Resultaten 1-12 van 87 weergeven

  • Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Serie X|S


    Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown is het achtste grote deel van de vluchtsimulatorserie Ace Combat.

    ##1TP5Premise en instelling
    De serie speelt zich af in de Strangereal, een fictieve alternatieve versie van de aarde. Deze wereld heeft een andere geografie en geschiedenis, maar de landen en culturen zijn gebaseerd op prototypes uit onze echte wereld. Skies Unknown volgt de Vuurtorenoorlog (ook wel de Tweede Continentale Oorlog genoemd) een conflict tussen het Koninkrijk Erusea en de Osean Federatie in een alternatief 2019. Het doel van de oorlog is de controle over de Internationale Ruimtelift. Het Eruseaanse leger valt het Oseaanse leger aan dat de lift beschermt. In reactie hierop lanceert Osea een grootschalige aanval op Farbanti, de hoofdstad van Erusea, waarbij veel burgerslachtoffers vallen.

    ###M Hoofdpersonages
    De hoofdrolspeler in de Skies Unknown verhaalcampagne is Trigger, een piloot in de Osean Air Force. Hij is erin geluisd voor moord en overgeplaatst naar het strafsquadron. Hoewel de speler begint als een Osean militair, kiest het spel geen partij in het conflict. Rosa Cossette D'Elise, een prinses en troonopvolgster van Erusea, speelt ook een grote rol in de plot.

    De speler bestuurt Triggers gevechtsvliegtuig, de F-22A Raptor, en voltooit verschillende missies tegen vijandelijke straaljagers. Andere vliegtuigtypes komen in dit spel niet voor, in tegenstelling tot de vorige games. Het spel herintroduceert een aantal mechanismen uit de vorige delen, zoals checkpoints en door de speler bestuurde vuurpijlen. Skies Unknown is ook het eerste spel in de serie waarin wolken de gameplay beïnvloeden.

  • Achilles: Legends Untold (Epic Game) PC


    Neem deel aan de reis van Achilles, die midden in het eeuwenlange conflict tussen Hades en Ares staat. De jonge held moet het opnemen tegen het kind van de oorlogsgod, Phobos. Zijn reis brengt hem naar verschillende uithoeken van mythologische landen waar hij krachtige artefacten kan bemachtigen die hem zullen helpen bij zijn zoektocht. Achilles is niet alleen, want Hephaistos - de god van de smeden - staat altijd klaar om nieuwe wapens te maken in ruil voor materiaal.

    Achilles: Legends Untold is een isometrisch actie-RPG-spel, sterk geïnspireerd door het soul-achtige genre en old-school hack&slash-spellen. De spelers wagen zich door vele onwelkome locaties, vechten tegen legendarische wezens en proberen het verhaal van de wereld te achterhalen. Het spel is een beetje lichter aan de "souls"-kant, omdat de studio een makkelijk te leren maar moeilijk te beheersen ervaring wilde creëren. Daarom is Achilles: Legends Untold geschikt voor zowel soulveteranen als nieuwe spelers. En als je hulp nodig hebt, roep je gewoon je vrienden op om samen te spelen en samen de verschillende kerkers te verkennen.

    De gameplay bestaat uit plezierige en op vaardigheden gebaseerde gevechten, RPG-elementen en grondstoffenbeheer. Elk voorwerp dat je tijdens je reis vindt, kan van pas komen bij het maken van nieuwe wapens en uitrusting als je het terugbrengt naar Hephaistos. Gedurende de game worden spelers steeds vaardiger aan de zijde van het hoofdpersonage, waardoor ze het tegen nog sterkere vijanden kunnen opnemen! En je kunt er zeker van zijn dat er genoeg gruwelijke en afschuwelijke vijanden je pad zullen kruisen.

    Achilles: Legends Untold bevat ook een innovatief GAIA-systeem, dat verantwoordelijk is voor de acties van de AI-personages die levensecht aanvoelen en op onvoorspelbare manieren samenwerken. Beleef meeslepende gevechten waarin monsters zich aanpassen aan je speelstijl, verschillende strategieën uitproberen of hinderlaagscenario's creëren, aangestuurd door dit eigentijdse in-house ontworpen systeem.
    Zul je volhardend genoeg zijn om in kracht te groeien en Ares uit te schakelen?

