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Il sentiero dell'Oregon (eShop) Nintendo Switch
19,79 €The Oregon Trail™ by Gameloft—Experience The Oregon Trail™ like never before. A modern twist on the trials and tribulations of the road to Oregon, this official successor to the global phenomenon will immerse players in exhilarating journeys ranging from the historically accurate to the totally extreme. Players will pick their traveling party, stock the wagon with supplies, and embark on an adventure filled with tough choices, new dangers, and unexpected situations. Surviving blizzards, broken limbs, snakebites, exhaustion, starvation, and the dreaded dysentery is no small feat; all the while navigating an untamed frontier to get your party to their new life in Oregon before the winter. Track down a missing party in the aftermath of a fierce blizzard, transport volatile gunpowder through blistering desert heat, compete in challenging hunting mini-games, and meet a broad cast of historic figures. With procedurally selected random events where players’ choices affect their party and future game events, there’s always a new adventure on the horizon every time you play.
Always a New Adventure
• Build and name your party from different classes—each with their own starting items, skills, and personalities—to make every journey to Oregon unique.
• Overcome hundreds of random events where your choices affect the fate of your travelers, and are influenced by their unique skills and traits.
• Remember to take care of your party, wagon, and oxen, or they’ll become casualties of the trail.
Fresh Features
• Take on 15 playable Journeys.
• Experience 7 Quests inspired by historical events.
• Monitor your party members’ health, morale, stamina and hygiene.
• Manage your inventory to squeeze everything you can into the wagon.
• Maintain your wagon to prevent breakdowns and inventory loss from spoiling or spillage.
• Learn about real people and places in your interactive Journal.
• Collect and learn about the many interesting animals you’ll see on the trail.
• Catch 80+ species in the new Fishing mini-game.
• Obtain 140+ achievements.
True to the Original
• Hunting and Rafting make a long-awaited return, with faithful gameplay and all-new visuals.
• Dysentery, river fording, broken legs, and many more classic hazards await!
Striking Art Direction and Score
• A beautiful blend of charming pixel art characters, 3D environments and cutting-edge lighting and visual effects creates a unique visual style that’s both nostalgic and contemporary.
• An all-original soundtrack of alt-country-inspired music combined with 8-bit-style sound effects.
Respectful Representation
• For the first time, the game features Native American playable characters and stories, celebrating the history and cultures of the peoples who first lived on this land and still live here today.
• Thorough research and multiple academic consultants were involved in this game’s production to ensure accuracy and respectful representation of all peoples depicted in the game.
Officially Licensed & Supported
• The Oregon Trail™ is an officially licensed game from HarperCollins Productions, who supported the evolution of The Oregon Trail™ so it would be true to the original, but with updated gameplay and visuals.
• 2016 Video Game Hall of Fame inductee. -
The Outlast Trials (Steam) PC
9,09 €Set in the era of the Cold War, human guinea pigs are involuntarily recruited by the good folks at the Murkoff Corporation to test advanced methods of brainwashing and mind control. In a world of distrust, fear, and violence, your morals will be challenged, your endurance tested, and your sanity crushed. All in the name of progress, science, and profit.
Red Barrels invites you to experience mind-numbing terror, this time with friends. Work together and maybe you’ll survive The Outlast Trials. It’s always better to shit your pants in good company. -
The Thaumaturge (Epic Game) PC
32,15 €The Thaumaturge is an isometric, story-rich RPG with a unique take on tactical combat, character development features, and investigation mechanics, facing you with morally ambiguous choices – set in a world teeming with mysterious powers and strange ethereal beings called Salutors.
The year is 1905. Warsaw lives under the yoke of imperial Russian tsardom. Its inhabitants constitute a diverse group of different ancestries, views, and beliefs with often conflicting interests: Russian soldiers, Jewish merchants, Polish townspeople, and more. Despite the circumstances, the city is a buzzing metropolis, where one can attend a breathtaking party with the high society, and later get robbed in one of the dark alleys of the Praga district. A city of great hopes and dreams on one hand and dark desires on the other.
In this world, a force that cannot be ignored are Thaumaturges – individuals versed in taming spirit-like beings called Salutors, used for manipulation of the temperaments and affinities of other people and even ultimately in combat. The devil is in the detail – only Thaumaturges are fully aware of the Salutors’ nature and only they can perceive them in their true essence. Their capability to influence others significantly and demonstrably increases their ability to change the surrounding world – however, Thaumaturgy is a power that should be used with caution.
