Résultats de 1-12 sur 253
Ace Attorney Investigations Collection (eShop) Nintendo Switch
39,99 €Experience both Ace Attorney Investigations games in one gorgeous collection! Step into the shoes of Miles Edgeworth, that prosecutor of prosecutors from the Ace Attorney mainline games!
Leave the courtroom behind as you walk with Edgeworth around the crime scene, gathering evidence and clues and talking with persons of interest. Use your wit and what you discover to solve tough, intriguing cases through logic and deduction.
– Both games have been given the full HD treatment, including all-new designs for the chibi characters! Classic pixel art style is also available for a more retro vibe!
– Quality of life improvements including Chapter Select have been added, making it a breeze to replay your favorite parts!
– Autoplay and Story Mode have also been added. Autoplay will progress the dialogue for you, while Story Mode will solve even the toughest puzzles on your behalf — perfect for those who just want to sit back and enjoy a good mystery!
*You can turn Story Mode on and off at any time.
– A Gallery section packed with bonus materials that are sure to please is also included! View in-game illustrations and character animations along with character design sketches and more! Listen to the background music of each game or bask in the beauty of some orchestral arrangements!
– Play the games in English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese! -
Ace Combat 7 : Skies Unknown (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S
6,83 €Ace Combat 7 : Skies Unknown est le huitième épisode majeur de la série de simulateurs de vol Ace Combat.
###Premise et mise en place
La série se déroule dans le Strangereal, une version alternative fictive de la Terre. Ce monde a une géographie et une histoire différentes, bien que ses pays et ses cultures soient basés sur des prototypes de notre monde réel. Skies Unknown suit la Guerre du Phare (également appelée Deuxième Guerre Continentale), un conflit entre le Royaume d'Erusea et la Fédération Osean dans une version alternative de 2019. L'objectif de la guerre est de contrôler l'ascenseur spatial international. L'armée eurélienne attaque les militaires osséens qui protègent l'ascenseur. En réponse, Osea lance une attaque à grande échelle contre Farbanti, la capitale d'Erusea, causant des pertes massives de vies civiles.###M Caractères principaux
Le principal protagoniste de la campagne Skies Unknown est Trigger, un pilote de l'Osean Air Force. Il a été accusé de meurtre et transféré dans l'escadron pénal. Bien que le joueur commence en tant que militaire osean, le jeu ne favorise aucun camp dans le conflit. Rosa Cossette D'Elise, princesse et héritière du trône d'Erusea, joue également un rôle majeur dans l'intrigue.###Gameplay
Le joueur contrôle l'avion de chasse de Trigger, le F-22A Raptor, et accomplit diverses missions contre des avions de chasse ennemis. Les autres types d'avions n'apparaissent pas dans ce jeu, contrairement aux jeux précédents. Le jeu réintroduit certains mécanismes des précédents volets, tels que les points de contrôle et les fusées éclairantes contrôlées par le joueur. Skies Unknown est également le premier jeu de la série dans lequel les nuages influencent le gameplay. -
Achilles : Legends Untold (Epic Game) PC
10,19 €Participez au voyage d'Achille, qui se trouve au milieu du conflit séculaire entre Hadès et Arès. Le jeune héros est envoyé pour combattre l'enfant du dieu de la guerre, Phobos. Son voyage le mènera dans de nombreux coins des terres mythologiques où il obtiendra de puissants artefacts qui l'aideront dans sa quête. Achille n'est pas seul, car Hephaistos, le dieu des forgerons, est toujours prêt à fabriquer de nouvelles armes en échange de matériaux.
Achilles : Legends Untold est un jeu d'action RPG isométrique, fortement inspiré par le genre "souls-like" et les jeux "hack&slash" de la vieille école. Les joueurs s'aventureront dans de nombreux endroits peu accueillants, affronteront des créatures légendaires et tenteront de reconstituer l'histoire du monde. Le jeu est un peu plus léger du côté des "âmes", car le studio a voulu créer une expérience facile à apprendre mais difficile à maîtriser. C'est pourquoi Achilles : Legends Untold peut être apprécié aussi bien par les vétérans de l'âme que par les nouveaux joueurs. Et si vous avez besoin d'aide, invitez vos amis à jouer ensemble dans une joyeuse coopération, et explorez les différents donjons ensemble.
Le gameplay propose des combats agréables et basés sur les compétences, des éléments de RPG et une gestion des ressources. Chaque objet trouvé au cours du voyage peut s'avérer utile pour créer de nouvelles armes et de nouveaux équipements lorsqu'il est ramené à Hephaistos. Tout au long du jeu, les joueurs deviendront de plus en plus habiles aux côtés du personnage principal, ce qui leur permettra d'affronter des ennemis encore plus puissants ! Et vous pouvez être sûr que de nombreux ennemis abominables et redoutables croiseront votre chemin.
