Risultati 1-12 di 17

  • Bandle Tale Una storia di League of Legends (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Edizione digitale deluxe
    Bandle Tale: A League of Legends Story™ Deluxe Edition include quanto segue:
    Armadio Poro: Vesti il tuo piccolo e soffice amico poro con due abiti esclusivi (e molto carini).
    Sostenete il Poro!
    Zaino Buzzy PoroHome Sweet: Due esterni accattivanti per la vostra casa zaino più grande all'interno.
    Alveare a nido d'ape
    Bungalow Prisma ViolaImprovvisamente con stile: Tre effetti di percorso per il vostro personaggio.
    Ape occupata
    A tutta velocitàMenu segreto: Ordinate! Appena sfornate, altre tre ricette da aggiungere al vostro ricettario.
    Uovo arcobaleno
    Torta quasi perigliosa
    Poro Snax
    Informazioni sul giocoUn piccolo Yordle, un enorme problema.
    Da Lazy Bear, lo studio che ha portato Graveyard Keeper, arriva Bandle Tale: A League of Legends Story™. Immergetevi in questo delizioso RPG di crafting ambientato nel magico mondo di Bandle City, patria dei pelosi e divertenti yordles.
    Sei un timido yordle che vive a Yarnville, un'isola accogliente ma isolata, ossessionata da tutto ciò che riguarda il lavoro a maglia. Quando il tuo apprendistato di 101 anni finisce, non desideri altro che vedere cosa c'è oltre i portali che collegano il resto di Bandle City. Ma quando una festa a cui partecipi va terribilmente male, i portali crollano e tutto viene gettato nel caos!
    Con la tua magia a maglia unica e il tuo spirito imperturbabile, arruola l'aiuto di nuovi amici, ripristina i portali e riunisci ancora una volta Bandle City!
    In Bandle Tale, sperimentate uno sguardo mai visto prima sulla vita al di là dei boschi di bandoliere. Incontrate curiose creature, raccogliete materiali per realizzare mestieri impossibili e risvegliate portali magici mentre vi spostate tra cinque nuove isole indimenticabili.
    Una buona vita a Bandle City si basa su una cosa: la zuppa di barbabietole! Aspetta, no, divertirsi! Organizza festival per garantire la felicità e il divertimento dei tuoi amici yordles. Coltivate il vostro pollice verde e cucinate piatti da fattoria per i vostri ospiti, oppure sfoderate la vostra abilità ingegneristica e costruite gadget per deliziarli.
    Stringete amicizia con personaggi colorati e fate dei campioni di League of Legends i vostri alleati mentre svelate i misteri che vi circondano e riparate la vostra comunità, un punto magico alla volta.

  • Builders of Egypt (Steam) PC


    Builders Of Egypt is an economic type of city-building taking place in the valley of the Nile. The story starts in a little-known protodynastic period in which you will be able to observe the birth of the Old Egypt and finished with the death of Cleopatra VII.
    The most important aspect is the skillful management of urban planning by shaping the grid of streets, placing buildings and their mutual relation. Well-designed city will greatly improve economic efficiency which may convert into city income.
    Diplomacy and politics:
    The governor will face very difficult choices to be made in a constantly changing political environment. Costly expeditions, Pharaoh and other cities requests, military threat and a mixture of different cultures will be a commonplace. A series of wrong choices can cost the loss of trading partners and low interest in the city by settlers. Moreover, the total lack of obedience to the rulers may end up with a civil war.
    Deity will be able to interfere with daily life but it will be done implicitly. The main aspect of religion will be satisfying the need for access to the places of worship, providing supplies for temples or organizing festivals. Neglecting this sphere may result in a dangerous social unrest on a par with e.g. famine.
    Trade is the most important element in royal treasury. Without it, it is very difficult for economic stability built solely on taxes. Therefore, in the interest of the player, producing goods for export at prices that will be able to change dynamically depending on the geopolitical situation, will be required.
    What would the real Ancient Egypt be without its monumental sacred architecture? There are mastabas, obelisks, Karnak among others, the Ramesseum and of course the pyramids that are waiting to be built. You will be able to observe the slow process of construction. A team of carpenters, masons, architects and ordinary workers will rise building step by step. It will not be just a graphic feature – the building process is costly and will have an impact on the finances or the public mood.
    Egypt’s history is full of clashes of emerging and failing empires. You will have the responsibility of defending cities from foreign military attacks, making plans to attack and joining your forces on Pharaoh’s own call.

