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Dakar Desert Rally (Epic Game) PC
8,40 €Dakar Desert Rally is the biggest and most epic off-road rally racing adventure ever developed. Dakar Desert Rally captures the genuine speed and excitement of Amaury Sport Organisation’s largest rally race on the planet, featuring a wide variety of licensed vehicles from the world’s top makers, including motorcycles, cars, trucks, quads and SSVs. The game offers unique challenges for off-road simulation diehards and casual racing fans alike. Compete in fierce online multiplayer races or navigate the vast wilds in single-player offline.
Authentic Dakar Rally Experience
Over 30 stages of full rally racing from the official 2020, 2021 and 2022 Dakar Rally races with officially licensed vehicles, teams and pilots across multiplayer and single-player modes. All across an immense open world that doesn’t limit you to tracks and roads. The game also supports a wide array of steering wheels for the ultimate driving experience.Seasons and Dynamic Weather
Featuring all four seasons and a full day-night cycle. Whether facing billowing sandstorms, blazing desert sunlight, grueling rain and snow, or deep mud, you’ll need to overcome the elements and your competition to win.Single-Player And Online Multiplayer
Evolve your Rally Raid career in single-player or compete in online multiplayer events with your friends. -
Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Turbocharged (eShop) Nintendo Switch
Altro da Milestone
Se pensavate che il primo capitolo fosse fantastico, beh, allacciate le cinture perché vi lasceremo a bocca aperta con nuove incredibili funzionalità!PIÙ RUOTE PER IL VOSTRO DIVERTIMENTOPrima di tutto: fate spazio sul vostro scaffale virtuale perché potrete accedere a più di 130 veicoli, e ancora più varietà! Sì, non solo Hot Wheels™ Originals, ma anche Hot Wheels™ Monster Trucks e veicoli del mondo dello spettacolo. Ora è possibile anche guidare moto e ATV, ognuno con il proprio stile di corsa unico per affrontare ogni pista nel modo più strategico!
Un nuovissimo sistema definirà la categoria dei veicoli, che potranno essere potenziati con l'apposito albero delle abilità che influirà direttamente sulle loro prestazioni. Guardate la vostra auto diventare inarrestabile!
NUOVI LUOGHI DA CHIAMARE CASA Che si tratti del cortile di una casa in periferia o di un campo da minigolf in un villaggio del Far West, i vostri tracciati saranno circondati dagli ambienti più suggestivi!
Scoprite 5 nuovissime location, imparate a conoscerne i segreti e vi sentirete a vostro agio sia lì che sul podio.
I nuovi terreni sono un'altra fantastica novità che renderà le vostre gare ancora più emozionanti e impegnative. Erba, sabbia e altro ancora influenzeranno direttamente la maneggevolezza del veicolo: un aspetto da tenere presente quando sceglierete il vostro mezzo. La strategia ha ora un ruolo ancora più importante! Metti in mostra le tue mosse Prima di impressionare i tuoi avversari con una grande vittoria, lasciali a bocca aperta con nuove mosse folli! Oltre alla derapata e al boost, ora puoi sfoggiare il Dash laterale e il Salto singolo o doppio. Usateli con saggezza e al momento giusto per urtare i vostri avversari e buttarli fuori pista... o semplicemente per evitare le barriere!
E con i nuovi salti puoi saltare il traffico e trovare nuove scorciatoie segrete!
SOLO COME TI PIACE ITA Sei un temerario che trasforma ogni gara in pura adrenalina? O forse sei il tipo che ama testare i propri limiti? Avete detto "fan delle grandi cadute"? Ebbene, HOT WHEELS UNLEASHED™ 2 - Turbocharged offre tutto questo e molto di più. Diverse modalità di gioco per qualsiasi cosa significhi "divertimento" per voi, fuori e online.Scatenate la vostra creatività! Sono tornati gli editor più acclamati! Create la pista dei vostri sogni con il potente Track Editor, oppure utilizzate le migliori creazioni della community!
E naturalmente, per piste bellissime ci vogliono auto fantastiche. Il nuovo e migliorato Livery Editor è ciò che vi serve: con nuovi strumenti come l'Editor di adesivi potrete disegnare e salvare modelli e forme, per creare il vostro capolavoro. Siamo sicuri che il migliore verrà dalla vostra immaginazione!
