Risultati 73-78 di 78

  • The Outlast Trials (Steam) PC


    Set in the era of the Cold War, human guinea pigs are involuntarily recruited by the good folks at the Murkoff Corporation to test advanced methods of brainwashing and mind control. In a world of distrust, fear, and violence, your morals will be challenged, your endurance tested, and your sanity crushed. All in the name of progress, science, and profit.
    Red Barrels invites you to experience mind-numbing terror, this time with friends. Work together and maybe you’ll survive The Outlast Trials. It’s always better to shit your pants in good company.

  • theHunter: Call of the Wild (Epic Game) PC


    theHunter: Call of the Wild offre l'esperienza di caccia più coinvolgente mai creata. Entrate in uno splendido mondo aperto che brulica di vita, dai maestosi cervi e dagli impressionanti bisonti, fino agli innumerevoli uccelli, creature e insetti della natura selvaggia. Ogni centimetro del mondo di 50 miglia quadrate è realizzato con Apex, la pluripremiata tecnologia creata da Avalanche Studios in un decennio di sviluppo di giochi d'azione esplosivi. Oltre alla ricca esperienza per giocatore singolo, theHunter: Call of the Wild offre opzioni multiplayer uniche - cooperative e competitive - per un massimo di 8 giocatori. Condividete l'esperienza di caccia definitiva e guadagnatevi i diritti di vanto! CARATTERISTICHE CHIAVE:
    Un'esperienza di caccia di nuova generazione.
    theHunter: Call of the Wild offre l'esperienza di caccia più coinvolgente mai creata. Entrate in uno splendido mondo aperto che brulica di vita, dai maestosi cervi e dagli impressionanti bisonti fino agli innumerevoli uccelli, creature e insetti della natura selvaggia.
    Sperimentate il complesso comportamento degli animali, gli eventi atmosferici dinamici, i cicli completi di giorno e notte, la balistica simulata, l'acustica altamente realistica, i profumi trasportati da un sofisticato sistema di vento e molto altro ancora. Tutti i sistemi lavorano insieme per aumentare l'immedesimazione e far emergere il cacciatore che è in voi.
    Esplorate un vasto mondo aperto. A piedi o in quad.
    Esplora 50 miglia quadrate di terreno vario, che spazia da zone umide e fitte foreste a valli lussureggianti e campi agricoli aperti. Il vasto mondo di theHunter: Call of the Wild è suddiviso in riserve di caccia separate e distinte, ognuna delle quali è piena di sorprese e momenti memorabili.
    Affrontate le missioni e le sfide degli abitanti del luogo o andate fuori dai sentieri battuti. Scoprite vedette, torri di caccia e avamposti. Siete stanchi di camminare tra una caccia e l'altra? Prendete l'ATV Saber 4×4 (DLC opzionale a pagamento) e andate in giro! Questo veicolo capace vi porterà su terreni accidentati a velocità da capogiro. Esplorare il mondo aperto non è mai stato così divertente.
    Un decennio di lavoro.
    theHunter: Call of the Wild è l'evoluzione di theHunter, il gioco di caccia più famoso di Expansive Worlds, con oltre 6 milioni di giocatori registrati e 7 anni di attività live.
    Avalanche Studios ed Expansive Worlds portano la caccia a una nuova generazione di giocatori. theHunter: Call of the Wild è realizzato con Apex - Avalanche Open World Engine, una tecnologia pluripremiata realizzata in un decennio di sviluppo di giochi d'azione esplosivi.
    Diventare cacciatore. Progetta la caccia.
    Acquistate ed equipaggiate una serie di fucili, pistole e archi e personalizzateli con mirini e diversi tipi di munizioni. Trova e padroneggia i tuoi preferiti. Esercitatevi e perfezionate la vostra mira al poligono di tiro. Sviluppate il vostro personaggio sbloccando varie abilità ed equipaggiamenti. Imparate a usare richiami e profumi, ma soprattutto studiate le vostre prede: prestate molta attenzione al comportamento, ai tratti e ai modelli di movimento degli animali.
    Siete nuovi alla caccia? Nessun problema. I sistemi intelligenti vi aiuteranno e vi assisteranno per assicurarvi di ottenere il massimo dalla vostra caccia, sia che siate un novizio speranzoso o un veterano esperto.
    Condividere le esperienze di caccia. Guadagnare diritti di vanto.
    Oltre alla ricca esperienza per giocatore singolo, theHunter: Call of the Wild offre opzioni multigiocatore uniche. Unisciti a un massimo di 8 amici (o a perfetti sconosciuti!) in modalità cooperative e competitive. Godetevi un'ampia gamma di sfide ed eventi di gioco. La caccia è più gratificante ed emozionante con gli amici, quindi condividete le vostre esperienze e guadagnatevi i diritti di vanto.
    Uscite con i vostri amici utilizzando gli ATV. Spostarsi tra i luoghi di caccia su quattro ruote è veloce, facile e soprattutto molto divertente. Inoltre, dopo una lunga giornata di caccia, nessuno rifiuterà il vostro invito a una gara improvvisata in fuoristrada!

