Risultati 97-108 di 124

  • Tandem: A Tale of Shadows (Epic Game) PC


    Informazioni sul gioco
    Tandem : A Tale of Shadows redefines the puzzle platformer genre with a unique top down and side-scroller gameplay and exceptional aesthetics. Help Emma and the teddy bear Fenton solve the mystery of the disappearance of the famous magician Thomas Kane.
    Award-winning Tandem: A Tale of Shadows features five beautiful Victorian-inspired worlds inspired by Tim Burton, Jules Vernes, Conan Doyle. Players have to carefully alternate between Emma’s top-down view and Fenton’s horizontal side-scroller view if they hope to escape these chiaroscuro dimensions alive.
    As the duo navigates past intelligent obstacles and menacing horrors, they uncover clues regarding Thomas’ disappearance, the strange Kane family, and their place in this universe. Will Emma and Fenton escape the murderous manor filled with twists and turns, or has their fate already been sealed?

  • The Callisto Protocol Deluxe Edition (Epic Game) PC


    This is Striking Distance’s new game, The Callisto Protocol. Studio head Glen Schofield came onto the stream to say that the development team was aiming to make one of the scariest games ever, which only sounds like a tall order if it weren’t for the pedigree of the Dead Space series.

    Set on Jupiter’s moon Callisto in the year 2320, The Callisto Protocol is a next-generation take on survival horror. The game challenges players to escape the maximum security Black Iron Prison and uncover its terrifying secrets. A blend of horror, action, and immersive storytelling, the game aims to set a new bar for horror in interactive entertainment.

  • The Crew Motorfest (Epic Game) PC


    Welcome to Motorfest, the ultimate gathering for all car lovers.

    Join drivers from all around the world and fulfill your greatest action driving fantasies. Come explore Hawaii and discover this exciting and diverse playground behind the wheel of hundreds of legendary vehicles from the past, present, and future.

  • The Crew Motorfest Gold Edition (Epic Game) PC


    Welcome to Motorfest, the ultimate gathering for all car lovers.

    Join drivers from all around the world and fulfill your greatest action driving fantasies. Come explore Hawaii and discover this exciting and diverse playground behind the wheel of hundreds of legendary vehicles from the past, present, and future.

  • The Elder Scrolls Online (Epic Game) PC


    Includes The Elder Scrolls Online base game and the Morrowind Chapter.

    Join over 10 million players in the award-winning online multiplayer RPG and experience an ever-expanding story set across Tamriel. Explore a rich, living world with friends or embark on a solo adventure – the choice is yours to make in a persistent Elder Scrolls world.

  • The Evil Within 2 (Epic Game) PC


    The Evil Within 2 is survival horror game with an accent to the cinematic gameplay and crafting mechanics. This is the second title in the series by Tango Gameworks.

    ###Gioco d'azzardo
    The game is experienced in the third person, “behind-the-shoulder” view. One of the title’s main attractions is the auteur game design by Shinji Mikami who inspired both games of the series.
    His style mixes absurdist plots, dark, horror movie-like environments, and almost absent jumpscares. The player must explore the vast maps in search of clues, collectibles, and story-related events. The game is highly non-linear and allows completing mandatory missions whenever one likes it. The time between the quests may be spent on crafting materials out of available resources, completing side quests and develop Sebastian Castellanos’ — the protagonist’s — abilities. There is a total of five skill trees each corresponding to playstyle and physical characteristics.

    The game follows a story of a haunted mental hospital which was the setting for the first part of the series. The narrative circles around the presumable death of the policeman’s daughter and the opportunities that she is not dead yet. Mental illnesses of his wife — Myra accompanies the protagonist’s on his way through the story. The game does not feature various endings — no matter how one tries to alter the storyline, it does not affect the outcome of the ending.

  • The Expanse: A Telltale Series (Epic Game) PC


    In the near future on the outskirts of the asteroid belt, a bloody mutiny breaks loose on the Artemis. You take the role of XO Camina Drummer, where your choices determine the fate of the ship. What will you do with the truth, Bosmang?

    In The Expanse: A Telltale Series, take on the role of Camina Drummer (played by actress Cara Gee in both the game and TV series), the leader of a ragtag scavenging crew on the hunt for a mysterious treasure on the edges of The Belt. As Drummer, players must work with a mix of big personalities, square off against a bloody mutiny, explore locations beyond the belt, and, most of all, make tough decisions that will decide the fate of The Artemis spaceship and its crew.

  • The Last of Us Part I (Epic Game) PC


    Revisit the game that set a new bar for single-player narrative storytelling with The Last of Us™ and explore a ravaged and hardened world, where every action has a brutal consequence for Joel and Ellie.

    Experience the emotional storytelling and unforgettable characters in The Last of Us™, winner of over 200 Game of the Year awards.

    In a ravaged civilization, where infected and hardened survivors run rampant, Joel, a weary protagonist, is hired to smuggle 14-year-old Ellie out of a military quarantine zone. However, what starts as a small job soon transforms into a brutal cross-country journey.

