Risultati 73-84 di 124

  • Oxygen Not Included (Epic Game) PC


    In the space-colony simulation game Oxygen Not Included you’ll find that scarcities of oxygen, warmth and sustenance are constant threats to your colony’s survival. Guide colonists through the perils of subterranean asteroid living and watch as their population grows until they’re not simply surviving, but thriving…
    Just make sure you don’t forget to breathe.

    Build Extensive Bases and Discover What it Takes to Survive:
    Everything in your space colony is under your control, from excavation and resource allocation right down to plumbing and power systems. Resources will begin depleting with your first breath, however, so be sure to dig fast if you want to live.
    t’s Mind Over Matter with Stress Simulations:
    Keep the psychological impact of survival at bay with fun leisure activities, great accommodations and even better food for your colony. Duplicants each have different and potentially destructive ways of reacting to stress, so be sure to always keep them happy. Whatever the cost.

    Avoid Boiling with Thermodynamics:
    Temperature control is a constant concern in space; too cold and you’ll freeze, too hot and you’ll fry. Keep tabs on ambient environmental temperatures and your colony’s heat production to maintain a nice, cozy atmosphere for your colonists.

    Enhance Efficiency through Complex Gas and Liquid Simulations:
    Create interlocking pipe systems to swiftly deliver fuel and liquid to critical areas of your base. Plan well and be rewarded as your colony transforms into an imperishable, well-oiled machine.

    Take Charge with Power Grid Simulations:
    Choose from a multitude of power sources including coal, hydrogen, natural gas or just plain old elbow grease. Manage power runoff, circuit overloads and meltdowns to keep your colony running smoothly.

    Always Keep Yourself Breathing:
    Enter the Oxygen Overlay and watch air moving through your base in real time. Monitor carbon dioxide accumulation and oversee oxygen generation processes to mold your colony into a veritable deep-space oasis.

    Waste Nothing through Extreme Recycling:
    Make use of every last resource for a base that truly exemplifies efficiency. Recycle waste into precious fuel, process unbreathable gas into air or harness the natural bodily processes of wild creatures for food. If you’re clever, you might even be able to run a base off colonist farts.Explore Diverse, Procedurally Generated New Worlds:
    Summon new worlds with a push of a button. Experience tons of untamed space rocks, then suffocate to death in them!

  • PAYDAY 2 (Epic Game) PC


    The gang is back, and they have bigger and better plans. Objective based cooperative FPS became more complicated. The classic group of Hoxton, Dallas, Chains and Wolf got reinforcement, and now Payday Gang consists of 21 heisters, some of which are based on movie characters or even Youtubers. Players will be able to customize their own private arsenal, their masks, and skills, to complete the missions in their own way, be it stealthy sneak-in or full frontal assault. After completing missions, players will receive EXP points, money and a chance to get a special item that can be a gun modification, mask or a safe containing weapon skins.
    Payday 2 is a multiplayer game, meaning, that even during offline missions players will be followed by AI characters, whose loadouts, masks and perks can be customized as well. This game has been supported by the developers for many years, and amount of DLC speaks plenty of their dedication to the player base.

  • PC Building Simulator 2 (Epic Game) PC


    Start your own PC business in Career Mode, and learn to build and repair PCs. Upgrade your workshop and unlock new tools and equipment as you level up. Turn a profit while going the extra mile for your customers, and watch the positive reviews roll in.
    Unleash your creativity in Free Build Mode. Select from 1200+ components to plan and execute a powerhouse PC. Install upgraded water cooling, overclock your CPU & GPU, and tweak RAM timings to turbocharge performance. Use 3DMark and Cinebench benchmarks to test and optimise your design.
    Add sequenced RGB lighting, spray paint and stickers to create the ultimate custom rig. Customize your workshop with new walls, floors, posters and furniture, and make your PC building space your own.
    Go deeper into your builds with realistic hardware and software simulation. Optimise cooling with the Fan Control app and thermal camera, track power consumption with Power Monitor, and add custom water blocks to GPUs, CPUs, RAM and Motherboards.

