Risultati 1-12 di 292

  • 1-2-Switch (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Organizzate una festa improvvisata ovunque e con chiunque grazie a un nuovo stile di gioco in cui i giocatori si guardano l'un l'altro, non lo schermo! Portate l'azione e il divertimento nel mondo reale e affrontatevi in duelli del selvaggio West, gare di mungitura delle mucche, una gara di ballo di imitazione e molto altro ancora. Ogni gioco sfrutta in modo diverso le caratteristiche del controller Joy-Con della console Nintendo Switch. Mentre l'azione si svolge fuori dallo schermo, il pubblico guarda i giocatori stessi anziché lo schermo. Questo rende il gioco divertente sia da guardare che da giocare: un amplificatore di feste istantaneo!

  • Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown è l'ottavo capitolo della serie di simulatori di volo Ace Combat.

    ###PPremessa e ambientazione
    La serie è ambientata nello Strangereal, una versione alternativa e fittizia della Terra. Questo mondo ha una geografia e una storia diverse, anche se i suoi Paesi e le sue culture sono basati su prototipi del nostro mondo reale. Skies Unknown segue la Guerra del Faro (chiamata anche Seconda Guerra Continentale), un conflitto tra il Regno di Erusea e la Federazione Oseana in un 2019 alternativo. L'obiettivo della guerra è il controllo dell'ascensore spaziale internazionale. L'esercito di Erusea attacca l'esercito di Osean che protegge l'Ascensore. In risposta, Osea lancia un attacco su larga scala contro Farbanti, la capitale di Erusea, causando una massiccia perdita di vite civili.

    ##1TP5Caratteri principali
    Il protagonista principale della campagna narrativa Skies Unknown è Trigger, un pilota dell'aeronautica militare di Osean. È stato incastrato per omicidio e trasferito alla squadriglia penale. Sebbene il giocatore inizi come militare dell'Osean, il gioco non favorisce nessuna delle parti in conflitto. Anche Rosa Cossette D'Elise, principessa ed erede al trono di Erusea, svolge un ruolo importante nella trama.

    ###Gioco d'azzardo
    Il giocatore controlla l'aereo da combattimento di Trigger, l'F-22A Raptor, e completa varie missioni contro i caccia nemici. In questo gioco non compaiono altri tipi di aerei, a differenza dei giochi precedenti. Il gioco reintroduce alcune meccaniche dei capitoli precedenti, come i checkpoint e i razzi controllati dal giocatore. Skies Unknown è anche il primo gioco della serie a far sì che le nuvole influenzino il gameplay.

  • Achille: Leggende non raccontate (gioco epico) PC


    Partecipate al viaggio di Achille, che si trova nel mezzo del conflitto secolare tra Ade e Ares. Il giovane eroe viene inviato a combattere il figlio del dio della guerra, Phobos. Il suo viaggio lo porterà in molti angoli diversi delle terre mitologiche, dove otterrà potenti artefatti che lo aiuteranno nella sua missione. Achille non è solo, perché Efesto, il dio dei fabbri, è sempre pronto a creare nuove armi in cambio di materiali.

    Achilles: Legends Untold è un gioco RPG d'azione isometrico, fortemente ispirato al genere souls-like e ai giochi hack&slash della vecchia scuola. I giocatori si avventureranno in molti luoghi poco accoglienti, combattendo contro creature leggendarie e cercando di ricostruire la storia del mondo. Il gioco è un po' più leggero sul versante "souls", in quanto lo studio ha voluto creare un'esperienza facile da imparare ma difficile da padroneggiare. Per questo motivo, Achilles: Legends Untold può essere apprezzato sia dai veterani degli anime che dai nuovi giocatori. E se serve aiuto, basta convocare i propri amici per giocare insieme in allegra collaborazione ed esplorare insieme i vari dungeon.

    Il gameplay prevede combattimenti divertenti e basati sull'abilità, elementi RPG e gestione delle risorse. Ogni oggetto trovato durante il viaggio può rivelarsi utile per creare nuove armi e attrezzature una volta riportato a Hephaistos. Nel corso del gioco, i giocatori diventeranno sempre più abili al fianco del personaggio principale, acquisendo la capacità di affrontare nemici ancora più potenti! E potete star certi che ci saranno molti nemici abominevoli e terribili che incroceranno il vostro cammino.