È UNA STORIA TUTTA NUOVA Letteralmente. La nuova modalità campagna presenta un'avventura inedita e originale! La città è sotto attacco e solo voi potete salvarla dalle creature. Come? Semplice, vincendo emozionanti gare e sfide dedicate! Ok, in realtà non sarà così facile... ma sarà sicuramente emozionante! Preparatevi quindi a diventare non solo un vincitore, ma un vero eroe! -
MotoGP 23 (eShop) Nintendo Switch
19,79 €More from Milestone
Informazioni sul gioco
Open the throttle, pass your opponents and cross the finish line. Live the dream of being the next champion with the new MotoGP™23, more amazing and challenging than ever!
Compete in the three official championship categories MotoGP™, Moto2™ and Moto3™, step into the shoes of your favorite rider and head to the track to experience the adrenaline of the 2023 season.NEW CAREER, NEW CHALLENGESEmbark on your path to set the record: make your debut in Moto3™ and depending on your results, climb the rankings and go up a class.
In the motorsport world, every decision counts! Influence the trend of a season by planning your career in a way that best suits you. Develop your bike to get increasingly improved performance and also keep the most experienced opponents at bay, win your position on the official team by beating the leading rider, or change teams to prove that what makes the difference is not the bike, but you!
Use Social Media during the game to establish relationships between teams and with other riders, but be careful! Any friendly rivalry started in the community will continue on the track.ANYTHING CAN HAPPENThe feature highest in demand is now in the game: dynamic weather will not only make the races more realistic, but also more unpredictable. Manage the arrival of rain or of an unexpected clearing up with Flag to Flag: change your bike at the most appropriate moment to get a strategic advantage over your opponents.MotoGP™23 IS FOR EVERYONEDiscover the new neural aids system that uses artificial intelligence to intervene in the most critical moments of your race and guarantee you a custom-made experience without taking the control of your bike away from you.
Do you want to get ready for the challenges of the 2023 season in the best possible way? Pop over to the MotoGP™ Academy and perfect your performance with specific training for every circuit.NEVER GO UNNOTICEDRider stickers, helmet and number: customize your MotoGP™ experience by using four essential graphic editors and show off a unique style to leave your mark as you cross the finish line!MORE RACING MODESDon’t limit yourself to the AI. Challenge other online players and show them who you are.
The new Ranking system will allow you to face opponents of your same caliber or even stronger. The greater the challenge, the greater the reward!
Challenge your friends from your sofa with the Split Screen mode and celebrate your victory in real time!
Don’t miss out on the new LiveGPs: control the race conditions and race every day to rise in the world rankings! -
RIDE 5 (Epic Game) PC
Altro da Milestone
Informazioni sul gioco
Rev up your engine and get ready to hit the track with RIDE 5. An adrenaline-filled gaming experience that is so authentic it will make you feel like you’re truly racing at break-neck speed.
Find your favorite bikes and check out new ones in the ultimate motorcycle game! Race on over 35 tracks and collect more than 200 motorcycles from world-renowned manufacturers, each element is designed to feel like you’re riding a real bike.IT’S A LONG ROADIt’s not just speed that wins races – Endurance mode rewards perseverance and strategy. Time is no longer the issue, ride to your heart’s content with the option of saving, exiting and jumping back in later. Just make sure you keep an eye on fuel and pit-stops – these helplines can quickly become your worst nightmare!FROM ZERO TO HERO Start out in your garage, climb the ranks and become the best world racer in the new Career mode.
Race against increasingly skilled Rivals, true obstacles who will stand between you and the finish line. Learn to master different bikes and handle every situation.
It won’t be easy though… The road to victory is laden with challenges and it’s up to you to decide which one you want to take – the harder the challenge, the greater the reward!
WIN UNDER ANY CONDITIONIt doesn’t matter how good you are, there is always one factor you can’t control: the weather. Clear blue skies can turn into heavy downpours and then back to sunshine, rolling clouds will follow you as you dash through the bends, giving you ever-changing views and landscapes.
You will have to deal with unexpected situations and use your skill to tackle both wet and dry conditions – the improved physics makes for an even more life-like experience!
TEST. LEARN. RIDE.Not sure which line to follow or when to slam on the brakes? Use the new riding aids and get customized support when needed the most. Learn to better handle the bike and the tricks of the trade to become the best rider you can be.TAKE CONTROLYou can tell a true motorcycle aficionado not just from the bike but also from their garage – collect your favorite models and customize them to your liking. Share your designs with other players and showcase your style!
Don’t get caught up on cosmetics only. With Race Creator you can build an endless number of scenarios, from single races to complete championships, choose your bikes and tracks, and act as a Race Director to set your own rules.
FEEL THE COMPETITIONSplit screen is back! Now you can challenge a friend and win live!
And if you want to show the world what you’re worth, Endurance races will really put you to the test.
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