  • Rage 2 (Epic Game) PC


    RAGE 2 is the second installment in the RAGE series of post-apocalyptic action games. It is inspired by the Mad Max movie series.

    ###Plot and setting
    The game is set in 2165, thirty years after the events of the original Rage. More than a century before that, the Apophis asteroid fell on Earth, causing mass destruction and driving humanity to near-extinction. The few remaining people hide in the few safe oases, while the rest of the world is a post-apocalyptic wasteland raided by gangsters and evil mutants. The main protagonist is a man named Walker, who is the last ranger of the wasteland and a wielder of superhuman powers. He fights against the totalitarian organization called The Authority.

    ###Gioco d'azzardo
    Like in the original RAGE, the sequel emphasizes its over-the-top action. The player controls Walker from the first person view and uses his huge guns and other weapons to fight monsters. The protagonist can also drive any vehicle that can be found in the game and engage in vehicular battles. When the player is driving, the game switches to the third person view. A new feature introduced in RAGE 2 is its Overdrive system that encourages aggressive playing style. By killing multiple enemies in a short amount of time, the player can enter Overdrive mode, which increases the guns’ power and the amount of loot. There is also a multiplayer mode.

  • Red Dead Redemption 2 (Epic Game) PC


    America, 1899. The end of the wild west era has begun as lawmen hunt down the last remaining outlaw gangs. Those who will not surrender or succumb are killed.

    After a robbery goes badly wrong in the western town of Blackwater, Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linde gang are forced to flee. With federal agents and the best bounty hunters in the nation massing on their heels, the gang must rob, steal and fight their way across the rugged heartland of America in order to survive. As deepening internal divisions threaten to tear the gang apart, Arthur must make a choice between his own ideals and loyalty to the gang who raised him.

    From the creators of Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2 is an epic tale of life in America at the dawn of the modern age.

  • Red Dead Redemption 2 Ultimate Edition (Epic Game) PC


    America, 1899. The end of the wild west era has begun as lawmen hunt down the last remaining outlaw gangs. Those who will not surrender or succumb are killed.

    After a robbery goes badly wrong in the western town of Blackwater, Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linde gang are forced to flee. With federal agents and the best bounty hunters in the nation massing on their heels, the gang must rob, steal and fight their way across the rugged heartland of America in order to survive. As deepening internal divisions threaten to tear the gang apart, Arthur must make a choice between his own ideals and loyalty to the gang who raised him.

    From the creators of Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2 is an epic tale of life in America at the dawn of the modern age.

  • Remnant: From the Ashes (Epic Game) PC


    Remnant: From the Ashes is a third-person survival action game where players create characters to suit their playstyle and set out alone or alongside a team of up to three other players to explore and survive the perils of diverse and deadly environments.

    The world is in ruins. Only a remnant of mankind remains, hunted to near extinction by horrors from another world. Most of humanity live like rats in the rubble of devastated cities. A few survivors with the technology to open portals to fantastic, alternate worlds venture out each day hoping to scavenge resources and find a way to defeat the invaders. They struggle to carve a foothold, rebuild, and then retake what was lost.

    Each world will presents new challenges and perils to overcome. Throughout your journey you will encounter dozens of monsters unique to each environment. You will fight tooth-and-nail against creatures both big and small – from towering behemoths the size of buildings to countless hordes of small, deadly terrors. You will adapt… or die trying.

    Explore beautiful, dynamically-generated worlds – each with their own unique creatures and environmental challenges. You must explore, gain experience and adapt new strategies to survive the dangers of each world.

    Band together with other survivors to improve your chances. Protect and befriend skilled tradesmen and offer them the safety of your home base. In turn, they will offer valuable skills and resources to help you upgrade, craft and enhance your weapons and gear.

    The Root are ruthless and deadly. To stand a chance you need help – you need a Team. In Remnant: From the Ashes you can group up with three other survivors. There are multiple hero archetypes to choose from, each designed with unique skills and advantages to help the group survive.