    Achille: Legends Untold presenta anche un innovativo sistema GAIA, responsabile delle azioni dei personaggi IA, che sembrano realistici e collaborano in modi imprevedibili. Sperimentate battaglie coinvolgenti in cui i mostri si adattano al vostro stile di gioco, provate diverse strategie o create scenari di imboscate, grazie a questo sistema contemporaneo progettato internamente.
    Sarete abbastanza tenaci da crescere in forza e sconfiggere Ares?

  • AEW Fight Forever (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Sviluppato da YUKE's Co, Ltd., creatori di numerosi giochi di wrestling che hanno venduto milioni di unità, AEW: Fight Forever combina l'atmosfera nostalgica dei wrestler arcade con le innovative finali di All Elite Wrestling e le mosse offensive in tandem. All Elite Wrestling sta attualmente conquistando le reti TNT e TBS con i suoi show Rampage e Dynamite, che presentano alcune delle più grandi leggende del ring e una serie di nuovi talenti AEW. AEW: Fight Forever riunisce il meglio del meglio di questa rosa di talenti in un unico gioco! Il wrestling cooperativo online passa a un livello completamente superiore in Fight Forever, con incontri Tag Team che presentano sequenze di manovre di squadra eseguite con semplici comandi. Una profonda modalità carriera, la personalizzazione dei lottatori, le tipiche arene AEW e più tipi di match di quanti se ne possano contare, compreso un po' di sano divertimento non sanzionato, vi aspettano!

    Combina l'atmosfera nostagica del wrestling arcade con le innovative finali e mosse offensive di All Elite Wrestling.
    Il roster di talenti combina le più grandi leggende che salgono sul ring con nuove stelle AEW ad alto potenziale!
    Singoli, tag-team, 3, 4, ladder, Casino Battle Royale, Falls Count Anywhere, Unsanctioned Lights Out, Exploding Barbed Wire Death e partite multigiocatore in cooperativa online!
    Multigiocatore cooperativo online!
    Gli incontri di tag team sono caratterizzati da una sequenza di manovre di squadra eseguite con semplici comandi.
    Modalità carriera profonda
    Ampia gamma di modalità di personalizzazione: abbigliamento e aspetto dei lottatori, set di mosse, entrate, squadre e arene.
    Più di 40 armi!
    Sfide giornaliere e settimanali!

  • Age of Wonders 4 (Steam) PC


    Rule a fantasy realm of your own design in Age of Wonders 4! Explore new magical realms in Age of Wonders’ signature blend of 4X strategy and turn-based tactical combat. Control a faction that grows and changes as you expand your empire with each turn.

    Triumph Studios’ award-winning strategy series has emerged into a new age, evolving the game’s iconic empire building, role-playing, and warfare to the next level. A new storytelling event system and hugely customizable empires provide an endlessly replayable experience, where each game adds a new chapter to your ever-growing saga.

    Powerful Wizard Kings have returned to the realms to reign as gods among mortals. Claim and master the Tomes of Magic to evolve your people, and prepare for an epic battle that will determine the ages to come.

    Craft your followers by combining bodily forms, societal traits and arcane powers. Build anything from a clan of cannibal halflings to mystic moon elves, or recreate your favorite fantasy tropes
    Seek powerful tomes of magic to enchant your armies and evolve your people! See your people physically change as they morph into angelic beings or scions of chaos to face their enemies.
    Seek glory through brutal domination, cunning alliances, or ultimate arcane knowledge, and write your legacy into the very fabric of the realm itself!

