Mostra tutti i risultati di 9

  • 1-2-Switch (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Organizzate una festa improvvisata ovunque e con chiunque grazie a un nuovo stile di gioco in cui i giocatori si guardano l'un l'altro, non lo schermo! Portate l'azione e il divertimento nel mondo reale e affrontatevi in duelli del selvaggio West, gare di mungitura delle mucche, una gara di ballo di imitazione e molto altro ancora. Ogni gioco sfrutta in modo diverso le caratteristiche del controller Joy-Con della console Nintendo Switch. Mentre l'azione si svolge fuori dallo schermo, il pubblico guarda i giocatori stessi anziché lo schermo. Questo rende il gioco divertente sia da guardare che da giocare: un amplificatore di feste istantaneo!

  • Bandle Tale Una storia di League of Legends (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Edizione digitale deluxe
    Bandle Tale: A League of Legends Story™ Deluxe Edition include quanto segue:
    Armadio Poro: Vesti il tuo piccolo e soffice amico poro con due abiti esclusivi (e molto carini).
    Sostenete il Poro!
    Zaino Buzzy PoroHome Sweet: Due esterni accattivanti per la vostra casa zaino più grande all'interno.
    Alveare a nido d'ape
    Bungalow Prisma ViolaImprovvisamente con stile: Tre effetti di percorso per il vostro personaggio.
    Ape occupata
    A tutta velocitàMenu segreto: Ordinate! Appena sfornate, altre tre ricette da aggiungere al vostro ricettario.
    Uovo arcobaleno
    Torta quasi perigliosa
    Poro Snax
    Informazioni sul giocoUn piccolo Yordle, un enorme problema.
    Da Lazy Bear, lo studio che ha portato Graveyard Keeper, arriva Bandle Tale: A League of Legends Story™. Immergetevi in questo delizioso RPG di crafting ambientato nel magico mondo di Bandle City, patria dei pelosi e divertenti yordles.
    Sei un timido yordle che vive a Yarnville, un'isola accogliente ma isolata, ossessionata da tutto ciò che riguarda il lavoro a maglia. Quando il tuo apprendistato di 101 anni finisce, non desideri altro che vedere cosa c'è oltre i portali che collegano il resto di Bandle City. Ma quando una festa a cui partecipi va terribilmente male, i portali crollano e tutto viene gettato nel caos!
    Con la tua magia a maglia unica e il tuo spirito imperturbabile, arruola l'aiuto di nuovi amici, ripristina i portali e riunisci ancora una volta Bandle City!
    In Bandle Tale, sperimentate uno sguardo mai visto prima sulla vita al di là dei boschi di bandoliere. Incontrate curiose creature, raccogliete materiali per realizzare mestieri impossibili e risvegliate portali magici mentre vi spostate tra cinque nuove isole indimenticabili.
    Una buona vita a Bandle City si basa su una cosa: la zuppa di barbabietole! Aspetta, no, divertirsi! Organizza festival per garantire la felicità e il divertimento dei tuoi amici yordles. Coltivate il vostro pollice verde e cucinate piatti da fattoria per i vostri ospiti, oppure sfoderate la vostra abilità ingegneristica e costruite gadget per deliziarli.
    Stringete amicizia con personaggi colorati e fate dei campioni di League of Legends i vostri alleati mentre svelate i misteri che vi circondano e riparate la vostra comunità, un punto magico alla volta.

  • Diablo II Resurrected (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    A Timeless Classic, Resurrected
    Diablo® II: Resurrected™ is a remastered version of the quintessential action RPG Diablo® II. Pursue the mysterious Dark Wanderer and fight the denizens of hell as you uncover the fate of the Prime Evils Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal, now in up to 4K (2160p) resolution on PC. Diablo II Resurrected features:

    Remastered graphics—monsters, heroes, items, spells, all resurrected.

    An epic story told through five distinct acts.

    Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.

    Updated support.

    Planned support for cross-progression—take your progress wherever you play.

    … and much more!
    The Lord of Destruction Returns
    Diablo II: Resurrected includes all content from both Diablo II and its epic expansion Diablo II: Lord of Destruction®. Battle your way through icy caverns, horrific tombs filled with undead abominations, and frozen wastelands to the frigid summit of Mount Arreat and stop Baal, the Lord of Destruction. Raise hell with two Lord of Destruction playable classes—the cunning Assassin, master of traps and shadow disciplines, and the savage Druid, a bold shapeshifter and summoner who commands primal elemental magic.

