, continua a atrair aventureiros de fora do perímetro.
Caçadores de recompensas habitam as profundezas da Zona, movidos por seus tesouros e mistérios. Essas pessoas são conhecidas como perseguidores.
Está pronto para se tornar um deles?
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl (Steam) PC Key EU
45,26 €S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 é uma nova entrada na lendária série, apreciada por milhões de jogadores em todo o mundo.
A combinação explosiva de tiro na primeira pessoa, simulação imersiva e terror está de volta. É a derradeira experiência S.T.A.L.K.E.R. com uma escala sem precedentes, gráficos avançados, liberdade de escolha e a atmosfera mais densa de uma aventura mortal.
Bem-vindo à Zona - uma área de exclusão à volta da Central Nuclear de Chernobyl. Cheia de radiação, mutantes e anomalias, continua a atrair aventureiros de fora do perímetro.
Caçadores de recompensas habitam as profundezas da Zona, movidos por seus tesouros e mistérios. Essas pessoas são conhecidas como perseguidores.
Está pronto para se tornar um deles?
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl Ultimate Edition (Epic Game) PC
96,28 €Este jogo pós-apocalítico que deu origem ao franchise S.T.A.L.K.E.R. é inspirado (mas não propriamente baseado) no romance "Roadside Picnic" dos irmãos Strugatsky e no filme de Tarkovsky "Stalker", tomando emprestados alguns dos termos e da estética de ambos. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl passa-se na Ucrânia, na infame Zona de Exclusão de Chernobyl. Várias partes do cenário de mundo aberto foram modeladas com base nos arredores reais de Chernobyl, incluindo a central eléctrica e a cidade de Pripyat, embora os designers tenham tomado algumas liberdades. O ambiente sombrio e a música ambiente escura ajudam a criar uma atmosfera inquietante deste lugar.
De acordo com a história, em 2006, ocorreu o segundo desastre de Chernobyl, transformando a área circundante em ruínas pós-apocalípticas, cheias de mutantes grotescos e anomalias espácio-temporais. Os "perseguidores" neste mundo são os exploradores que vagueiam pela Zona em busca de saques valiosos. Jogas como o Marcado, um perseguidor que perdeu a memória. Tudo o que resta do seu passado é um memorando que diz "Kill Strelok". O Marcado terá de aprender mais sobre si próprio, Strelok, The Zone e os seus mistérios. O enredo não é linear e há vários finais que dependem das missões que completaste anteriormente. -
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl Ultimate Edition (Steam) PC
77,42 €Este jogo pós-apocalítico que deu origem ao franchise S.T.A.L.K.E.R. é inspirado (mas não propriamente baseado) no romance "Roadside Picnic" dos irmãos Strugatsky e no filme de Tarkovsky "Stalker", tomando emprestados alguns dos termos e da estética de ambos. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl passa-se na Ucrânia, na infame Zona de Exclusão de Chernobyl. Várias partes do cenário de mundo aberto foram modeladas com base nos arredores reais de Chernobyl, incluindo a central eléctrica e a cidade de Pripyat, embora os designers tenham tomado algumas liberdades. O ambiente sombrio e a música ambiente escura ajudam a criar uma atmosfera inquietante deste lugar.
De acordo com a história, em 2006, ocorreu o segundo desastre de Chernobyl, transformando a área circundante em ruínas pós-apocalípticas, cheias de mutantes grotescos e anomalias espácio-temporais. Os "perseguidores" neste mundo são os exploradores que vagueiam pela Zona em busca de saques valiosos. Jogas como o Marcado, um perseguidor que perdeu a memória. Tudo o que resta do seu passado é um memorando que diz "Kill Strelok". O Marcado terá de aprender mais sobre si próprio, Strelok, The Zone e os seus mistérios. O enredo não é linear e há vários finais que dependem das missões que completaste anteriormente. -
Satisfactory (Epic Game) PC
Welcome to FICSIT Incorporated! A company specialised in the research, development and application of new technology and science, anything to find short-term solutions to long-term problems! As part of our brand-new Save The Day program, you’ll be sent to one of many alien planets in an effort to contribute to Project Assembly, a project I am legally bound to not tell you anything about for fear of our lives. And my job.
As an engineer and pioneer, you won’t only be constructing and automating the very factory that will contribute to Project Assembly, but also explore and exploit the planet and its inhabitants as you expand. Don’t worry, we’re super inclusive when it comes to alien lifeforms! We’ll even allow for pets, how cool is that!?
Just don’t tell R&D.
Below you can find the three main pillars of your mission! Time to get to work, and Stay Effective!*
*This motto is FICSIT Inc. property. Please do not use ironically.
To achieve company milestones according to satisfaction we expect you to construct your FICSIT Inc. factory in such a way that it allows for easy expansion and complexion. Not only will buildings grow more complex over time, so will the parts they produce. Project Assembly isn’t your average high-school science project. We’re making history here! Go big or go home!* Of course, this requires both high-level and low-level power management, good luck getting to nuclear! We even support stuff like multi-floor warehouses so you can stack your buildings, and a whole bunch of navigational constructs like jump pads and walkways! Walkways are the best. They’re attached to the ground and everything.