    Every choice opens up new possibilities and tactical advantages; deep, multilayered strategy allows you to try new tactics or explore new powers at every turn
    Tactical turn-based battles bring your armies to life, showcasing their power in an environment shaped by your decisions. From skirmishes with roaming monsters to vast sieges with dozens of units on each side, with the addition of a morale system and more features, every battle brings a fresh challenge
    Tremendous variety in empires, units, and environments keep the game endlessly replayable. Age of Wonders is more moddable and open-ended than ever in the series’ history

    Explore a new realm with each game – or create your own! Challenge new variations and combinations of locations and features, from frozen wastelands ruled by ice queens to desolated ruins where dragons roam
    A new event system provides unexpected levels of storytelling for 4X games. See your decisions shape the world around you, from growing cities and roaming armies to world-warping magic effects
    Guide your empire to greatness – but the story doesn’t end with your victory or defeat! Ascend your rulers to an in-game pantheon and unlock ways to further customize your experience. Encounter your own creations as potential rivals or allies in subsequent games, and experience the next chapter in your own story!

  • Age of Wonders 4: Premium Edition (Steam) PC


    Rule a fantasy realm of your own design in Age of Wonders 4! Explore new magical realms in Age of Wonders’ signature blend of 4X strategy and turn-based tactical combat. Control a faction that grows and changes as you expand your empire with each turn.

    Triumph Studios’ award-winning strategy series has emerged into a new age, evolving the game’s iconic empire building, role-playing, and warfare to the next level. A new storytelling event system and hugely customizable empires provide an endlessly replayable experience, where each game adds a new chapter to your ever-growing saga.

    Powerful Wizard Kings have returned to the realms to reign as gods among mortals. Claim and master the Tomes of Magic to evolve your people, and prepare for an epic battle that will determine the ages to come.

    Craft your followers by combining bodily forms, societal traits and arcane powers. Build anything from a clan of cannibal halflings to mystic moon elves, or recreate your favorite fantasy tropes
    Seek powerful tomes of magic to enchant your armies and evolve your people! See your people physically change as they morph into angelic beings or scions of chaos to face their enemies.
    Seek glory through brutal domination, cunning alliances, or ultimate arcane knowledge, and write your legacy into the very fabric of the realm itself!

    Every choice opens up new possibilities and tactical advantages; deep, multilayered strategy allows you to try new tactics or explore new powers at every turn
    Tactical turn-based battles bring your armies to life, showcasing their power in an environment shaped by your decisions. From skirmishes with roaming monsters to vast sieges with dozens of units on each side, with the addition of a morale system and more features, every battle brings a fresh challenge
    Tremendous variety in empires, units, and environments keep the game endlessly replayable. Age of Wonders is more moddable and open-ended than ever in the series’ history

    Explore a new realm with each game – or create your own! Challenge new variations and combinations of locations and features, from frozen wastelands ruled by ice queens to desolated ruins where dragons roam
    A new event system provides unexpected levels of storytelling for 4X games. See your decisions shape the world around you, from growing cities and roaming armies to world-warping magic effects
    Guide your empire to greatness – but the story doesn’t end with your victory or defeat! Ascend your rulers to an in-game pantheon and unlock ways to further customize your experience. Encounter your own creations as potential rivals or allies in subsequent games, and experience the next chapter in your own story!

  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    Age of Wonders: Planetfall is the new strategy game from Triumph Studios, creators of the critically acclaimed Age of Wonders and Overlord series, bringing all the exciting tactical-turn based combat and in-depth 4X empire building of its predecessors to space in an all-new sci-fi setting.

    Emerge from the cosmic dark age of a fallen galactic empire to craft a new future for your people. Explore the planetary ruins and encounter other surviving factions that have each evolved in their own way, as you unravel the history of a shattered civilization. Fight, build, negotiate and technologically advance your way to utopia, in a deep single player campaign, on random maps and against friends in multiplayer.

    ## Tactical Turn-Based Sci-Fi Combat

    Perfect your combat strategy in intense turn-based battles that offer tactical challenges, a large cast of races, units with customizable weapons, and destructible environments.

    ## Discover a Rich Science Fiction World

    Uncover the history of the fallen galactic empire as you explore lush landscapes, and experience the emergent story. Encounter NPC factions and rival houses, and discover hidden technologies that can strengthen your society and give you advantage over enemies.

    ## Planetary Empire Building

    Create your own unique House, and build prosperous colonies through economic specializations of planetary sectors and governing doctrines.Multiple Paths to VictoryAchieve your end goals through conquest, diplomacy or doomsday technologies. Engrossing options with NPC factions and rival Houses won’t make the decisions easy!