  • Giochi Clubhouse 51 Classici del mondo (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    (Unisciti al nostro server discord per gli aggiornamenti: https://discord.gg/5QjZDTk)
    Benvenuti a tutti!
    Vorrei presentare il mio gioco, Highschool Rosewood.
    Informazioni sul gioco:
    Questo gioco è un simulatore di appuntamenti, in cui la storia non è ancora sviluppata, ma possiamo solo andare avanti e indietro con il nostro personaggio.
    Non voglio una storia principale nel gioco, ma è possibile conoscere gli altri personaggi del gioco e le loro storie.
    La situazione è semplice: sei un ragazzo che si è appena trasferito in un dormitorio della tua città.
    Non c'è una linea narrativa specifica, quindi potete iniziare il gioco come volete. Voglio che i giocatori giochino secondo il loro stile.
    Le scelte dei giocatori saranno bilanciate in karmapoints, che possono influenzare i risultati dei personaggi.
    Il nostro team:
    Questo progetto è stato avviato alla fine del 2019.
    Ero sola, ma in breve tempo la mia amichevole comunità si è unita per aiutarmi e ho creato una squadra di traduttori.
    Correggono i miei errori di battitura e mi aiutano a tradurre i testi. Anche questo testo è stato tradotto da Bedelin, un mio caro amico. (Ciao! :) )
    Ho realizzato i disegni da solo, ma un mio amico si è unito a me per aiutarmi. I suoi disegni a mano sono molto buoni e facili da realizzare.
    per riprodurli e digitalizzarli, in modo che prendessero vita sui nostri schermi.
    Ecco alcuni dei risultati:
    Tenete presente che il gioco non ha una storia principale, ma è stato sviluppato come simulatore di appuntamenti.
    Grazie per aver letto! :)

  • Dying Light (PSN) PS4


    Dying Light is a first-person action horror game with the elements of survival. It is a first part of the Dying light series followed by Dying Light 2. The game is set in the open-world environment of fictional Harran city. Players are offered to assume the role of an undercover agent Kyle Crane who has been sent in the quarantine zone. His mission is to find the rogue politician Kadir “Rais” Suleiman lost somewhere in the infected giant city. On the way to achieving the goal, Kyle will meet other survivors, who desperately try to stay alive among zombies. The chief game mechanic is running the generators and turning on streetlights throughout Harran to make another part of the map accessible and safe at nighttime. The game features day/night time cycles that change the game remarkably: the action becomes fast-paced, and all the infected people turn into dangerous zombies. Therefore, the gameplay is based on armed combat against mutants and Kyle’s sneak and parkour skill for preventing it.

  • Dying Light 2 Stay Human (Epic Game) PC


    Dying Light 2 brings to life a unique post-apocalyptic vision of the Modern Dark Ages – a brutal, bleak and unforgiving reality where you are as likely to perish at the hand of a human as you are by the infected.

    In this exhausted world, your quick thinking, exceptional parkour abilities and brutal combat skills are the only things that let you dive into darkness and emerge alive. Make morally grey decisions and witness how they impact the world at multiple levels, shape the transformation of the City, and ultimately decide its fate.

  • Far Cry 6 (Epic Game) PC


    Welcome to Yara, a tropical paradise frozen in time. As the dictator of Yara, Anton Castillo is intent on restoring his nation back to its former glory by any means, with his son, Diego, following in his bloody footsteps. Their oppressive rule has ignited a revolution.

    Play as Dani Rojas, a local Yaran, and become a guerrilla fighter to liberate your nation.

    Fight against Anton’s troops in the largest Far Cry playground to date across jungles, beaches, and Esperanza, the capital city of Yara.

    Employ makeshift weapons, vehicles, and animal companions to burn Anton’s ruthless regime to the ground.

