Risultati 1-12 di 21

  • Ace Attorney Investigations Collection (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Experience both Ace Attorney Investigations games in one gorgeous collection! Step into the shoes of Miles Edgeworth, that prosecutor of prosecutors from the Ace Attorney mainline games!
    Leave the courtroom behind as you walk with Edgeworth around the crime scene, gathering evidence and clues and talking with persons of interest. Use your wit and what you discover to solve tough, intriguing cases through logic and deduction.
    – Both games have been given the full HD treatment, including all-new designs for the chibi characters! Classic pixel art style is also available for a more retro vibe!
    – Quality of life improvements including Chapter Select have been added, making it a breeze to replay your favorite parts!
    – Autoplay and Story Mode have also been added. Autoplay will progress the dialogue for you, while Story Mode will solve even the toughest puzzles on your behalf — perfect for those who just want to sit back and enjoy a good mystery!
    *You can turn Story Mode on and off at any time.
    – A Gallery section packed with bonus materials that are sure to please is also included! View in-game illustrations and character animations along with character design sketches and more! Listen to the background music of each game or bask in the beauty of some orchestral arrangements!
    – Play the games in English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese!

  • Bandle Tale Una storia di League of Legends (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Edizione digitale deluxe
    Bandle Tale: A League of Legends Story™ Deluxe Edition include quanto segue:
    Armadio Poro: Vesti il tuo piccolo e soffice amico poro con due abiti esclusivi (e molto carini).
    Sostenete il Poro!
    Zaino Buzzy PoroHome Sweet: Due esterni accattivanti per la vostra casa zaino più grande all'interno.
    Alveare a nido d'ape
    Bungalow Prisma ViolaImprovvisamente con stile: Tre effetti di percorso per il vostro personaggio.
    Ape occupata
    A tutta velocitàMenu segreto: Ordinate! Appena sfornate, altre tre ricette da aggiungere al vostro ricettario.
    Uovo arcobaleno
    Torta quasi perigliosa
    Poro Snax
    Informazioni sul giocoUn piccolo Yordle, un enorme problema.
    Da Lazy Bear, lo studio che ha portato Graveyard Keeper, arriva Bandle Tale: A League of Legends Story™. Immergetevi in questo delizioso RPG di crafting ambientato nel magico mondo di Bandle City, patria dei pelosi e divertenti yordles.
    Sei un timido yordle che vive a Yarnville, un'isola accogliente ma isolata, ossessionata da tutto ciò che riguarda il lavoro a maglia. Quando il tuo apprendistato di 101 anni finisce, non desideri altro che vedere cosa c'è oltre i portali che collegano il resto di Bandle City. Ma quando una festa a cui partecipi va terribilmente male, i portali crollano e tutto viene gettato nel caos!
    Con la tua magia a maglia unica e il tuo spirito imperturbabile, arruola l'aiuto di nuovi amici, ripristina i portali e riunisci ancora una volta Bandle City!
    In Bandle Tale, sperimentate uno sguardo mai visto prima sulla vita al di là dei boschi di bandoliere. Incontrate curiose creature, raccogliete materiali per realizzare mestieri impossibili e risvegliate portali magici mentre vi spostate tra cinque nuove isole indimenticabili.
    Una buona vita a Bandle City si basa su una cosa: la zuppa di barbabietole! Aspetta, no, divertirsi! Organizza festival per garantire la felicità e il divertimento dei tuoi amici yordles. Coltivate il vostro pollice verde e cucinate piatti da fattoria per i vostri ospiti, oppure sfoderate la vostra abilità ingegneristica e costruite gadget per deliziarli.
    Stringete amicizia con personaggi colorati e fate dei campioni di League of Legends i vostri alleati mentre svelate i misteri che vi circondano e riparate la vostra comunità, un punto magico alla volta.

  • Blade Assault (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Dopo la devastante Guerra della Pietra Rossa, il mondo è diviso in tre regioni: i terreni esterni infestati dai mutanti, l'Undercity dove la gente si è rifugiata per sfuggire ai mutanti e la città celeste Esperanza dove i ricchi e i potenti dominano il mondo. Combattete contro l'esercito corrotto di Esperanza come parte della forza di resistenza del Sottosuolo. Assicurate i corrotti alla giustizia diventando più forti e combattendo al fianco dei vostri fidati compagni.
    Blade Assault è un platform rogue-lite d'azione in 2D con una splendida grafica in pixel ambientata in un desolato mondo fantascientifico. Il gioco è caratterizzato da controlli precisi e reattivi e da un cast di personaggi affascinanti. I personaggi giocabili dispongono di varie armi trasformabili che utilizzano per combattere i nemici. Le armi possono essere ulteriormente personalizzate grazie a diversi "Nuclei" e "Potenziamenti di trasformazione" che appaiono casualmente durante il gioco.
    Combattimento veloce e soddisfacente. Utilizzando diverse abilità, schivando gli attacchi nemici con una corsa, lanciando proiettili e facendo a pezzi le folle di nemici. I vostri attacchi cambiano a seconda dei "Nuclei" selezionati e dei potenziamenti che decidete di adottare durante le vostre corse.
    Incontrate PNG e trovate potenziamenti lungo la vostra missione per sbloccare poteri unici. Ogni personaggio giocabile ha le proprie armi, conservate nella propria armeria.