  • RIDE 5 (Epic Game) PC


    Altro da Milestonehttps://store.steampowered.com/app/2100160/MotoGP23/
    Informazioni sul gioco
    Rev up your engine and get ready to hit the track with RIDE 5. An adrenaline-filled gaming experience that is so authentic it will make you feel like you’re truly racing at break-neck speed.
    Find your favorite bikes and check out new ones in the ultimate motorcycle game! Race on over 35 tracks and collect more than 200 motorcycles from world-renowned manufacturers, each element is designed to feel like you’re riding a real bike.IT’S A LONG ROADIt’s not just speed that wins races – Endurance mode rewards perseverance and strategy. Time is no longer the issue, ride to your heart’s content with the option of saving, exiting and jumping back in later. Just make sure you keep an eye on fuel and pit-stops – these helplines can quickly become your worst nightmare!FROM ZERO TO HERO Start out in your garage, climb the ranks and become the best world racer in the new Career mode.
    Race against increasingly skilled Rivals, true obstacles who will stand between you and the finish line. Learn to master different bikes and handle every situation.
    It won’t be easy though… The road to victory is laden with challenges and it’s up to you to decide which one you want to take – the harder the challenge, the greater the reward!
    WIN UNDER ANY CONDITIONIt doesn’t matter how good you are, there is always one factor you can’t control: the weather. Clear blue skies can turn into heavy downpours and then back to sunshine, rolling clouds will follow you as you dash through the bends, giving you ever-changing views and landscapes.
    You will have to deal with unexpected situations and use your skill to tackle both wet and dry conditions – the improved physics makes for an even more life-like experience!
    TEST. LEARN. RIDE.Not sure which line to follow or when to slam on the brakes? Use the new riding aids and get customized support when needed the most. Learn to better handle the bike and the tricks of the trade to become the best rider you can be.TAKE CONTROLYou can tell a true motorcycle aficionado not just from the bike but also from their garage – collect your favorite models and customize them to your liking. Share your designs with other players and showcase your style!
    Don’t get caught up on cosmetics only. With Race Creator you can build an endless number of scenarios, from single races to complete championships, choose your bikes and tracks, and act as a Race Director to set your own rules.
    FEEL THE COMPETITIONSplit screen is back! Now you can challenge a friend and win live!
    And if you want to show the world what you’re worth, Endurance races will really put you to the test.

  • Roboquest (gioco epico) PC


    Mappa stradale
    Informazioni sul gioco
    Roboquest è un frenetico FPS Roguelite, giocabile in solitaria o in cooperativa a due giocatori. Calatevi nei panni d'acciaio di un robot potentissimo e ipermobile e combattete come non avete mai fatto prima.
    Correte attraverso ambienti generati casualmente su una Terra irriconoscibile. Gole bruciate e città vivaci, ricche di segreti, potenziamenti e nemici.
    Distruggete ogni bot e boss malvagio che spara laser e che vi ostacola, scegliendo tra un arsenale di armi artigianali.
    Raccogliete potenti tecnologie per aiutarvi ad avanzare. Potenziamenti, abilità e personalizzazioni per il personaggio e il campo base. Dopo ogni sconfitta, i personaggi rimarranno con voi per rendere più facile la corsa successiva.
    L'anno è il 2700. Gli esseri umani vivono sparsi nel deserto, lottando per sopravvivere. La situazione è piuttosto desolante.
    Finché una giovane spazzina di nome Max non si imbatte in qualcosa che potrebbe aiutarla. Un vecchio robot Guardiano, abbandonato nella sabbia. Lo riattiva, sapendo che con un Guardiano al suo fianco, potrebbe essere in grado di dare all'umanità una possibilità di combattere...
    Insieme, i due iniziano a esplorare i misteriosi canyon che li circondano, alla ricerca di risposte e di un modo per sopravvivere.
    C'è solo un problema. I canyon pullulano di bot malvagi, decisi a impedirne l'avanzata. Ma chi li controlla? E cosa custodiscono al loro interno?
    Comandi precisiGioca il Guardiano come se fosse un'estensione delle tue mani. I controlli sono fluidi e altamente reattivi. Nulla ostacola la tua danza di battaglia.Estrema mobilitàSei veloce. Davvero veloce. La padronanza dei movimenti è fondamentale per progredire: salta, schiva e annienta i nemici prima ancora che si accorgano di cosa li ha colpiti.Corri, cadi, corri di nuovoLa caratteristica che rende un Roguelite così impegnativo. Nessun checkpoint. Preparatevi a continuare a combattere fino a padroneggiare un livello, con ricompense persistenti che vi spingeranno a proseguire ogni volta.Scegliete il vostro percorsoIl gioco propone ambienti 3D freschi e organici in modo casuale per tenervi sempre all'erta. Ogni corsa sarà diversa dall'altra. Siate pronti.
    Caricamenti dei personaggiFin dal primo combattimento, potrete scegliere tra diversi loadout di Guardian, ognuno con il proprio stile di gioco e le proprie abilità.AggiornamentiOgni loadout viene fornito con il proprio pacchetto di aggiornamenti unici per il Guardian, in modo da poter personalizzare ulteriormente il modo in cui giocate.Loadout personalizzatoSe volete ancora più scelta, potete sempre creare e personalizzare il vostro loadout. Abbattete i bot nel modo che preferite.
    GamepadRoboquest supporta pienamente l'uso del gamepad (alcune parti del gioco e alcune interfacce potrebbero richiedere l'uso del mouse per la durata della demo e durante lo sviluppo).SegretiScopri i segreti sparsi per il gioco, per ottenere ricompense e ricostruire parti della storia.Unisciti alla community su Discord!