*Employee will be expected to fund their own travel expenses
So you know how your FICSIT Inc. factory can be turned into this incredibly intricate maze of conveyor belts in every direction, merging, splitting, crossing each other above and below? Conveyor belts carry, after all, the life-blood of our company! Well, since you’ll be in a pretty big area you’re going to need outposts. To make your life easier, we’ve developed self-driving trucks and trains so you can set up your very own transport system between any point in your area!
R&D hasn’t figured out how to clone materials yet, weirdly enough, so you’re going to have to go out and use our patented method of extraterrestrial pioneering! This means exploring to find more or new stuff to exploit, to help expand your FICSIT Inc. factory. You’re on an uncharted alien planet, so try to be careful, don’t go alone if you don’t have to, and use protection! Who knows what kind of organisms have made this place their home? Or who knows what awesome treasures you’ll find? Don’t worry, this is why we assigned you your very own FICSIT Inc. handler. -
Satisfactory (Steam) PC
Welcome to FICSIT Incorporated! A company specialised in the research, development and application of new technology and science, anything to find short-term solutions to long-term problems! As part of our brand-new Save The Day program, you’ll be sent to one of many alien planets in an effort to contribute to Project Assembly, a project I am legally bound to not tell you anything about for fear of our lives. And my job.
As an engineer and pioneer, you won’t only be constructing and automating the very factory that will contribute to Project Assembly, but also explore and exploit the planet and its inhabitants as you expand. Don’t worry, we’re super inclusive when it comes to alien lifeforms! We’ll even allow for pets, how cool is that!?
Just don’t tell R&D.
Below you can find the three main pillars of your mission! Time to get to work, and Stay Effective!*
*This motto is FICSIT Inc. property. Please do not use ironically.
To achieve company milestones according to satisfaction we expect you to construct your FICSIT Inc. factory in such a way that it allows for easy expansion and complexion. Not only will buildings grow more complex over time, so will the parts they produce. Project Assembly isn’t your average high-school science project. We’re making history here! Go big or go home!* Of course, this requires both high-level and low-level power management, good luck getting to nuclear! We even support stuff like multi-floor warehouses so you can stack your buildings, and a whole bunch of navigational constructs like jump pads and walkways! Walkways are the best. They’re attached to the ground and everything.
*Employee will be expected to fund their own travel expenses
So you know how your FICSIT Inc. factory can be turned into this incredibly intricate maze of conveyor belts in every direction, merging, splitting, crossing each other above and below? Conveyor belts carry, after all, the life-blood of our company! Well, since you’ll be in a pretty big area you’re going to need outposts. To make your life easier, we’ve developed self-driving trucks and trains so you can set up your very own transport system between any point in your area!
R&D hasn’t figured out how to clone materials yet, weirdly enough, so you’re going to have to go out and use our patented method of extraterrestrial pioneering! This means exploring to find more or new stuff to exploit, to help expand your FICSIT Inc. factory. You’re on an uncharted alien planet, so try to be careful, don’t go alone if you don’t have to, and use protection! Who knows what kind of organisms have made this place their home? Or who knows what awesome treasures you’ll find? Don’t worry, this is why we assigned you your very own FICSIT Inc. handler. -
Satisfactory (Steam) PC key GLOBAL
Welcome to FICSIT Incorporated! A company specialised in the research, development and application of new technology and science, anything to find short-term solutions to long-term problems! As part of our brand-new Save The Day program, you’ll be sent to one of many alien planets in an effort to contribute to Project Assembly, a project I am legally bound to not tell you anything about for fear of our lives. And my job.
As an engineer and pioneer, you won’t only be constructing and automating the very factory that will contribute to Project Assembly, but also explore and exploit the planet and its inhabitants as you expand. Don’t worry, we’re super inclusive when it comes to alien lifeforms! We’ll even allow for pets, how cool is that!?
Just don’t tell R&D.
Below you can find the three main pillars of your mission! Time to get to work, and Stay Effective!*
*This motto is FICSIT Inc. property. Please do not use ironically.
To achieve company milestones according to satisfaction we expect you to construct your FICSIT Inc. factory in such a way that it allows for easy expansion and complexion. Not only will buildings grow more complex over time, so will the parts they produce. Project Assembly isn’t your average high-school science project. We’re making history here! Go big or go home!* Of course, this requires both high-level and low-level power management, good luck getting to nuclear! We even support stuff like multi-floor warehouses so you can stack your buildings, and a whole bunch of navigational constructs like jump pads and walkways! Walkways are the best. They’re attached to the ground and everything.
*Employee will be expected to fund their own travel expenses
So you know how your FICSIT Inc. factory can be turned into this incredibly intricate maze of conveyor belts in every direction, merging, splitting, crossing each other above and below? Conveyor belts carry, after all, the life-blood of our company! Well, since you’ll be in a pretty big area you’re going to need outposts. To make your life easier, we’ve developed self-driving trucks and trains so you can set up your very own transport system between any point in your area!