  • AEW Fight Forever (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    AEW: Fight Forever is ontwikkeld door YUKE's Co, Ltd., de makers van talloze worstelgames die miljoenen exemplaren verkopen, en combineert het nostalgische arcade-worstelgevoel met innovatieve All Elite Wrestling-finishers en tandemaanvalsbewegingen. All Elite Wrestling verovert momenteel elke week de TNT- en TBS-netwerken met hun Rampage- en Dynamite-shows, met een aantal van de grootste legendes in de ring plus een stal met gloednieuw, hoogvliegend AEW-talent. AEW: Fight Forever brengt het beste van het beste van dat talentenrooster samen in één game! Online co-op worstelen gaat in Fight Forever een compleet nieuwe dimensie in met Tag Team-wedstrijden die bestaan uit opeenvolgende teammanoeuvres die met eenvoudige commando's worden uitgevoerd. Een uitgebreide carrièremodus, het aanpassen van worstelaars, kenmerkende AEW-arena's en meer wedstrijdtypen dan je kunt tellen, waaronder ouderwets, onbestraft plezier, dat alles staat je te wachten!

    Combineert het nostalgische arcade-worstelgevoel met innovatieve All Elite Wrestling-finishers en aanvallende moves.
    Het talentenrooster combineert de grootste legendes in de ring plus gloednieuwe, hoogvliegende AEW-sterren!
    Single, tag-team, 3-way, 4-way, ladder, Casino Battle Royale, Falls Count Anywhere, Unsanctioned Lights Out, Exploding Barbed Wire Death en online co-op multi-player wedstrijden!
    Online coöp-multiplayer!
    Tag team wedstrijden bestaan uit een opeenvolging van team manoeuvres uitgevoerd met eenvoudige commando's.
    Diepe carrièremodus
    Uitgebreide aanpassingsmogelijkheden: kleding en uiterlijk van worstelaars, movesets, entrees, teams en arena's.
    Meer dan 40 wapens!
    Dagelijkse en wekelijkse uitdagingen!

  • Arma 3 (Steam) PC


    Arma 3 is an open-world tactical shooter with RPG elements and a heavy focus on realism. The game is set on fictional Greece-themed islands in the near future during the war between NATO and Iran. In the campaign mode you take on the role of Corporal Ben Kerry, who takes part in this conflict. There are three chapters in the campaign but you can complete separate missions during the multiplayer mode.

    Arma’s key feature is its realistic battles. It’s not another military shooter where you can get an upgraded gun and go kill dozens of enemies. Instead, the game suggests you feel like a real soldier with all dangers and difficulties you can experience. That’s why you need to think over your tactics and protection, be patient and ready for long runs. Arma 3 provides you with a great amount of weaponry suitable for your playstyle.

    Arma 3 is the third main installment in the series. It’s a follower to ARMA: Armed Assault, ARMA 2 and their multiple DLCs, and is extended with nine expansions.

  • Arma Reforger (Steam) PC


    Powered by the new Enfusion engine, Arma Reforger lets you fight for supremacy over 51 km2 of incredible island terrain in an authentic Cold War setting, or create unique scenarios in real-time with the Game Master curation mode. Return to Everon, the war-driven microstate from the hit game that started it all, Arma: Cold War Assault.

    Arma Reforger is the first step towards Arma 4 and a versatile, creative, fully-moddable platform for the future, offering a glimpse of things to come.

    Return to Everon, a 51 km² mid-Atlantic island in the Malden archipelago. Revisit familiar locales from Operation Flashpoint and revel in the natural beauty of a massive open-world; a stunning landscape of pine and broadleaf forests, flowing rivers, ponds, idyllic towns, and austere mountains, surrounded by pebble beaches and rocky coastlines.

    Join players online and experience realistic Cold War combat as a US or Soviet Army soldier. Capture strategic positions, dominate the battlefield, and work with others to secure objectives in a dynamic, unforgiving environment. With a selection of period-authentic weapons and vehicles, recreated in meticulous detail, Arma Reforger’s multiplayer game mode returns you to war.

    Game Master
    Control events, create unique missions, and guide players towards victory in Game Master — or submit yourself to the challenges devised by all-powerful creators and fight your way through a responsive sandbox where anything can happen.

    Deploying on both Xbox and PC for the very first time in the Arma series, Arma Reforger’s modded content is now available to all and can be downloaded by console owners from the Workshop, a content creation sharing repository, exclusive to the game.