  • Aliens Fireteam Elite (Steam) PC


    A mysterious distress call reroutes your Marine Assault Unit to LV-895 in the outer colonies, where deadly Xenomorph legions, hidden corporate secrets, and ancient alien ruins await your arrival.

    Set in the iconic Alien universe, Aliens: Fireteam is a cooperative third-person survival shooter that drops your fireteam of hardened marines into a desperate fight to contain the Xenomorph threat.

    Face off against waves of terrifying Xenomorph and Weyland-Yutani Synthetic foes alongside two players or AI teammates, as you and your fireteam desperately fight your way through four unique campaigns that introduce new storylines to the Alien universe. Create and customize your own Colonial Marine, choosing from an extensive variety of classes, weapons, gear and perks, battling overwhelming odds in this heart-pounding survival shooter experience.

    Play a pivotal role in the epic events that occur 23 years after the original Alien trilogy as a Colonial Marine stationed aboard the USS Endeavor, battling terrifying Xenomorph threats. Stunning visuals, iconic enemies, realistic environments, powerful weapons, futuristic equipment, and an eerie soundscape fill out new storylines in a series of replayable campaigns that evoke and expand upon the blockbuster films.

    Face overwhelming odds against over 20 enemy types, including 11 different Xenomorphs along the evolutionary scale from Facehuggers to Praetorians, each designed with their own intelligence to ambush, outsmart and eviscerate vulnerable marines. Utilize cover and master team strategy to survive extraterrestrial threats as they overrun your fireteam from every angle, swarm through doors and vents, scramble across walls and ceilings, and strike from darkness with uncanny ferocity.

    Choose from five unique classes – Gunner, Demolisher, Technician, Doc and Recon – each with their own special abilities and character perks. Utilize an extensive arsenal of 30+ weapons and 70+ mods/attachments in your effort to eradicate the Alien threat. An innovative Perk Board modifies and improves your abilities, while a unique Challenge Card system alters the approach to each Campaign mission, offering a new experience with every playthrough.

  • Aliens Fireteam Elite (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    A mysterious distress call reroutes your Marine Assault Unit to LV-895 in the outer colonies, where deadly Xenomorph legions, hidden corporate secrets, and ancient alien ruins await your arrival.

    Set in the iconic Alien universe, Aliens: Fireteam is a cooperative third-person survival shooter that drops your fireteam of hardened marines into a desperate fight to contain the Xenomorph threat.

    Face off against waves of terrifying Xenomorph and Weyland-Yutani Synthetic foes alongside two players or AI teammates, as you and your fireteam desperately fight your way through four unique campaigns that introduce new storylines to the Alien universe. Create and customize your own Colonial Marine, choosing from an extensive variety of classes, weapons, gear and perks, battling overwhelming odds in this heart-pounding survival shooter experience.

    Play a pivotal role in the epic events that occur 23 years after the original Alien trilogy as a Colonial Marine stationed aboard the USS Endeavor, battling terrifying Xenomorph threats. Stunning visuals, iconic enemies, realistic environments, powerful weapons, futuristic equipment, and an eerie soundscape fill out new storylines in a series of replayable campaigns that evoke and expand upon the blockbuster films.

    Face overwhelming odds against over 20 enemy types, including 11 different Xenomorphs along the evolutionary scale from Facehuggers to Praetorians, each designed with their own intelligence to ambush, outsmart and eviscerate vulnerable marines. Utilize cover and master team strategy to survive extraterrestrial threats as they overrun your fireteam from every angle, swarm through doors and vents, scramble across walls and ceilings, and strike from darkness with uncanny ferocity.

    Choose from five unique classes – Gunner, Demolisher, Technician, Doc and Recon – each with their own special abilities and character perks. Utilize an extensive arsenal of 30+ weapons and 70+ mods/attachments in your effort to eradicate the Alien threat. An innovative Perk Board modifies and improves your abilities, while a unique Challenge Card system alters the approach to each Campaign mission, offering a new experience with every playthrough.