  • Capcom Fighting Collection (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Capcom Fighting Collection presenta le leggende della storia dei giochi arcade competitivi di Capcom, riprodotte fedelmente per giocare proprio come nelle sale giochi!
    La Collection include impostazioni aggiuntive per migliorare la vostra esperienza domestica e supporta anche il multiplayer online, in modo da poter combattere contro amici e avversari di tutto il mondo dalla comodità della vostra stanza!

  • Cave Story+ (Epic Game) PC


    Cave Story is a game in the Metroidvania platform-adventure genre, first released on PC in 2004. The game is set in deep dark caves on a floating island. The island is inhabited by a race of intelligent rabbit-like creatures called Mimigas.

    Controlling the main character with a gamepad or a keyboard, the player explores an amazing and mysterious world, simultaneously solving platformer-puzzles and defeating enemies. In the world of the game, several types of weapons are available, and a victory in a duel with a foe will bring experience points. In the rest – Cave Story is a classic 2D platformer with polished controls and an interesting setting.

    The unnamed main character wakes up in a dark cave without remembering who he is and where he came from. After reaching the settlement, he learns that the world of Mimigas is in danger and decides to help. In the + version of the game released on Steam in 2011, an alternative scenario that does not coincide with the original English localization of the game is featured, as well as an additional “Wind Fortress” level.

  • Dome Keeper Deluxe Edition (Steam) PC Key GLOBAL


    Dome Romantik has grown to become Dome Keeper with beautiful updated pixel art, atmospheric music and sound and more of everything. Defend your dome from wave after wave of hostile attacks in this roguelike survival miner. Use the time between each attack to dig beneath the surface in search of valuable resources. Use them carefully on powerful upgrades to help you stay alive and make it to the next world.Dig
    Drill tunnels beneath your dome in search of precious materials. Watch the time, you need to get back to the dome and be ready when the next wave of attack comes. How deep will you get this time? How much can you carry back?Defend
    Take control of the defenses and fend off the alien attacks. Air and ground, slow and fast, the attackers must be prioritized and dealt with before they tear your dome apart.Develop
    Use your mineral harvest to gain powerful upgrades; improve the strength of your weapon, make your drill more powerful, increase the speed of your jetpack and research other improvements. Find artifacts to give an extra boost to your survival odds.

  • Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake (Steam) PC key GLOBAL


    DRAGON QUEST III HD-2D Remake is a stunning reimagining of the beloved masterpiece and narrative beginning to The Erdrick Trilogy.Story:Years ago, the great hero Ortega bid farewell to his wife and child as he set off on a quest to defeat the villainous Archfiend, Baramos. Ortega failed his quest, and Baramos still threatens the world. Now, on their sixteenth birthday, Ortega’s only child is summoned by the king of Aliahan and entrusted with a mission of the highest import: to take on Ortega’s quest, vanquish Baramos, and save the world.Build your perfect party:Recruit a variety of allies, with three able to join your party to aid you on your quest. Choose their vocations, appearances and their voices. There’s even a brand new vocation exclusive to this remake: the monster wrangler!Travel across an expansive open world:Explore a wealth of towns, castles, caves, towers and dungeons to explore on your adventure, with hidden secrets waiting to be discovered.Strategic, turn-based battles:Battle a vast array of monsters in classic DRAGON QUEST turn-based battles. Set party tactics and switch up weapons, abilities and spells to take on all of the challenging foes that await you.

  • Gargoyles Remastered (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Gargoyles Remastered is an artfully crafted revival of the ‘90s classic 16-bit side-scrolling platform adventure. Relive the epic journey of Goliath and the Gargoyles featuring enhanced visuals, animations, and SFX, all inspired by the acclaimed animated series. The world of Gargoyles comes to life with a level of detail that will thrill fans of the animated series and retro gaming enthusiasts alike. Experience classic gameplay that stays authentic to its predecessor while including new features such as achievements, gameplay rewind, and more!
    Key Features
    • Play as Goliath, leader of the Gargoyles: Use stone-crushing strength, scale stone towers and buildings with razor-sharp claws, and glide through the air as you master mid-air attacks and hand-to-hand combat in non-stop action to save the world from destruction.
    • Immersive Graphics Experience: Seamlessly toggle in real-time between graphics inspired by the animated series and classic 16-bit mode true to the original game.
    • Authentic Gargoyles Experience: Relive the story of Goliath and the Gargoyles’ battle against the evil Eye of Odin with new animations and sound effects inspired by the Gargoyles animated series.
    • Customize Your Experience: Tailor your gameplay with modern features including instant rewind, wide-screen presentation, and achievements!
    • Remastered Soundtrack: Experience the original soundtrack, remastered and optimized for a more immersive adventure.

  • Live a Live (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Live A Live (ライブ・ア・ライブ) is a RPG video game published by SquareSoft released on September 2nd, 1994 for the SNES. The game was directed by Takashi Tokita, known for his work in Final Fantasy IV and Chrono Trigger. The soundtrack was composed by Yoko Shimomura, being her first full project at square.

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