Resultaten 37-48 van 87 weergeven

  • Far Cry New Dawn (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    Dive into a transformed vibrant post-apocalyptic Hope County, Montana, 17 years after a global nuclear catastrophe.
    Join fellow survivors and lead the fight against the dangerous new threat the Highwaymen, and their ruthless leaders The Twins, as they seek to take over the last remaining resources.

    • Take up arms on your own or with a friend in two player co-op in an unpredictable and transformed world

    • Recruit an eclectic cast of Guns and Fangs for Hire and form alliances to fight by your side against the Highwaymen’s unruly leaders The Twins

    • Recruit Specialists to upgrade your homebase, who will help unlock all new features including crafting weapons, gear and more

    • Engage the Highwaymen in Turf Wars and venture on Expeditions to memorable locations across the USA

  • Ghostwire: Tokyo (Epic Game) PC


    After strange disappearances hit Tokyo’s population, it’s up to you to uncover the source and purge the city of a strange, new evil. Armed with your own mysterious spectral abilities, you will face down the occult, unravel conspiracy theories and experience urban legends like never before.

    Don’t fear the unknown. Attack it.

  • Halo Infinite (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    Become the Master Chief:
    When all hope is lost and humanity’s fate hangs in the balance, the Master Chief is ready to confront the most ruthless foe he’s ever faced. Step inside the armor of humanity’s greatest hero to experience an epic adventure and explore the massive scale of the Halo ring.
    Explore Zeta Halo:
    Halo Infinite offers the most expansive and adventure-filled Halo campaign to date set in the wide-open environment of the ancient ringworld, Zeta Halo. Explore the vast reaches of Installation 07, from stunning heights to mysterious depths below the ring. Rescue UNSC marines to gain reinforcements in your fight against a fearsome enemy known as “the Banished.”
    Defeat the Banished
    Set after the events of Halo 5 and shortly following a crushing defeat, the UNSC fleet lies shattered and stranded on the surface of the heavily damaged Installation 07. Amongst the wreckage, a terrifying clan of Brute warriors, The Banished, now roam the damaged ringworld. Outmanned and outgunned, Master Chief must stop the Banished from repairing the Halo ring and claiming control of the galaxy’s greatest threat.
    PC Settings & Optimizations:
    Halo Infinite is built for PC. From advanced graphics settings, ultrawide/super ultrawide support and triple-key binds to features like dynamic scaling and variable framerates, Halo Infinite is the best Halo experience on PC to date.

  • Halo De Master Chief Collectie (Steam) PC


    Halo: The Master Chief Collection is a bundle of Halo remasters developed by Bungie and 343 industries.

    The bundle features Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, Halo 2 Anniversary, Halo 3 and Halo 4. All four games are distributed on one disc and are accessible through a unified interface. It is possible to play any mission from all four games right from the beginning of the game.

    Apart from the story in the games themselves, the bundle features two CG videos which reveal that Jameson Locke is going through Master Chief’s combat record in an attempt of finding him after the events of Halo 4.

    For every game in the collection, it is possible to turn on the campaign scoring system. Every mission has its own leaderboard which includes the overall score, playtime, and the enemy kill count.

    Every game in the bundle features a cooperative mode that can be played either online or using split-screen. It is possible to play with 3 more players online while only two players can play on one screen. The original multiplayer is retained in the games. Every multiplayer map ever released for every game in the bundle is available for the players.

