Risultati 1-12 di 13

  • Back 4 Blood (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    Back 4 Blood is a thrilling cooperative first-person shooter from the creators of the critically acclaimed Left 4 Dead franchise. You are at the center of a war against the Ridden. These once-human hosts of a deadly parasite have turned into terrifying creatures bent on devouring what remains of civilization. With humanity’s extinction on the line, it’s up to you and your friends to take the fight to the enemy, eradicate the Ridden, and reclaim the world.

  • Back4Blood (Epic Game) PC


    Back 4 Blood is a thrilling cooperative first-person shooter from the creators of the critically acclaimed Left 4 Dead franchise. You are at the center of a war against the Ridden. These once-human hosts of a deadly parasite have turned into terrifying creatures bent on devouring what remains of civilization. With humanity’s extinction on the line, it’s up to you and your friends to take the fight to the enemy, eradicate the Ridden, and reclaim the world.

  • Battle Shapers (Steam) PC Key


    Roadmap 2023
    Informazioni sul gioco
    Reactivated for a final mission, you play as Ada, who must rise to reclaim the future of New Elysium from cunning and sometimes obnoxious Overlords and their swarms of corrupt robots. Wielding an arsenal of futuristic weapons, abilities, and stolen Overlord powers, you will shoot, smash and obliterate your way through their trap-ridden towers.FIGHT LASER WITH LASER
    Gun down hordes of cunning enemy machines with relentless risk-taking, and bot-busting close-range warfare in which every kill fuels your combat capabilities.Learn to adapt to the Overlords’ dangerous attacks and retaliations that are thrown at you every step of the way.COMBAT IS ONLY HALF THE BATTLE
    Use Shaper Hacks to manipulate rewards, counter the Overlord challenges and deploy your own traps, power-ups and effects in their towers.Explore vibrant towers that promise hidden Upgrades and Weapons to strengthen your build from run-to-run.As your Powers grow and change, be careful—with every defeated Overlord, your path becomes more difficult.BUILD YOUR ‘CORE’ STRENGTH
    Unlock new Weapons, Abilities and Talents to permanently increase your survivability and combat potential with every run.Obtain the Cores of fallen Overlords to transform your combat abilities and appearance, offering new combat playstyles.Stack up on Core Enhancers to augment your equipped core capacities and unleash their full potential.FEARLESS SHREDDINGDefy the Overlords to the sound of blazing, adrenaline-pumping rock music that will have you dive head-on and fist-first into the action.

  • Blade Assault (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Dopo la devastante Guerra della Pietra Rossa, il mondo è diviso in tre regioni: i terreni esterni infestati dai mutanti, l'Undercity dove la gente si è rifugiata per sfuggire ai mutanti e la città celeste Esperanza dove i ricchi e i potenti dominano il mondo. Combattete contro l'esercito corrotto di Esperanza come parte della forza di resistenza del Sottosuolo. Assicurate i corrotti alla giustizia diventando più forti e combattendo al fianco dei vostri fidati compagni.
    Blade Assault è un platform rogue-lite d'azione in 2D con una splendida grafica in pixel ambientata in un desolato mondo fantascientifico. Il gioco è caratterizzato da controlli precisi e reattivi e da un cast di personaggi affascinanti. I personaggi giocabili dispongono di varie armi trasformabili che utilizzano per combattere i nemici. Le armi possono essere ulteriormente personalizzate grazie a diversi "Nuclei" e "Potenziamenti di trasformazione" che appaiono casualmente durante il gioco.
    Combattimento veloce e soddisfacente. Utilizzando diverse abilità, schivando gli attacchi nemici con una corsa, lanciando proiettili e facendo a pezzi le folle di nemici. I vostri attacchi cambiano a seconda dei "Nuclei" selezionati e dei potenziamenti che decidete di adottare durante le vostre corse.
    Incontrate PNG e trovate potenziamenti lungo la vostra missione per sbloccare poteri unici. Ogni personaggio giocabile ha le proprie armi, conservate nella propria armeria.

  • Culto dell'Agnello - (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Avviate il vostro culto in una terra di falsi profeti, avventurandovi in regioni diverse e misteriose per costruire una comunità fedele di adoratori dei boschi e diffondere il vostro Verbo per diventare l'unico vero culto.