Shape your story – as a full-fledged RPG, it allows you to alternate your choices and make you deal with the aftermath.
Develop your character – creating your own version of the Thaumaturge will allow you to approach situations in different ways.
Experience unique combat and defeat your foes using human attacks and skills as well as psychic strikes delivered by Salutors.
Influence and manipulate the temperaments of other characters to bend their will to your liking.
Tame the power of Salutors – use the unique set of their skills to gain an advantage while exploring the world and when bringing your adversaries to their knees.
See the world that’s inevitably gone – explore the uncommon, heavily researched historic period of the early XX century Warsaw, where crime and luxury are often two sides of the same coin. Meet historical figures and learn about their involvement in the story.
Created in Unreal Engine 5 to deliver a detailed & beautifully crafted world. -
theHunter: Call of the Wild (Epic Game) PC
4,76 €theHunter: Call of the Wild offre l'esperienza di caccia più coinvolgente mai creata. Entrate in uno splendido mondo aperto che brulica di vita, dai maestosi cervi e dagli impressionanti bisonti, fino agli innumerevoli uccelli, creature e insetti della natura selvaggia. Ogni centimetro del mondo di 50 miglia quadrate è realizzato con Apex, la pluripremiata tecnologia creata da Avalanche Studios in un decennio di sviluppo di giochi d'azione esplosivi. Oltre alla ricca esperienza per giocatore singolo, theHunter: Call of the Wild offre opzioni multiplayer uniche - cooperative e competitive - per un massimo di 8 giocatori. Condividete l'esperienza di caccia definitiva e guadagnatevi i diritti di vanto! CARATTERISTICHE CHIAVE:
Un'esperienza di caccia di nuova generazione.
theHunter: Call of the Wild offre l'esperienza di caccia più coinvolgente mai creata. Entrate in uno splendido mondo aperto che brulica di vita, dai maestosi cervi e dagli impressionanti bisonti fino agli innumerevoli uccelli, creature e insetti della natura selvaggia.
Sperimentate il complesso comportamento degli animali, gli eventi atmosferici dinamici, i cicli completi di giorno e notte, la balistica simulata, l'acustica altamente realistica, i profumi trasportati da un sofisticato sistema di vento e molto altro ancora. Tutti i sistemi lavorano insieme per aumentare l'immedesimazione e far emergere il cacciatore che è in voi.
Esplorate un vasto mondo aperto. A piedi o in quad.
Esplora 50 miglia quadrate di terreno vario, che spazia da zone umide e fitte foreste a valli lussureggianti e campi agricoli aperti. Il vasto mondo di theHunter: Call of the Wild è suddiviso in riserve di caccia separate e distinte, ognuna delle quali è piena di sorprese e momenti memorabili.
Affrontate le missioni e le sfide degli abitanti del luogo o andate fuori dai sentieri battuti. Scoprite vedette, torri di caccia e avamposti. Siete stanchi di camminare tra una caccia e l'altra? Prendete l'ATV Saber 4×4 (DLC opzionale a pagamento) e andate in giro! Questo veicolo capace vi porterà su terreni accidentati a velocità da capogiro. Esplorare il mondo aperto non è mai stato così divertente.
Un decennio di lavoro.
theHunter: Call of the Wild è l'evoluzione di theHunter, il gioco di caccia più famoso di Expansive Worlds, con oltre 6 milioni di giocatori registrati e 7 anni di attività live.
Avalanche Studios ed Expansive Worlds portano la caccia a una nuova generazione di giocatori. theHunter: Call of the Wild è realizzato con Apex - Avalanche Open World Engine, una tecnologia pluripremiata realizzata in un decennio di sviluppo di giochi d'azione esplosivi.
Diventare cacciatore. Progetta la caccia.
Acquistate ed equipaggiate una serie di fucili, pistole e archi e personalizzateli con mirini e diversi tipi di munizioni. Trova e padroneggia i tuoi preferiti. Esercitatevi e perfezionate la vostra mira al poligono di tiro. Sviluppate il vostro personaggio sbloccando varie abilità ed equipaggiamenti. Imparate a usare richiami e profumi, ma soprattutto studiate le vostre prede: prestate molta attenzione al comportamento, ai tratti e ai modelli di movimento degli animali.