    Curate events for friends behind the fog of war as Game Master in Arma Reforger’s real-time scenario editor or team up and go head-to-head with others across a sprawling island terrain in Conflict.

    Thanks to the Enfusion engine, you can mod Arma Reforger using the exact same tools used to make it. Introduce new mechanics, assets, textures, and more. The only limit is your scripting ability and imagination. Reshape the game and share your own creative vision!

    Expand the game with original modded content or make and share your own! The Workshop is Bohemia Interactive’s own integrated, repository service, meaning console players can now unleash the same creative possibilities as PC users.

  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (Steam) PC


    Initial Intel: Campaign: The Black Ops 6 Campaign takes players to a new point in time – the early 1990s. In true Black Ops fashion, the fictional story builds on the history of the time, thrusting you into a strange and clandestine conspiracy where a shadowy force has infiltrated the U.S. government. Anyone who resists is branded as a traitor, forcing players to go rogue for the first time to fight the very machine that created them. Nothing is what it seems, and the truth may be hard to fathom, drawing you ever deeper into intrigue, distrust, and mind-bending psychological revelations. This is true, signature Black Ops style.

    Initial Intel: Multiplayer: Offering a massive amount of content at launch, expect 16 brand new Multiplayer maps on Day One, including 12 Core 6v6 maps and four small-sized Strike maps, the latter of which are unique, stand-alone locations designed to be played in 2v2 or Face Off 6v6 matches. Multiplayer is also where you’ll test your skills and learn how to move like an action hero, with innovations like Omnimovement – allowing you to sprint, slide and dive in any direction – as well as Intelligent Movement (sprinting, mantling, and crouch assists allowing you to focus on achieving incredible and complex maneuvers with ease), increased enemy hit zones, an incredible lineup of gear, HUD optimizations, and the return of Theatre Mode and Classic Prestige!

    All designed to ensure this game is the ultimate Black Ops Multiplayer experience.

    Initial Intel: Round-Based Zombies: Black Ops 6 also marks the epic return of Round-Based Zombies, the fan-favourite mode where players will take down hordes of the undead. Expect two brand-new maps at launch, and an impressive number of secrets to discover.


  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Cross-Gen Bundle (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    Initial Intel: Campaign: The Black Ops 6 Campaign takes players to a new point in time – the early 1990s. In true Black Ops fashion, the fictional story builds on the history of the time, thrusting you into a strange and clandestine conspiracy where a shadowy force has infiltrated the U.S. government. Anyone who resists is branded as a traitor, forcing players to go rogue for the first time to fight the very machine that created them. Nothing is what it seems, and the truth may be hard to fathom, drawing you ever deeper into intrigue, distrust, and mind-bending psychological revelations. This is true, signature Black Ops style.

    Initial Intel: Multiplayer: Offering a massive amount of content at launch, expect 16 brand new Multiplayer maps on Day One, including 12 Core 6v6 maps and four small-sized Strike maps, the latter of which are unique, stand-alone locations designed to be played in 2v2 or Face Off 6v6 matches. Multiplayer is also where you’ll test your skills and learn how to move like an action hero, with innovations like Omnimovement – allowing you to sprint, slide and dive in any direction – as well as Intelligent Movement (sprinting, mantling, and crouch assists allowing you to focus on achieving incredible and complex maneuvers with ease), increased enemy hit zones, an incredible lineup of gear, HUD optimizations, and the return of Theatre Mode and Classic Prestige!

    All designed to ensure this game is the ultimate Black Ops Multiplayer experience.

    Initial Intel: Round-Based Zombies: Black Ops 6 also marks the epic return of Round-Based Zombies, the fan-favourite mode where players will take down hordes of the undead. Expect two brand-new maps at launch, and an impressive number of secrets to discover.


  • Cities Skylines (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Cities: Skylines is a traditional city-building game, which allows players to experience urban planning in all aspects including zoning, road placement, transportation, taxation, and improvement of welfare. Therefore, within the game players are able to assume roles of city’s principal architect and mayor. The history of the city, in control of the player, begins with the 2-by-2 kilometers plot of land and a sum of money to start with. Players have to zone the city, build roads, explore the surroundings, provide infrastructure and jobs to attract new citizens. Once the newcomers settle down, the immediate reaction is expected to establish public services and to set proper taxes. Progressing within the game and developing the city will unlock new upgrades of the urban environment and lead to the territorial expansion. The gameplay also requires the control of several city’s parameter scales like budget, health, employment, and pollution. The game also features a creative sandbox mode, where the architect’s imagination is not restricted in any way.