  • Dungeon Clawler (Steam) PC Key


    Dungeon Clawler mixes deck building with a dash of rogue-like mechanics and most importantly: a claw machine.Find new items and add them to your claw machine to create game-changing builds. Earn gold coins to upgrade or modify your items and unlock new unknown synergies. You will need to use every trick up your sleeve to reach the evil dungeon lord’s lair at the heart of the dungeon and reclaim your lost paw.The ultimate claw machine roguelike experience.Unique characters each with their different strengths and weaknesses.Multiple difficulty levels and unlockable lucky paws to customize your run.Break the game – go crazy with different claw and item synergies.Venture into mystery locations and discover treasures as well as strange and dangerous obstacles.Spend your hard earned coins in the dungeon’s pachinko machines.Meet different characters who might help you on your journey.

  • Endless Dungeon (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Naufragati su una misteriosa stazione spaziale, dovrete reclutare una squadra di eroi e proteggere il vostro cristallo da ondate interminabili di mostri. O morire nel tentativo, ricaricarsi e riprovare!

  • Ade (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Hades is a rogue-like dungeon crawler that combines the best aspects of Supergiant’s critically acclaimed titles, including the fast-paced action of Bastion, the rich atmosphere and depth of Transistor, and the character-driven storytelling of Pyre.

    As the immortal Prince of the Underworld, you’ll wield the powers and mythic weapons of Olympus to break free from the clutches of the god of the dead himself, while growing stronger and unraveling more of the story with each unique escape attempt.

    The Olympians have your back! Meet Zeus, Athena, Poseidon, and many more, and choose from their dozens of powerful Boons that enhance your abilities. There are thousands of viable character builds to discover as you go.

    A fully-voiced cast of colorful, larger-than-life characters is waiting to meet you! Grow your relationships with them, and experience hundreds of unique story events as you learn about what’s really at stake for this big, dysfunctional family.

    New surprises await each time you delve into the ever-shifting Underworld, whose guardian bosses will remember you. Use the powerful Mirror of Night to grow permanently stronger, and give yourself a leg up the next time you run away from home.

    Permanent upgrades mean you don’t have to be a god yourself to experience the exciting combat and gripping story. Though, if you happen to be one, crank up the challenge and get ready for some white-knuckle action that will put your well-practiced skills to the test.

    The rich, atmospheric presentation and unique melding of gameplay and narrative that’s been core to Supergiant’s games is here in full force: spectacular hand-painted Underworld environments and a blood-pumping original score bring the Underworld to life.

  • Returnal (Steam) PC


    Returnal combines side-scrolling action with roguelike gameplay into a third-person shooter where players fight to survive a hostile planet that changes with every death. Players can switch instinctively between firing modes by using a single adaptive trigger and can get right back into the action after dying. PS5’s immersive 3D audio brings the alien world to life around the player, helping players navigate the intense positional combat.