  • FAR CRY 6 (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Serie X|S


    Welcome to Yara, a tropical paradise frozen in time. As the dictator of Yara, Anton Castillo is intent on restoring his nation back to its former glory by any means, with his son, Diego, following in his bloody footsteps. Their oppressive rule has ignited a revolution.

    Play as Dani Rojas, a local Yaran, and become a guerrilla fighter to liberate your nation.

    Fight against Anton’s troops in the largest Far Cry playground to date across jungles, beaches, and Esperanza, the capital city of Yara.

    Employ makeshift weapons, vehicles, and animal companions to burn Anton’s ruthless regime to the ground.

  • LEGO Bricktales (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    The full version of LEGO® Bricktales is available on GOG.COM. You can purchase it here
    In LEGO® Bricktales, discover an innovative brick-by-brick building mechanic to design puzzle solutions from your own imagination. See your creations brought to life in a beautiful LEGO world where every problem has a constructive resolution.
    Embark on an epic adventure across a world of beautiful LEGO diorama biomes crafted brick by brick as you search for inspiration to help your grandfather reinvigorate his rundown amusement park with your little robot buddy in tow. Your journey will take you to the deepest jungle, sun-drenched deserts, a bustling city corner, a towering medieval castle, and tropical Caribbean islands. Help the minifigures of these worlds by solving puzzles and unlock new skills throughout the story to further explore these worlds and uncover the many secrets and mysteries they contain.
    From purely aesthetic creations, such as a market stand or music box, up to functional physics-based puzzles like building a crane or gyrocopter – each diorama offers a variety of construction spots with the freedom of intuitive brick-by-brick building. In each spot you are given a set of bricks and it’s up to you to figure out a unique build that will work. On top of specific puzzles and quests, there are additional builds in the amusement park so you can customize the rides to make them your own!
    Your grandfather, a genius inventor, has called you for help! His beloved amusement park is about to close as the mayor is threatening to shut everything down and seize the land if the necessary repairs aren’t made to bring it up to code. With the help of your powerful little robot buddy, you can restore it using a mysterious device based on alien technology.
    As a source of power, the device needs happiness crystals, which you can harvest by making people happy and solving their problems. With the aid of a portal, travel to different locations all around the world to help people and collect their happiness crystals. Strap in for the ultimate building adventure and save your grandfather’s amusement park!
    A globetrotting LEGO adventure: Experience a whimsical and epic adventure around the world, packed with charming dialogue and fun secrets to unravel.
    Beautiful diorama worlds: Explore five varied story world biomes and the amusement park hub, all fully built out of LEGO bricks.
    Build like never before: Discover the most intuitive brick-by-brick building in a LEGO video game, as you see your creations come to life in a three-dimensional world.
    Test your skills with varied puzzles: Different types of puzzles will test your building skills. Use your engineering brain in functional physics-based puzzles to build a bridge for a digger to get across a river, put your designer hat on to build a stunning new throne for the King, or customize the rides in the amusement park.
    Master your builds in Sandbox Mode: Unlock the Sandbox Mode upon completing a construction spot, then you go back in and improve your build with a huge selection of additional bricks from different themes.
    Heaps of items to collect and unlock: Find collectables in the different dioramas and use them to buy cool new items for your wardrobe or new brick color sets for the sandbox mode.
    Build your unique character: Create your own minifigure character from a huge selection of parts and unlock more options inspired by the worlds you visit as you progress through the story.
    Recommended for ages 12+

  • My Time at Sandrock (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    My Time at Sandrock – Just like My Time at Portia, takes place in a wholesome post-apocalyptic world around 300 years after the Day of Calamity.

    You’ll take a job offer in the city-state of Sandrock, assume the role of a fledgling Builder being sent to a wild and rugged townscape. It’s up to you and your trusty toolset to gather resources, build machines, and fix up your workshop into a well-oiled production machine, and save the town from the jaws of economic ruin, as well as a few other unexpected complications.

  • Outriders (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    Outriders is a 1-3 player, drop-in-drop-out, co-op shooter, set in an original dark and desperate sci-fi universe. This brand new IP is developed by People Can Fly the creators of Gears of War Judgement and Bulletstorm and is published by Square Enix External Studios and is releasing Spring 2021, on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.

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