  • Tunche (Epic Game) PC


    Tunche is a glorious return of classic 2D beat’em up gameplay mixed with roguelike elements, 4-player co-op and some creepy voodoo witchcraft. Explore breathtaking, hand-drawn Amazonian world, defeat epic bosses and master the ancient magical arts!
    Tunche is a 2D beat’em up which tells a mysterious story based on a legend of Peruvian folklore. Combining hand-drawn animation with risky roguelite gameplay and fast-paced combat, Tunche creates an unfortgettable experience of fighting through hordes of monsters crawling deep in the Amazonian jungle. Go solo or form a team of up to 4 players and embark on a journey that creates new challenges every time you play!
    Explore the breathtaking, hand-drawn world of Amazonian rainforests!
    Unravel the secrets of mysterious Peruvian legend!
    Team up with friends in 4-player co-op mode!
    Use vast arsenal of fighting moves and magical arts to defeat your enemies!
    Face epic bosses and show them what you’ve got!
    Learn and adapt — every playthrough is unique!

  • V Rising (Steam) PC


    A Vampire Survival Experience

    Awaken as a weakened vampire after centuries of slumber. Hunt for blood in nearby settlements to regain your strength while hiding from the scorching sun to survive. Rebuild your castle and convert humans into your loyal servants in a quest to raise your vampire empire. Make allies online, fend off holy soldiers, and wage war against other players in a world of conflict.

    Will you become the next Dracula?

    A Gothic Open-World
    Explore a vast world teeming with mythical beings and danger. Travel through lush forests, open countryside, and dark dungeons to discover valuable resources, meeting friends and foes alike along the way. Traverse the world with vampire comrades or hunt solo as you pillage villages, raid bandits, and wander into the domains of supernatural beasts.
    Fear the light – Rule the night
    Stick to the shadows during the daytime, or the burning sunlight will turn you to ashes. Roam the night and prey on your victims in the darkness. As a vampire, you must quench your bloodlust and plan your strategies around the day/night cycle.
    Raise your Castle
    Gather resources and discover ancient techniques to gain dark powers. Use your newly acquired knowledge to build a castle where you can store your loot and grow your army of vampires. Personalize your domain, exhibit your vampiric style and make sure to craft coffins for servants and friends. Strengthen your castle while the threat from other players is rising.
    Compete or Cooperate
    Travel alone or explore the world with friends. Fighting side by side with other vampires will give you an advantage in your battle against the strongest creatures and most powerful humans. Raid other players’ castles or play the diplomat in the game of blood, power, and betrayal. Compete or cooperate – the choice is yours.
    Master your Vampire
    Learn and master an arsenal of deadly weapons and unholy abilities. In V Rising, you aim skill-shots and dodge projectiles using​ precise​​ ​WASD controls ​and cursor-based​ ​aiming – no click to move. Tailor your play-style by combining melee or range weapons with a variety of powerful spell kits. Master your skills and unleash your wicked powers.