  • Roboquest (gioco epico) PC


    Mappa stradale
    Informazioni sul gioco
    Roboquest è un frenetico FPS Roguelite, giocabile in solitaria o in cooperativa a due giocatori. Calatevi nei panni d'acciaio di un robot potentissimo e ipermobile e combattete come non avete mai fatto prima.
    Correte attraverso ambienti generati casualmente su una Terra irriconoscibile. Gole bruciate e città vivaci, ricche di segreti, potenziamenti e nemici.
    Distruggete ogni bot e boss malvagio che spara laser e che vi ostacola, scegliendo tra un arsenale di armi artigianali.
    Raccogliete potenti tecnologie per aiutarvi ad avanzare. Potenziamenti, abilità e personalizzazioni per il personaggio e il campo base. Dopo ogni sconfitta, i personaggi rimarranno con voi per rendere più facile la corsa successiva.
    L'anno è il 2700. Gli esseri umani vivono sparsi nel deserto, lottando per sopravvivere. La situazione è piuttosto desolante.
    Finché una giovane spazzina di nome Max non si imbatte in qualcosa che potrebbe aiutarla. Un vecchio robot Guardiano, abbandonato nella sabbia. Lo riattiva, sapendo che con un Guardiano al suo fianco, potrebbe essere in grado di dare all'umanità una possibilità di combattere...
    Insieme, i due iniziano a esplorare i misteriosi canyon che li circondano, alla ricerca di risposte e di un modo per sopravvivere.
    C'è solo un problema. I canyon pullulano di bot malvagi, decisi a impedirne l'avanzata. Ma chi li controlla? E cosa custodiscono al loro interno?
    Comandi precisiGioca il Guardiano come se fosse un'estensione delle tue mani. I controlli sono fluidi e altamente reattivi. Nulla ostacola la tua danza di battaglia.Estrema mobilitàSei veloce. Davvero veloce. La padronanza dei movimenti è fondamentale per progredire: salta, schiva e annienta i nemici prima ancora che si accorgano di cosa li ha colpiti.Corri, cadi, corri di nuovoLa caratteristica che rende un Roguelite così impegnativo. Nessun checkpoint. Preparatevi a continuare a combattere fino a padroneggiare un livello, con ricompense persistenti che vi spingeranno a proseguire ogni volta.Scegliete il vostro percorsoIl gioco propone ambienti 3D freschi e organici in modo casuale per tenervi sempre all'erta. Ogni corsa sarà diversa dall'altra. Siate pronti.
    Caricamenti dei personaggiFin dal primo combattimento, potrete scegliere tra diversi loadout di Guardian, ognuno con il proprio stile di gioco e le proprie abilità.AggiornamentiOgni loadout viene fornito con il proprio pacchetto di aggiornamenti unici per il Guardian, in modo da poter personalizzare ulteriormente il modo in cui giocate.Loadout personalizzatoSe volete ancora più scelta, potete sempre creare e personalizzare il vostro loadout. Abbattete i bot nel modo che preferite.
    GamepadRoboquest supporta pienamente l'uso del gamepad (alcune parti del gioco e alcune interfacce potrebbero richiedere l'uso del mouse per la durata della demo e durante lo sviluppo).SegretiScopri i segreti sparsi per il gioco, per ottenere ricompense e ricostruire parti della storia.Unisciti alla community su Discord!

  • Sin Slayers: Reign of The 8th (Steam) PC Key


    Sin Slayers is back on Steam after a while at its best. It’s a challenging RPG Roguelite where you decide the fate of the world while taking its sins upon yourself. Would you be able to cling to the light when everything else has succumbed to darkness? Sin Slayers: Reign of the 8th includes: New threats from an unexpected 8th region Revised game flow and balance (no need to complete each region twice)Numerous optimizations and improvements (faster startup and smoother gameplay)Atone to your sinsWhen everything around you has succumbed to madness, would you still try to do the right thing? Navigate the Sinometer: the more sinful actions you perform throughout your run, the more riches you can recover – but beware. The world would notice, unleashing increasingly horrendous creatures in your path until the Sin Lord himself emerges. Would you dare to cross the point of no return? Build your party of Lost SoulsKnights and rogues, witches and nuns – all have their burden that lures them into this madness. Build your team, gear up and train, and lead once more into the monster-filled plains where they have to fight bearing the curse you cast upon them with your choices Slay the Sin LordsEach enemy is a manifestation of Evil – yet all of them have their weaknesses. Repeatedly facing the same monsters you will learn more about them and the ways to exploit their weaknesses. Use it to your advantage and face the ultimate challenge of Sin Lords, walking manifestation of Cardinal Sins. Perhaps their souls could break the cycle and free the Lost Souls from the Nightmare they cast upon themselves

  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Grab your friends, pick your favorite Turtle and jump into a roguelike adventure to save Master Splinter from the foot clan! Master ninja skills, unite in bodacious online and local co-op gameplay, and conquer iconic NYC locales. In In TMNT Splintered Fate, brace yourself for fast-paced, roguelike action where no two runs are the same. With randomized power-ups, room layouts, and boss modifiers, the excitement never ends. Take control of all four Turtles, each wielding unique powers, and team up with friends for bodacious co-op gameplay. Explore iconic NYC locations, upgrade your Turtle powers, and prepare to face off against formidable enemies. Master the powers of water and fire, utrom and ooze, light and darkness, and -most importantly- Ninja to create unique and bodacious builds for your Turtles. Every run brings new challenges and opportunities – explore and perfect your favorite builds, and combine them with allies to conquer your enemies. When Splinter is kidnapped by Shredder, mysterious portals simultaneously appear across NYC. With April and Metalhead analyzing recovered artifacts for clues, the Turtles battle to recover their father from the clutches of the Foot Clan. However, as the gang gets ever ​closer to Splinter’s otherworldly location, an even greater threat lingers in the shadows… With additional settings, balance and tuning enhancements for PC, Splintered Fate promises to keep you engaged in the FIGHT, ADAPT, REPEAT portal loop. Be ready to restore peace to the city!

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