  • De hel komt los (Steam) PC


    Je hebt de Tweede Wereldoorlog nog nooit gespeeld zoals hij bedoeld was... met logge tanks die het slagveld domineren, cruciale bevoorradingsketens die de frontlinies van brandstof voorzien, je bent een radertje in de machine van kolossale gecombineerde oorlogsvoering. Hell Let Loose plaatst je in de chaos van de oorlog, compleet met voertuigen die door de speler bestuurd worden, een dynamisch evoluerende frontlinie en cruciale eenheidsgerichte gameplay die het tij van de strijd bepaalt.
    Het hele slagveld is opgedeeld in grote sectoren die veroverd moeten worden. Dit zorgt voor nieuwe en constant unieke gameplay waarin twee strijdkrachten van vijftig spelers strijden op leven en dood over velden, bruggen, bossen en steden in een steeds veranderende frontlinie. Als je een sector verovert, genereert deze één van de drie grondstoffen voor je team. Hierdoor ontstaat een complex metaspel dat de weg van je team naar de overwinning beïnvloedt.
    Een episch oorlogstheater
    Ga de strijd aan in 50 tegen 50 multiplayer op enorme kaarten. Kies een van de 14 speelbare rollen binnen infanterie-, verkennings- en pantsereenheden, elk uitgerust met verschillende wapens, voertuigen en uitrusting. Speel als officier, verkenner, mitrailleurschutter, hospik, ingenieur, tankcommandant en meer om elk aspect van de Tweede Wereldoorlog te ervaren.
    Ongekend realisme
    De Hell Let Loose-ervaring is gebaseerd op de iconische slagvelden van de Tweede Wereldoorlog op ware grootte. Historische voertuigen, wapens en uniformen zijn nauwgezet gedetailleerd en de gevechten zijn net zo wreed en bloederig als op de dag zelf. De gevechten vinden plaats op enorme kaarten op ware gevechtslocaties, die met behulp van archiefbeelden uit de lucht en satellietbeelden in verbluffend detail zijn nagebouwd met behulp van Unreal Engine 4.
    Samen vechten - Samen winnen
    Hell Let Loose draait niet om kill-to-dood ratio's en unlocks - teamwork staat centraal in de gameplay. Communicatie is essentieel. Spelers werken samen onder leiding van officieren en hun commandant om strategische doelen op het slagveld in te nemen en de tegenstand te domineren. Hell Let Loose is een spel dat teamwork en communicatie vereist, niet alleen om te winnen, maar ook om te overleven.
    Uniek meta-spel
    Vecht voor de overwinning door door de vijandelijke linies te breken op een groot, veranderlijk slagveld. Het unieke metagame voor het veroveren van sectoren vereist dat teams voortdurend grootschalige tactische beslissingen nemen over waar aan te vallen of te verdedigen. Beheer middelen en voorraden om ondersteuning in te roepen, sterke punten te versterken of vijanden te flankeren. Strategie is de sleutel tot succes.
    Belangrijkste kenmerken:
    - Vecht in epische 50 vs 50 multiplayergevechten
    - Kies een van de 14 unieke rollen
    - Bestuur het hele spectrum aan voertuigen, van de angstaanjagende Panther-tank tot de nederige Jeep
    - Bombardeer en veeg de vijand van het veld door de controle over zware wapens over te nemen, zoals antitankkanonnen en artillerie.
    - Bouw verdedigingen op het slagveld om je positie te versterken
    - Gebruik teamwork om door de vijandelijke frontlinie te breken en door te stoten naar de overwinning
    - Speel het spel als de commandant en leid je team naar de overwinning met behulp van verschillende vaardigheden terwijl je je krachten orkestreert via de tactische kaart

  • High On Life (Epic Game) PC


    From the mind of Justin Roiland (Rick and Morty, Solar Opposites) comes High On Life. Humanity is being threatened by an alien cartel who wants to use them as drugs. It’s up to you to rescue and partner with charismatic, talking guns, take down Garmantuous and his gang, and save the world!

  • High on Life (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    From the mind of Justin Roiland (Rick and Morty, Solar Opposites) comes High On Life. Humanity is being threatened by an alien cartel who wants to use them as drugs. It’s up to you to rescue and partner with charismatic, talking guns, take down Garmantuous and his gang, and save the world!

  • Immortals of Aveum (Epic Game) PC


    Immortals of Aveum is a single-player first person magic shooter that tells the story of Jak as he joins an elite order of battlemages to save a world on the edge of abyss.
    With legions of soldiers on both sides of the Everwar, he must uncover the mysteries of Aveum’s troubled past, if there’s any hope for saving its future.
    Master three forces of magic and unleash spells with deadly skill in a game that defies FPS conventions.