  • The Long Dark (Epic Game) PC


    The Long Dark is a game about surviving in the unforgiving conditions of frozen North Canadian taiga. The Arctic wilderness may be breathtakingly beautiful, thanks to the game’s artful visual style, but it is also deadly. Low temperatures, hungry animals like wolves and bears, and starvation can easily kill your character. To stay alive, he will need to learn how to light a campfire, find shelter, care about his wounds, hunt for food and protect himself in an unfriendly environment. Many necessary items in the game, including some of the weapons, need to be crafted out of the junk that you can find in the woods and in abandoned buildings.
    In the story mode, called Wintermute, you control a pilot, Will Mackenzie, who was hired by his ex-wife Astrid to deliver a mysterious cargo. Eventually, his plane crashed in the woods. Will is injured, and Astrid is missing, presumably lost somewhere in the wilderness. Your goal is to survive and to rescue your companion. Wintermute follows a linear plot and only allows you to explore a limited area. However, it is recommended to start with, since it serves as a sort of tutorial to the open-world sandbox mode. This is the most popular mode, in which you are not confined to the plot and can discover new areas.

  • The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria (Epic Game) PC


    ###Experience Middle-earth like never before in The Lord of the Rings’, The Battle for Middle-earth’.
    The first The Lord of the Rings game that puts you in command of a real-time, open world. Control the legendary heroes, massive armies, and epic campaigns of Middle-earth based upon all three films of The Lord of the Rings’ trilogy. From waging all-out combat among the vast forces of good and evil to controlling your favorite heroes and characters to managing the troops and resources of your side, the fate of a living, breathing Middle-earth is in your hands.

    Whether choosing to command the forces of good or evil, PC gamers are in complete control of the epic campaigns depicted in all three films of the trilogy. More than faceless units, every character in the game expresses real-time emotions that change depending on their situation—watch your swordsmen tremble with fear as they nerve themselves to face advancing Trolls and feel their exultation as they celebrate a hard-fought victory.

    Building on a highly advanced version of the acclaimed Sage 3D game engine first used in Command & Conquer’ Generals, The Lord of the Rings, The Battle for Middle-earth allows you to command the forces of light or darkness in two separate campaigns. You’ll have to choose your forces wisely, since each army has its own unique strengths and weaknesses. The Lord of the Rings, The Battle for Middle-earth offers a truly memorable entertainment experience: the first RTS game that brings an entire world to life.

    ###Key features
    Epic battles
    Fight the epic, sweeping battles from the Academy Award-winning The Lord of the Rings’ film trilogy from a whole new perspective—as commander of hundreds of soldiers and creatures.

    ###Massive armies
    Control massive armies and interactive battlefields across the vast world of Middle-earth.

    ###Lead the forces of good or evil
    Lead the forces of good or evil by controlling one of four unique groups, from the Riders of Rohan to the forces of Sauron, each with its own playing style, resource management, and base-building techniques.

    ###Highly detailed map of Middle-earth
    Take command of strategic territories across a highly detailed, 3D map of Middle-earth and turn the tide in the battle to control The One Ring.

    ###XP base hero system
    Forge new heroes, customize their abilities and powers, then lead them into battle where they’ll gain experience and rank in their quest for victory.

    ###Life-like units that display emotions
    Watch your armies come to life as they express emotion—from anger to fear to triumph—when reacting to events and their surroundings.

    ###Streamlined interface
    Make smarter and faster decisions in the heat of battle with an all-new intuitive, streamlined interface that gives you contextual control of your forces and structures.

    ###Massive multiplayer online battles
    Challenge fellow rulers online in massive multiplayer battles.

  • The Thaumaturge (Epic Game) PC


    The Thaumaturge is an isometric, story-rich RPG with a unique take on tactical combat, character development features, and investigation mechanics, facing you with morally ambiguous choices – set in a world teeming with mysterious powers and strange ethereal beings called Salutors.
    The year is 1905. Warsaw lives under the yoke of imperial Russian tsardom. Its inhabitants constitute a diverse group of different ancestries, views, and beliefs with often conflicting interests: Russian soldiers, Jewish merchants, Polish townspeople, and more. Despite the circumstances, the city is a buzzing metropolis, where one can attend a breathtaking party with the high society, and later get robbed in one of the dark alleys of the Praga district. A city of great hopes and dreams on one hand and dark desires on the other.
    In this world, a force that cannot be ignored are Thaumaturges – individuals versed in taming spirit-like beings called Salutors, used for manipulation of the temperaments and affinities of other people and even ultimately in combat. The devil is in the detail – only Thaumaturges are fully aware of the Salutors’ nature and only they can perceive them in their true essence. Their capability to influence others significantly and demonstrably increases their ability to change the surrounding world – however, Thaumaturgy is a power that should be used with caution.
    Shape your story – as a full-fledged RPG, it allows you to alternate your choices and make you deal with the aftermath.
    Develop your character – creating your own version of the Thaumaturge will allow you to approach situations in different ways.
    Experience unique combat and defeat your foes using human attacks and skills as well as psychic strikes delivered by Salutors.
    Influence and manipulate the temperaments of other characters to bend their will to your liking.
    Tame the power of Salutors – use the unique set of their skills to gain an advantage while exploring the world and when bringing your adversaries to their knees.
    See the world that’s inevitably gone – explore the uncommon, heavily researched historic period of the early XX century Warsaw, where crime and luxury are often two sides of the same coin. Meet historical figures and learn about their involvement in the story.
    Created in Unreal Engine 5 to deliver a detailed & beautifully crafted world.