  • Diablo III: Collezione Eterna (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Tornate nei regni mortali con nuovi e letali poteri di sangue, ossa ed essenza. Il pacchetto Rise of the Necromancer (L'ascesa del Negromante) porta alla luce una serie di nuovi contenuti, tra cui la classe eroe Negromante e due slot personaggio aggiuntivi. Inoltre, offre contenuti a tema negromante per tutti i personaggi, tra cui le Ali del Guardiano della Cripta, un animale domestico Golem Semiformato, una cornice per il ritratto, una forma e un sigillo per lo stendardo e uno stendardo.
    La riproduzione remota richiede un sistema PS Vita e una connessione Wi-Fi sufficientemente robusta.
    Le funzioni online richiedono un account e sono soggette ai termini di servizio e all'informativa sulla privacy applicabile ( &
    1-4 giocatori
    Giocatori di rete 2-4
    26 GB di dimensione minima di salvataggio
    Riproduzione remota
    Gioco online (opzionale)
    Il software è soggetto a licenza ( Le funzionalità online richiedono un account e sono soggette ai termini di servizio e all'informativa sulla privacy applicabile ( & Costo della licenza una tantum per giocare sul sistema PS4™ principale designato dall'account e su altri sistemi PS4™ quando si accede con quell'account.
    Diablo® III: Eternal Collection™ © 2017 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. Tutti i diritti riservati.

  • Divinity Original Sin 2 Edizione Definitiva (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Il Divino è morto. Il Vuoto si avvicina. E i poteri che giacciono dormienti dentro di voi si risveglieranno presto. La battaglia per la Divinità è iniziata. Scegliete con saggezza e fidatevi con parsimonia; l'oscurità è in agguato in ogni cuore.

    Chi sarete?
    Un Elfo mangia-carne, una Lucertola Imperiale o un Non-morto risorto dalla tomba? Scoprite come il mondo reagisce in modo diverso a chi - o cosa - siete.
    È tempo di una nuova Divinità!

    Raduna il tuo gruppo e sviluppa relazioni con i tuoi compagni. Fate esplodere i vostri avversari in combattimenti profondi, tattici e a turni. Usate l'ambiente come un'arma, sfruttate l'altezza a vostro vantaggio e manipolate gli elementi stessi per ottenere la vostra vittoria.
    Ascendere come il dio di cui Rivellon ha disperatamente bisogno.
    Esplorate il vasto e stratificato mondo di Rivellon da soli o in un gruppo di massimo 4 giocatori in modalità cooperativa drop-in/drop-out. Andate ovunque, liberate la vostra immaginazione ed esplorate infiniti modi di interagire con il mondo. Oltre a Rivellon, c'è molto altro da esplorare nelle nuovissime modalità PvP e Game Master.

  • Overcooked! 2 (Epic Game) PC


    Just UpdatedNEW GAME PLUS
    It’s time for a new challenge! There’s a 4th star to be collected, but it’s not going to be easy.
    New Game Plus unlocks once all the story mode levels have been completed in Campaign, so get cooking.
    Review Scores
    Best Family/Social Game
    About the GameOvercooked returns with a brand-new helping of chaotic cooking action! Journey back to the Onion Kingdom and assemble your team of chefs in classic couch co-op or online play for up to four players. Hold onto your aprons … it’s time to save the world (again!)
    Out of the frying pan, into the fire…
    You’ve saved the world from the Ever Peckish. Now a new threat has arisen and it’s time to get back in the kitchen to stave off the hunger of The Unbread!
    ONLINE/LOCAL MULTIPLAYER MADNESS You’ll knead to work together (or against each other) to get the highest score in chaotic local and online multiplayer.
    FEAST YOUR EYES ON THIS Journey across a brand new overworld map by land, sea and air. Get cooking in new themes ranging from sushi restaurants, magic schools, mines and even alien planets!
    WHET YOUR APPETITE! Travel the land cooking up a range of new recipes that are sure to cater to any tastes, including sushi, cakes, burgers and pizzas.
    ROMAINE CALM! Travel through teleporters, across moving platforms and save time by throwing ingredients across dynamic kitchens that shift and evolve. Some kitchens even whisk your chefs away to new locations.

  • Super Mario Party (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Super Mario Party is the eleventh game in its series of party games and the first to be released for Nintendo Switch.

    The characters from the Mario universe decide to start a party with a lot of competitive games to determine who of them is going to be the Super Star.

    ###Gioco d'azzardo
    The player controls his or her character from the third person view and navigates it in the Mario world to collect stars and participate in mini-games.

    The game features all the main playable characters from the previous Mario Party games, such as Mario, Princess Peach, Luigi, and Bowser. There’s a roster of 20 characters, four of which need to be unlocked. Toad is not playable and serves as the party’s host and judge instead. Super Mario Party introduces several characters that are new to the series, such as Monty Mole, Goomba, and Pom Pom, as well as reintroduces characters that only featured in the handheld spin-off installments, namely Diddy Kong and Bowser Jr.