    Be The Battlemage

    Join the order of Immortals, the champion protectors of Lucium, and become Jak, an elite Triarch Magnus.

    Master Your Magic

    Fast, fluid, first person spell-based combat that’s easy to learn and satisfying to master, where players are rewarded for clever chained attacks and well-timed counters.

    Unleash Your Arsenal of Spells

    Unlock and upgrade more than 25 spells and 80 talents. Discover, upgrade and craft hundreds of pieces of magical gear to synergize your playstyle across all three forces of magic.

    Save a World on the Edge of Abyss

    Jak and Lucium’s elite Immortals must race to uncover the mysteries of Aveum’s past, if there’s any hope of saving its future.

  • Immortals of Aveum (Xbox Live) Xbox Series X|S


    Immortals of Aveum is a single-player first person magic shooter that tells the story of Jak as he joins an elite order of battlemages to save a world on the edge of abyss.
    With legions of soldiers on both sides of the Everwar, he must uncover the mysteries of Aveum’s troubled past, if there’s any hope for saving its future.
    Master three forces of magic and unleash spells with deadly skill in a game that defies FPS conventions.

    Be The Battlemage

    Join the order of Immortals, the champion protectors of Lucium, and become Jak, an elite Triarch Magnus.

    Master Your Magic

    Fast, fluid, first person spell-based combat that’s easy to learn and satisfying to master, where players are rewarded for clever chained attacks and well-timed counters.

    Unleash Your Arsenal of Spells

    Unlock and upgrade more than 25 spells and 80 talents. Discover, upgrade and craft hundreds of pieces of magical gear to synergize your playstyle across all three forces of magic.

    Save a World on the Edge of Abyss

    Jak and Lucium’s elite Immortals must race to uncover the mysteries of Aveum’s past, if there’s any hope of saving its future.

  • Killing Floor 2 (Epic Game) PC


    Killing Floor 2 is a cooperative first-person survival horror game developed by Tripwire Interactive.

    The game is based on events of the first Killing Floor. A biotech corporation Horzine attempts to create military clones, yet something goes wrong and now the mutant clones are spread all around Europe. Governments collapse and the infrastructure is almost non-existent.

    Up to 6 players spawn on the map in order to kill the boss. The players have to hold out 4, 7 or 10 waves of enemies after which the boss spawns. Each wave has more enemies and special mutants. After the end of a wave, the players can visit the trader, where they can buy weaponry and equipment. Players earn money and experience points for killing enemies. The more players there are on the map – the more enemies spawn. The difficulty level is also affected by the number of players. The only difference between singleplayer and multiplayer is in the number of players.

    The game features a class system. Players spawn with level 0 and can level themselves up to level 25. Each class is better in one field of combat. For example, medics have a speed boost and can heal other players while supports are able to seal the doors.

  • METRO EXODUS (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    Metro Exodus is the third installment in the Metro series. It is based on the series of post-apocalyptic novels by Russian writer Dmitry Glukhovsky. The game is the sequel to Metro: Last Light and is set two years after its ending.

    Exodus takes place in the year 2036 in post-apocalyptic Russia. According to the Metro universe backstory, in 2013 the planet was devastated by a total nuclear war. The atomic bombing left many parts of the Earth’s surface uninhabitable due to high radiation rates, dangerous mutated monsters, and anomalies abound. The last remnants of humanity survive by hiding in the subway tunnels (hence the name of the series). The main protagonist is Artyom, a former dweller of Moscow Metro. Together with his wife Anna, he escaped the capital to search for survivors in the Russian Far East (thus making the “Redemption” ending of the Last Light the series’ canon).

    The player controls Artyom from the first person view. Exodus introduces the sandbox open-world, although the game combines it with the traditional linear levels. Unlike in previous games, Exodus is set mostly outside the subway system. Thus, the game also introduces the weather, the day and night cycle and the change of seasons. The player explores the Russian wilderness during and after the nuclear winter and rides a steam locomotive named Aurora through Siberia.

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