  • AO International Tennis (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    To download the AO International Tennis Tools click here.
    AO International Tennis is the most authentic, community-focused tennis game ever. Make use of comprehensive PlayFace™, Stadium Creator, and other customisation features to put a photo-realistic version of yourself in your local tennis competition. Then put yourself up against the greats, including Rafael Nadal, Angelique Kerber, and up-an-coming heroes such as Naomi Osaka and Hyeon Chung.
    With more play features than any tennis game before, this is a tennis game for fans of tennis, made by fans of tennis.Thousands Of PlayersSupported by a vibrant community, download and play with thousands of players created by other AO International Tennis fans, including photo-realistic players created through Big Ant Studios’ proprietary PlayFace™ application.Hard Court, Clay Or GrassEvery major court surface is supported in AO International Tennis. Play on existing stadia and tennis parks, or create your own with the comprehensive in-game editor!Motion CaptureProfessional players have been 3D scanned and motion captured in order to bring the most authentic tennis game to date.CareerPlay tournaments all around the world in the quest to become #1! Play special event matches against champions to unlock new play styles and improve your game.Play OnlineChallenge the world and become the world champion from the comfort of your living room.
    To download the AO International Tennis Tools click here.

  • ARK Survival Evolved (Steam) PC


    As a man or woman stranded naked, freezing and starving on the shores of a mysterious island called ARK, you must hunt, harvest resources, craft items, grow crops, research technologies, and build shelters to withstand the elements. Use your cunning and resources to kill or tame & breed the leviathan dinosaurs and other primeval creatures roaming the land, and team up with or prey on hundreds of other players to survive, dominate… and escape!
    Dinosaurs, Creatures, & Breeding! — over 100+ creatures can be tamed using a challenging capture-&-affinity process, involving weakening a feral creature to knock it unconscious, and then nursing it back to health with appropriate food. Once tamed, you can issue commands to your tames, which it may follow depending on how well you’ve tamed and trained it. Tames, which can continue to level-up and consume food, can also carry Inventory and Equipment such as Armor, carry prey back to your settlement depending on their strength, and larger tames can be ridden and directly controlled! Fly a Pterodactyl over the snow-capped mountains, lift allies over enemy walls, race through the jungle with a pack of Raptors, tromp through an enemy base along a gigantic brontosaurus, or chase down prey on the back of a raging T-Rex! Take part in a dynamic ecosystem life-cycle with its own predator & prey hierarchies, where you are just one creature among many species struggling for dominance and survival. Tames can also be mated with the opposite gender, to selectively breed successive generations using a trait system based on recombinant genetic inheritance. This process includes both egg-based incubation and mammalian gestation lifecycles! Or put more simply, raise babies!
    You must eat and drink to survive, with different kinds of plants & meat having different nutritional properties, including human meat. Ensuring a supply of fresh water to your home and inventory is a pressing concern. All physical actions come at a cost of food and water, long-distance travel is fraught with subsistence peril! Inventory weight makes you move slower, and the day/night cycle along with randomized weather patterns add another layer of challenge by altering the temperature of the environment, causing you to hunger or thirst more quickly. Build a fire or shelter, and craft a large variety of customizable clothing & armors, to help protect yourself against locational damage & extreme temperatures using the dynamic indoor/outdoor insulation calculation system!
    By chopping down forests full of trees and mining metal and other precious resources, you can craft the parts to build massive multi-leveled structures composed of complex snap-linked parts, including ramps, beams, pillars, windows, doors, gates, remote gates, trapdoors, water pipes, faucets, generators, wires and all manner of electrical devices, and ladders among many other types. Structures have a load system to fall apart if enough support has been destroyed, so reinforcing your buildings is important. All structures and items can be painted to customize the look of your home, as well as placing dynamically per-pixel paintable signs, textual billboards, and other decorative objects. Shelter reduces the extremes of weather and provides security for yourself and your stash! Weapons, clothing & armor gear can also be painted to express your own visual style.