    The game allows a variety of multiplayer options. Up to four players can compete the main Party mode, taking turns. In the Partner Party mode, the players compete in teams in the vein of Mario Party: Star Rush. Super Mario Party allows two players to use a single Switch, with each player taking one of Joy-Cons. The players can also synchronize their Switch consoles locally.

  • The Jackbox Party Pack 8 (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    About The Jackbox Party Pack 9
    Introducing the ninth installment of the best-selling Party Pack Franchise you know and love! Whether you’re hanging out with friends, having a remote happy hour, trying to make the holidays less awkward, or looking for your next game to stream, The Jackbox Party Pack 9 is here to spice things up.
    Let’s keep it simple. You don’t need extra controllers for extra players – everyone uses their phones or tablets to play! Games support up to 10 players and 10,000 audience members joining in the fun to impact the outcome of the game.
    The Jackbox Party Pack 9 is in English only at launch but a patch is coming soon with French, Italian, German, and Spanish localization. This game does not support online matchmaking but can still be enjoyed remotely using livestreaming services or video conferencing tools.
    About Each GameFibbage 4 (2-8 players) – The hilarious bluffing party game returns with an all new Final Fibbage, video questions, fan-submitted questions, and Fibbage Enough About You mode! It’s a game so beloved that we decided to slap a 4 on it.
    Quixort (1-10 players) – In this trivia sorting factory, work with your team to sort falling answers into their proper order before they hit the floor! Or, play the single player mode and see how many blocks you can sort before topping out. It’s as easy as A, C, B!
    Junktopia (3-8 players) – A strange wizard has turned you into a frog! Create hilarious backstories for weird objects and then get them appraised. The player with the most valuable items becomes human again!
    Nonsensory (3-8 players) – Professor Nanners is here to test your NSP (Nonsensory Perception) in this drawing, writing, and guessing game! How close can you get to guessing where another player’s prompt ranks on the silliest of scales?
    Roomerang (4-9 players) – Channel your inner reality TV star in an attempt to come out on top! Respond to prompts, bring the competition and role-play to avoid being voted out. Never fear though, even when you’re out you’ll find yourself Roomerang-ed right back into the drama!
    How to Play Remotely
    In The Jackbox Party Pack 9, players use any web-enabled device (like a smartphone or tablet) to join the game and play along. When playing with remote players, you can use a video conferencing tool like Zoom, Steam Broadcast, Google Hangouts, Discord, and more to connect with others! Just share your screen while on a call and make sure you look for prompts to share audio. Visit our Remote Play page for more tips and tutorials.

  • The Thaumaturge (Epic Game) PC


    The Thaumaturge is an isometric, story-rich RPG with a unique take on tactical combat, character development features, and investigation mechanics, facing you with morally ambiguous choices – set in a world teeming with mysterious powers and strange ethereal beings called Salutors.
    The year is 1905. Warsaw lives under the yoke of imperial Russian tsardom. Its inhabitants constitute a diverse group of different ancestries, views, and beliefs with often conflicting interests: Russian soldiers, Jewish merchants, Polish townspeople, and more. Despite the circumstances, the city is a buzzing metropolis, where one can attend a breathtaking party with the high society, and later get robbed in one of the dark alleys of the Praga district. A city of great hopes and dreams on one hand and dark desires on the other.
    In this world, a force that cannot be ignored are Thaumaturges – individuals versed in taming spirit-like beings called Salutors, used for manipulation of the temperaments and affinities of other people and even ultimately in combat. The devil is in the detail – only Thaumaturges are fully aware of the Salutors’ nature and only they can perceive them in their true essence. Their capability to influence others significantly and demonstrably increases their ability to change the surrounding world – however, Thaumaturgy is a power that should be used with caution.
    Shape your story – as a full-fledged RPG, it allows you to alternate your choices and make you deal with the aftermath.
    Develop your character – creating your own version of the Thaumaturge will allow you to approach situations in different ways.
    Experience unique combat and defeat your foes using human attacks and skills as well as psychic strikes delivered by Salutors.
    Influence and manipulate the temperaments of other characters to bend their will to your liking.
    Tame the power of Salutors – use the unique set of their skills to gain an advantage while exploring the world and when bringing your adversaries to their knees.
    See the world that’s inevitably gone – explore the uncommon, heavily researched historic period of the early XX century Warsaw, where crime and luxury are often two sides of the same coin. Meet historical figures and learn about their involvement in the story.
    Created in Unreal Engine 5 to deliver a detailed & beautifully crafted world.

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