  • theHunter: Call of the Wild (Epic Game) PC


    theHunter: Call of the Wild offre l'esperienza di caccia più coinvolgente mai creata. Entrate in uno splendido mondo aperto che brulica di vita, dai maestosi cervi e dagli impressionanti bisonti, fino agli innumerevoli uccelli, creature e insetti della natura selvaggia. Ogni centimetro del mondo di 50 miglia quadrate è realizzato con Apex, la pluripremiata tecnologia creata da Avalanche Studios in un decennio di sviluppo di giochi d'azione esplosivi. Oltre alla ricca esperienza per giocatore singolo, theHunter: Call of the Wild offre opzioni multiplayer uniche - cooperative e competitive - per un massimo di 8 giocatori. Condividete l'esperienza di caccia definitiva e guadagnatevi i diritti di vanto! CARATTERISTICHE CHIAVE:
    Un'esperienza di caccia di nuova generazione.
    theHunter: Call of the Wild offre l'esperienza di caccia più coinvolgente mai creata. Entrate in uno splendido mondo aperto che brulica di vita, dai maestosi cervi e dagli impressionanti bisonti fino agli innumerevoli uccelli, creature e insetti della natura selvaggia.
    Sperimentate il complesso comportamento degli animali, gli eventi atmosferici dinamici, i cicli completi di giorno e notte, la balistica simulata, l'acustica altamente realistica, i profumi trasportati da un sofisticato sistema di vento e molto altro ancora. Tutti i sistemi lavorano insieme per aumentare l'immedesimazione e far emergere il cacciatore che è in voi.
    Esplorate un vasto mondo aperto. A piedi o in quad.
    Esplora 50 miglia quadrate di terreno vario, che spazia da zone umide e fitte foreste a valli lussureggianti e campi agricoli aperti. Il vasto mondo di theHunter: Call of the Wild è suddiviso in riserve di caccia separate e distinte, ognuna delle quali è piena di sorprese e momenti memorabili.
    Affrontate le missioni e le sfide degli abitanti del luogo o andate fuori dai sentieri battuti. Scoprite vedette, torri di caccia e avamposti. Siete stanchi di camminare tra una caccia e l'altra? Prendete l'ATV Saber 4×4 (DLC opzionale a pagamento) e andate in giro! Questo veicolo capace vi porterà su terreni accidentati a velocità da capogiro. Esplorare il mondo aperto non è mai stato così divertente.
    Un decennio di lavoro.
    theHunter: Call of the Wild è l'evoluzione di theHunter, il gioco di caccia più famoso di Expansive Worlds, con oltre 6 milioni di giocatori registrati e 7 anni di attività live.
    Avalanche Studios ed Expansive Worlds portano la caccia a una nuova generazione di giocatori. theHunter: Call of the Wild è realizzato con Apex - Avalanche Open World Engine, una tecnologia pluripremiata realizzata in un decennio di sviluppo di giochi d'azione esplosivi.
    Diventare cacciatore. Progetta la caccia.
    Acquistate ed equipaggiate una serie di fucili, pistole e archi e personalizzateli con mirini e diversi tipi di munizioni. Trova e padroneggia i tuoi preferiti. Esercitatevi e perfezionate la vostra mira al poligono di tiro. Sviluppate il vostro personaggio sbloccando varie abilità ed equipaggiamenti. Imparate a usare richiami e profumi, ma soprattutto studiate le vostre prede: prestate molta attenzione al comportamento, ai tratti e ai modelli di movimento degli animali.
    Siete nuovi alla caccia? Nessun problema. I sistemi intelligenti vi aiuteranno e vi assisteranno per assicurarvi di ottenere il massimo dalla vostra caccia, sia che siate un novizio speranzoso o un veterano esperto.
    Condividere le esperienze di caccia. Guadagnare diritti di vanto.
    Oltre alla ricca esperienza per giocatore singolo, theHunter: Call of the Wild offre opzioni multigiocatore uniche. Unisciti a un massimo di 8 amici (o a perfetti sconosciuti!) in modalità cooperative e competitive. Godetevi un'ampia gamma di sfide ed eventi di gioco. La caccia è più gratificante ed emozionante con gli amici, quindi condividete le vostre esperienze e guadagnatevi i diritti di vanto.
    Uscite con i vostri amici utilizzando gli ATV. Spostarsi tra i luoghi di caccia su quattro ruote è veloce, facile e soprattutto molto divertente. Inoltre, dopo una lunga giornata di caccia, nessuno rifiuterà il vostro invito a una gara improvvisata in fuoristrada!

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