R&D hasn’t figured out how to clone materials yet, weirdly enough, so you’re going to have to go out and use our patented method of extraterrestrial pioneering! This means exploring to find more or new stuff to exploit, to help expand your FICSIT Inc. factory. You’re on an uncharted alien planet, so try to be careful, don’t go alone if you don’t have to, and use protection! Who knows what kind of organisms have made this place their home? Or who knows what awesome treasures you’ll find? Don’t worry, this is why we assigned you your very own FICSIT Inc. handler. -
Sea of Thieves (Steam) PC
9,11 €Sea of Thieves is a cooperative multiplayer action-adventure game developed by Rare.
The game features a cartoonish pirate aesthetic to it and features no plot whatsoever. The players set out to explore an open shared world. The first thing available to the players is player creation, as the game offers the players to choose one out of eight randomly generated characters. After that, the players are let go to the open world.There is no certain objective present in the game. The players have to create a story for themselves.
Players can take mission known as voyages. Voyages require you to locate an island on the map, sail to it, find a treasure, dig it out, and safely bring it back to the game’s hub island. You will get gold upon completion. Gold can be obtained either through voyages mentioned above, boarding and raiding other players’ ships or clearing out a fort full of skeletons who have a lot of gold hidden in their stronghold.
The gold can be used to buy cosmetic upgrades, such as new ship bodies or skins for your weapons. There are four weapons present in the game, with the players being able to carry two at the time.
The game relies on the player to player interaction, as they are able to dance, use emotes or even get drunk together either on the ship or on the game’s hub island bar. The ships cannot be appropriately handled by only one player, so it is a must to gather a team.
Sea of Thieves 2024 Edition (Steam) PC
14,70 €Sea of Thieves is a cooperative multiplayer action-adventure game developed by Rare.
The game features a cartoonish pirate aesthetic to it and features no plot whatsoever. The players set out to explore an open shared world. The first thing available to the players is player creation, as the game offers the players to choose one out of eight randomly generated characters. After that, the players are let go to the open world.There is no certain objective present in the game. The players have to create a story for themselves.
Players can take mission known as voyages. Voyages require you to locate an island on the map, sail to it, find a treasure, dig it out, and safely bring it back to the game’s hub island. You will get gold upon completion. Gold can be obtained either through voyages mentioned above, boarding and raiding other players’ ships or clearing out a fort full of skeletons who have a lot of gold hidden in their stronghold.
The gold can be used to buy cosmetic upgrades, such as new ship bodies or skins for your weapons. There are four weapons present in the game, with the players being able to carry two at the time.
The game relies on the player to player interaction, as they are able to dance, use emotes or even get drunk together either on the ship or on the game’s hub island bar. The ships cannot be appropriately handled by only one player, so it is a must to gather a team.
Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew Supporter Edition (Epic Game) PC
33,75 €Ahoy, cursed pirate!
This is Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew, an all-new stealth strategy game set during an alternate history of the Golden Age of Piracy.
The Curse of Lost Souls haunts the mysterious island chain known as the Lost Caribbean, which is under the control of the terrible forces of the Inquisition. They despise all that is supernatural and use soul devouring fire to hunt cursed pirates like you!
Assemble Your Cursed Pirate Crew:
Embark on a journey with cursed pirate Afia and seek the legendary Black Pearls to revive a cursed crew of your own. Each of your eight shipmates is a playable character with an individual personality and armed with unique supernatural powers. Launch friend or foe with Gaëlle’s magical cannon, use Mr. Mercury’s soul anchor to open a magic portal or dash across spacetime for split second stealth attacks with Afia’s mythical sword.Outsmart Your Enemy:
Pull-off an epic heist and salvage a mysterious treasure of otherworldly power to defy the army of the Inquisition. Infiltrate their fortresses. Sneak behind enemy lines. Cleverly combine the magical skills of your crew to take out a variety of enemies with carefully considered tactics. Feel like a brilliant mastermind when your plan clicks perfectly into place!Your Ship, Your Home:
Join The Red Marley, a ghost ship with a living soul. On deck, plan your next adventure or just hang out with your crew mates while they enjoy their un-life. Get to know these legendary cursed pirates of the Lost Caribbean. With individual character missions find out about their backstories, learn who they are and what led them on their cursed journeys.Explore the Lost Caribbean:
Go ashore a variety of exotic islands in the Lost Caribbean. From locales oozing with cursed soul magic to tropical beaches and lively pirate shanty towns: Every island is a unique hand-crafted sandbox where adventures await.Play It Your Way:
Freely select your crew members before embarking on each mission. Utilize their unique abilities to find new strategies against the forces of the Inquisition. Plot your own path to enter and exit each island, be stealthy or more head-on in your play style and use the environment to your advantage. It’s your playground to experiment in!Manipulate Time and Experiment:
The powerful time-manipulating magic of your ghost ship is yours to wield. Pause time to consider your strategic choices or queue up multiple character actions. Capture a memory of every passing moment, to instantly return to if things go south. Change your approach and tactics to discover own unique solutions to each moment in the game – in your own time!
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