  • Cities: Skylines (Epic Game) PC


    Cities: Skylines is a traditional city-building game, which allows players to experience urban planning in all aspects including zoning, road placement, transportation, taxation, and improvement of welfare. Therefore, within the game players are able to assume roles of city’s principal architect and mayor. The history of the city, in control of the player, begins with the 2-by-2 kilometers plot of land and a sum of money to start with. Players have to zone the city, build roads, explore the surroundings, provide infrastructure and jobs to attract new citizens. Once the newcomers settle down, the immediate reaction is expected to establish public services and to set proper taxes. Progressing within the game and developing the city will unlock new upgrades of the urban environment and lead to the territorial expansion. The gameplay also requires the control of several city’s parameter scales like budget, health, employment, and pollution. The game also features a creative sandbox mode, where the architect’s imagination is not restricted in any way.

  • Crime Boss: Rockay City (Epic Game) PC


    Rockay City. A thriving metropolis with excitement buzzing from the sandy bay to the towering skyscrapers. But beyond the glamour, there is a fierce turf war raging on…
    After the demise of the previous crime boss, there’s an open vacancy for a new King of Rockay City – but it isn’t just you who is fighting for the throne. Choose your crew based on their skills and expertise, and execute daring missions with the hopes of walking away with the cash, the turf and, ultimately, the crown.

    Make Sure You’re Connected

    Rockay City doesn’t just look and feel like the 90s, you’ll find a few familiar faces there too. From the charismatic Travis Baker (Michael Madsen) and his team of planners and handlers (Michael Rooker, Kim Basinger, Danny Glover and Damion Poitier), to rival gang bosses (Danny Trejo and Vanilla Ice) and the righteous Sheriff Norris (Chuck Norris): it’s not what you know, but who you know.

    Keep Your Friends Close

    Stealing everything from cash and drugs, through to priceless artifacts is more fun with accomplices. Jump into the PVE co-op multiplayer and take on thrilling hits and heists with up to four players. Fail and you leave empty handed, but succeed and you’ll find yourself richly rewarded.

    And Your Enemies Closer

    Play as Baker as he builds his empire using strategy, cunning and a little fire power to carry out heists and take territory from rival gangs. Winning the turf war won’t be easy though – between Dollar Dragon, Hielo, Cagnali and Khan trying to take the city for themselves, and Sheriff Norris aiming to stop you all in your tracks, this roguelike campaign will reward and punish in equal measure.

    The Best Revenge is Massive Success

    These aren’t just nameless thugs – these are real people, with real big problems. Explore how Ropes, Jupiter, Runaway and the gang ended up in Rockay City and help them pull off different jobs to get back on top. Each story is made up of multiple missions, which allows you to fully experience their life of crime.

  • Dakar Desert Rally (Epic Game) PC


    Dakar Desert Rally is the biggest and most epic off-road rally racing adventure ever developed. Dakar Desert Rally captures the genuine speed and excitement of Amaury Sport Organisation’s largest rally race on the planet, featuring a wide variety of licensed vehicles from the world’s top makers, including motorcycles, cars, trucks, quads and SSVs. The game offers unique challenges for off-road simulation diehards and casual racing fans alike. Compete in fierce online multiplayer races or navigate the vast wilds in single-player offline.

    Authentic Dakar Rally Experience
    Over 30 stages of full rally racing from the official 2020, 2021 and 2022 Dakar Rally races with officially licensed vehicles, teams and pilots across multiplayer and single-player modes. All across an immense open world that doesn’t limit you to tracks and roads. The game also supports a wide array of steering wheels for the ultimate driving experience.

    Seasons and Dynamic Weather
    Featuring all four seasons and a full day-night cycle. Whether facing billowing sandstorms, blazing desert sunlight, grueling rain and snow, or deep mud, you’ll need to overcome the elements and your competition to win.

    Single-Player And Online Multiplayer
    Evolve your Rally Raid career in single-player or compete in online multiplayer events with your friends.

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