Siete nuovi alla caccia? Nessun problema. I sistemi intelligenti vi aiuteranno e vi assisteranno per assicurarvi di ottenere il massimo dalla vostra caccia, sia che siate un novizio speranzoso o un veterano esperto.
Condividere le esperienze di caccia. Guadagnare diritti di vanto.
Oltre alla ricca esperienza per giocatore singolo, theHunter: Call of the Wild offre opzioni multigiocatore uniche. Unisciti a un massimo di 8 amici (o a perfetti sconosciuti!) in modalità cooperative e competitive. Godetevi un'ampia gamma di sfide ed eventi di gioco. La caccia è più gratificante ed emozionante con gli amici, quindi condividete le vostre esperienze e guadagnatevi i diritti di vanto.
Uscite con i vostri amici utilizzando gli ATV. Spostarsi tra i luoghi di caccia su quattro ruote è veloce, facile e soprattutto molto divertente. Inoltre, dopo una lunga giornata di caccia, nessuno rifiuterà il vostro invito a una gara improvvisata in fuoristrada! -
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands – Golden Hero Armor Pack (Epic Game) PC Key Europe
4,16 €Embark on an epic adventure full of whimsy, wonder, and high-powered weaponry! Bullets, magic, and broadswords collide across this chaotic fantasy world brought to life by the unpredictable Tiny Tina.
Roll your own multiclass hero and loot, shoot, slash, and cast your way through outlandish monsters and loot-filled dungeons on a quest to stop the tyrannical Dragon Lord. Everyone’s welcome, so join the party, throw on your adventuring boots, and be Chaotic Great!
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands (Epic Game) PC Key Europe
41,64 €Embark on an epic adventure full of whimsy, wonder, and high-powered weaponry! Bullets, magic, and broadswords collide across this chaotic fantasy world brought to life by the unpredictable Tiny Tina.
Roll your own multiclass hero and loot, shoot, slash, and cast your way through outlandish monsters and loot-filled dungeons on a quest to stop the tyrannical Dragon Lord. Everyone’s welcome, so join the party, throw on your adventuring boots, and be Chaotic Great!
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands (PSN) PS4
15,38 €Embark on an epic adventure full of whimsy, wonder, and high-powered weaponry! Bullets, magic, and broadswords collide across this chaotic fantasy world brought to life by the unpredictable Tiny Tina.
Roll your own multiclass hero and loot, shoot, slash, and cast your way through outlandish monsters and loot-filled dungeons on a quest to stop the tyrannical Dragon Lord. Everyone’s welcome, so join the party, throw on your adventuring boots, and be Chaotic Great!
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Chaotic Great Edition (Epic Game) PC Key Europe
31,75 €Embark on an epic adventure full of whimsy, wonder, and high-powered weaponry! Bullets, magic, and broadswords collide across this chaotic fantasy world brought to life by the unpredictable Tiny Tina.
Roll your own multiclass hero and loot, shoot, slash, and cast your way through outlandish monsters and loot-filled dungeons on a quest to stop the tyrannical Dragon Lord. Everyone’s welcome, so join the party, throw on your adventuring boots, and be Chaotic Great!
Titanfall 2 Ultimate Edition (Steam) PC
6,83 €Now Titanfall 2 has a full-scale story campaign. The main plot is the confrontation of the people’s Militia against the IMC Corporation, which seeks to destroy the rebels of the Frontier, a region of star systems that will allow them to get control over their resources.
You play as Jack Cooper, a soldier who dreams of becoming an elite pilot with advanced technology and a personal Titan – a fighting machine. Captain Tai Lastimosa trained Cooper and prepared for his candidacy. During the task of finding the missing Major Anderson, who had the information about the plans of the IMC. The entire squad of Cooper, including Lastimosa, dies in the attack of IMC mercenaries. The Captain gives his Titan to Cooper.
As the first part of the game, it is a first-person shooter in which you can control the pilot and exoskeleton “Titan”. The pilot has a diverse arsenal of abilities that allow you to jump and run on steep walls with the help of the “jump pilot module”. These abilities can be used with each other to move through the game locations quickly.
With enough points, the player can call the Titan, landing from the sky. They are much slower than pilots but have more powerful weapons.
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