  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl (Epic Games) PC


    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is a brand-new entry in the legendary series, enjoyed by millions of players worldwide.

    The explosive combination of first-person shooter, immersive sim and horror is back. It’s the ultimate S.T.A.L.K.E.R. experience of unprecedented scale, advanced graphics, freedom of choices and the thickest atmosphere of a deadly adventure.

    Welcome to The Zone — an area of exclusion around the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Full of radiation, mutants and anomalies, it keeps drawing adventurers from beyond the perimeter.

    Bounty hunters dwell deep into the Zone, driven by its treasures and mysteries. These people are known as stalkers.

    Are you ready to become one of them?

  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl Ultimate Edition (Epic Game) PC


    This post-apocalyptic game that spawned the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. franchise is inspired by (but not really based on) the ‘Roadside Picnic’ novel by brothers Strugatsky and Tarkovsky’s movie ‘Stalker’, borrowing some of the terms and aesthetics from both. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl is set in Ukraine, in the infamous Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Several parts of the open-world setting were modeled after the real Chernobyl surroundings, including the power plant and the city of Pripyat, although designers took some liberties. The bleak environment and dark ambient music help to create an unsettling atmosphere of this place.
    According to the backstory, in 2006, the second Chernobyl disaster occurred, turning the surrounding area into post-apocalyptic ruins, full of grotesque mutants and time-space anomalies. The “stalkers” in this world are the explorers who wander The Zone in search of valuable loot. You play as the Marked One, a stalker who lost his memory. All that remains of his past is a memo that says “Kill Strelok”. The Marked One will have to learn more about himself, Strelok, The Zone, and its mysteries. The plot is non-linear, and there are multiple endings that depend on the quests you completed earlier.

  • Saints Row IV: Re-Elected (Epic Game) PC


    After saving the world from a terrorist attack the leader of the 3rd Street Saints is elected to become President of the United States. Things go reasonably well until an alien warlord named Zinyak attacks the white house and abducts his entire cabinet. Now stuck inside a reality bending simulation, the President and the Saints fight to save themselves, Earth, and the entire galaxy… if that all sounds crazy to you, trust us: we’re just getting started.
    Key features:
    • Dont Wanna Miss a Thing – share all the quintessential Saints Row IV moments with new generation screenshot, game clip and livestreaming tools.
    • Ridiculous Amount of Content – over $80 worth of content included – the base game, both DLC mission packs, plus 25+ DLC weapons, 15 new vehicles, 60+ wardrobe items, 15 new homies & 6 new superpower elements
    • Visual Enhancements – experience Saints Row IV in the highest resolution yet, with visual fidelity enhancements for enemy characters, environments, and shadows.
    The downloadable version of this game supports English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Russian.

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