  • Winter Survival (Epic Game) PC


    About the Gamehttps://store.steampowered.com/app/1149620/Gas_Station_Simulator/
    What was supposed to be a nice winter hike in the Mount Washington State Park with friends, turned into a dire situation. You are left alone to fight for your survival. With only marginal supplies you have to fight off of the cold, thirst, hunger, wildlife and your own state of mind while finding your way to an abandoned ranger station in hope to be able to call for help.
    Winter Survival is a fully fledged survival game even going into Early Access, with dynamic combat, stealth, base building and its unique sanity system just to name a few. Multiple game modes and difficulties allow you to experience the game differently and tailor it to your taste.
    Venture through snow-covered forests, mountains, and frozen lakes. Grapple with treacherous terrain, deadly animals, and harsh winter conditions. Find shelter, cook meals, and rest, ready to face the next day. Hope it won’t be your last…
    You are not the first person to visit this area. There have been many before you. More than a century ago some even lived here. If you explore your surroundings you may find things they left behind that will still be useful to you. Explore various areas and discover their story, like a town built by people who are long gone. Force open doors, avoid traps, and make abandoned structures work again. Find personal belongings as you dive deeper into the town’s past. Will you be able to uncover its secrets?
    Cold, thirst, hunger and physical as well as mental exhaustion are the five major factors you have to worry about. It doesn’t however end there. Injuries and sickness are other factors and then there is the weather. Spending the night in the freezing cold without any shelter is akin to a death sentence and trying to go out in a snow storm isn’t any better either. Don’t forget, weather in the mountains changes quickly and is unpredictable.
    Further variety comes in with our event system where random events can save your day unexpectedly or make the nightmare even worse. Things do not have to be that bleak or stay that way all the time. The adaptation system allows you to open up new survival skills and strengthen your abilities. And then there is our unique sanity system to make things really interesting…
    The most deviant enemy in a desolate land, is one’s mind. In Winter Survival you will experience an unforgiving world where it’s hard to distinguish reality from madness, due to the unique sanity system.
    In reality, your mind becomes a problem way sooner than starvation. It starts with fatigue symptoms, losing your will to continue the struggle up to imagining things and even full blown hallucinations. Fear and the stress associated with it form another layer that can influence your perception and together all these factors make for a highly interesting and different survival experience.
    Hunt or be hunted. Use the environment to your advantage. Observe your prey, study its behaviour, make and set traps to capture animals. Craft torches to scare away wolves. Make spears to throw at prey and protect yourself from apex predators that surround the area.
    Given limited resources, think twice before starting a fight. A bear is a mighty predator and going against one with a knife or even a spear might not be the brightest idea. Maybe avoiding the danger or sneaking past a potential encounter is the smarter choice given the circumstance?
    Gather resources, learn how to craft all sorts of useful things and build shelters and other structures to escape everyday struggles.
    Some resources are easy to find, some are only available in certain areas, others have to be gained from hunting and some are left behind by those before you.
    The extended crafting system ranges from simple campfires to cook food to building entire shelters and protective structures wherever you please. It is the crafting and building system that will allow you to slowly transition from unbearable danger to a more manageable environment – if you prepare properly.
    It is up to you how you want to play the game and we give you 2 different modes to choose from:
    Story Mode: Learn more about yourself and people long gone while you struggle to survive. Find your friends and get back home.
    Endless Mode: Take advantage of more resources and crafting options as you try to conquer the world around you. Start and proceed how you want.

  • World War Z (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    You’ll face off against hundreds of zombies of different types on screen at a time, rushing as a pack to overwhelm your defenses. Dynamic swarm simulation, adaptive spawn control, diverse zombie mechanics, and an advanced gore system all combine for the ultimate zombie shooter experience. Play with friends or on your own with AI teammates to stay alive against these relentless swarms in all their bloody glory.

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