    Pick seeds from the wild vegetation around you, plant them in plots that you lay down, water them and nurture them with fertilizer (everything poops after consuming calories, which can then be composted, and some fertilizer is better than others). Tend to your crops and they will grow to produce delicious and rare fruits, which can also be used to cook a plethora of logical recipes and make useful tonics! Explore to find the rarest of plant seeds that have the most powerful properties! Vegetarians & vegans can flourish, and it will be possible to master and conquer the ARK in a non-violent manner!
    By bringing sufficient rare sacrificial items to special Summon locations, you can capture the attention of the one of the ARK’s god-like mythical creatures, who will arrive for battle. These gargantuan monstrosities provide an end-game goal for the most experienced groups of players and their armies of tames, and will yield extremely valuable progression items if they are defeated.
    Create a Tribe and add your friends to it, and all your tames can be commanded by and allied to anyone in your Tribe. Your Tribe will also be able to respawn at any of your home spawn points. Promote members to Tribe Admins to reduce the burden of management. Distribute key items and pass-codes to provide access your shared village!
    All items are crafted from Blueprints that have variable statistics and qualities, and require corresponding resources. More remote and harsh locales across the ARK tend to have better resources, including the tallest mountains, darkest caves, and depths of the ocean! Level-Up your player character by gaining experience through performance actions, Level-Up your tames, and learn new “Engrams” to be able to craft Items from memory without the use of blueprints, even if you die! Customize the underlying physical look of your character with hair, eye, and skin tones, along with an array of body proportion modifiers. As you explore the vast ARK, you’ll find clues left by other Survivors who have made the ARK their home in ages past, in the form of collectible detailed 3D “Explorer Notes”. By uncovering all of these, you can begin to piece together the true nature of the ARK, and discover its purpose!
    Everything you craft has durability and will wear-out from extended use if not repaired, and when you leave the game, your character remains sleeping in the persistent world. Your inventory physically exists in boxes or on your character in the world. Everything can be looted & stolen, so to achieve security you must build-up, team-up, or have tames to guard your stash. Death is permanent, and you can even knock out, capture, and force-feed other players to use them for your own purposes, such as extracting their blood to for transfusions, harvesting their fecal matter to use as fertilizer, or using them as food for your carnivorous tames!
    The mysterious ARK is a formidable and imposing environment, composed of many natural and unnatural structures, above-ground, below-ground, and underwater. By fully exploring its secrets, you’ll find the most exotic procedurally randomized creatures and rare blueprints. Also to be found are Explorer Notes that are dynamically updated into the game, written by previous human denizens of the ARK from across the millennia, creatively detailing the creatures and backstory of the ARK and its creatures. Fully develop your in-game ARK-map through exploration, write custom points of interest onto it, and craft a Compass or GPS coordinates to aid exploring with other players, whom you can communicate with via proximity text & voice chat, or long-distance radio. Construct & draw in-game signs for other players to help them or lead them astray… And yet.. how do you ultimately challenge the Creators and Conquer the ARK? A definitive end-game is planned.
    On the 100+ player servers, your character, everything you built, and your tames, stay in-game even when you leave. You can even physically travel your character and items between the network of ARK’s by accessing the Obelisks and uploading (or downloading) your data from the Steam Economy! A galaxy of ARKs, each slightly different than the previous, to leave your mark on and conquer, one at a time — special official ARKs will be unveiled on the World-map for limited times in singular themed events with corresponding limited-run items! Furthermore, you can now design or randomize your own unique ‘Procedurally Generated ARKs’, for infinite replayability and endless surprises.
    You can play single-player local games, and bring your character and items between unofficial player-hosted servers, back and forth from singleplayer to multiplayer. Mod the game, with full Steam Workshop support and customized Unreal Engine 4 editor. See how we built our ARK using our maps and assets as an example. Host your own server and configure your ARK precisely to your liking. We want to see what you create!
    The over-the-top hyper real imagery of the ARK its creatures is brought to expressive life using a highly-customized Unreal Engine 4, with fully dynamic lighting & global illumination, weather systems (rain, fog, snow, etc) & true-to-life volumetric cloud simulation, and the latest in advanced DirectX11 and DirectX12 rendering techniques. Music by award-winning composer of “Ori and the Blind Forest”, Gareth Coker!

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