Achilles : Legends Untold dispose également d'un système GAIA innovant, responsable des actions des personnages IA qui semblent réalistes et qui collaborent de manière imprévisible. Vivez des batailles immersives dans lesquelles les monstres s'adaptent à votre style de jeu, essayez différentes stratégies ou créez des scénarios d'embuscade, grâce à ce système contemporain conçu en interne.
Serez-vous assez persévérant pour gagner en puissance et vaincre Arès ? -
AEW Fight Forever (eShop) Nintendo Switch
19,79 €Développé par YUKE's Co, Ltd, créateur de nombreux jeux de catch vendus à plusieurs millions d'exemplaires, AEW : Fight Forever combine la nostalgie des jeux d'arcade avec les finishers innovants de All Elite Wrestling et les mouvements offensifs en tandem. All Elite Wrestling prend actuellement d'assaut les réseaux TNT et TBS chaque semaine avec ses émissions Rampage et Dynamite, qui mettent en scène certaines des plus grandes légendes du catch ainsi qu'une écurie de nouveaux talents de haut vol de l'AEW. AEW : Fight Forever rassemble le meilleur de cette liste de talents dans un seul jeu ! Le catch coopératif en ligne passe à la vitesse supérieure dans Fight Forever avec des matchs par équipe qui proposent des séquences de manœuvres d'équipe exécutées à l'aide de simples commandes. Un mode carrière approfondi, la personnalisation des lutteurs, les arènes typiques d'AEW et plus de types de matchs que vous ne pouvez en compter, y compris de bons vieux matchs non sanctionnés, vous attendent !
Combine la nostalgie du catch d'arcade avec les finitions et les mouvements offensifs innovants de All Elite Wrestling.
La liste des talents comprend les plus grandes légendes à monter sur le ring ainsi que de nouvelles stars AEW de haut vol !
Matchs simples, tag-team, à 3, à 4, à l'échelle, Casino Battle Royale, Falls Count Anywhere, Lights Out non sanctionné, Exploding Barbed Wire Death et matchs multi-joueurs en coopération en ligne !
Co-op multi-joueurs en ligne !
Les matchs par équipe se caractérisent par une séquence de manœuvres d'équipe exécutées à l'aide de commandes simples.
Mode carrière approfondi
Nombreux modes de personnalisation : tenue et apparence des lutteurs, séries de mouvements, entrées, équipes et arènes.
Plus de 40 armes !
Mini-jeux !
Défis quotidiens et hebdomadaires ! -
Age of Wonders 4 (Steam) PC
26,87 €Rule a fantasy realm of your own design in Age of Wonders 4! Explore new magical realms in Age of Wonders’ signature blend of 4X strategy and turn-based tactical combat. Control a faction that grows and changes as you expand your empire with each turn.
Triumph Studios’ award-winning strategy series has emerged into a new age, evolving the game’s iconic empire building, role-playing, and warfare to the next level. A new storytelling event system and hugely customizable empires provide an endlessly replayable experience, where each game adds a new chapter to your ever-growing saga.
Powerful Wizard Kings have returned to the realms to reign as gods among mortals. Claim and master the Tomes of Magic to evolve your people, and prepare for an epic battle that will determine the ages to come.
Craft your followers by combining bodily forms, societal traits and arcane powers. Build anything from a clan of cannibal halflings to mystic moon elves, or recreate your favorite fantasy tropes
Seek powerful tomes of magic to enchant your armies and evolve your people! See your people physically change as they morph into angelic beings or scions of chaos to face their enemies.
Seek glory through brutal domination, cunning alliances, or ultimate arcane knowledge, and write your legacy into the very fabric of the realm itself!Every choice opens up new possibilities and tactical advantages; deep, multilayered strategy allows you to try new tactics or explore new powers at every turn
Tactical turn-based battles bring your armies to life, showcasing their power in an environment shaped by your decisions. From skirmishes with roaming monsters to vast sieges with dozens of units on each side, with the addition of a morale system and more features, every battle brings a fresh challenge
Tremendous variety in empires, units, and environments keep the game endlessly replayable. Age of Wonders is more moddable and open-ended than ever in the series’ historyExplore a new realm with each game – or create your own! Challenge new variations and combinations of locations and features, from frozen wastelands ruled by ice queens to desolated ruins where dragons roam
A new event system provides unexpected levels of storytelling for 4X games. See your decisions shape the world around you, from growing cities and roaming armies to world-warping magic effects
Guide your empire to greatness – but the story doesn’t end with your victory or defeat! Ascend your rulers to an in-game pantheon and unlock ways to further customize your experience. Encounter your own creations as potential rivals or allies in subsequent games, and experience the next chapter in your own story! -
Age of Wonders 4: Premium Edition (Steam) PC
60,48 €Rule a fantasy realm of your own design in Age of Wonders 4! Explore new magical realms in Age of Wonders’ signature blend of 4X strategy and turn-based tactical combat. Control a faction that grows and changes as you expand your empire with each turn.
Triumph Studios’ award-winning strategy series has emerged into a new age, evolving the game’s iconic empire building, role-playing, and warfare to the next level. A new storytelling event system and hugely customizable empires provide an endlessly replayable experience, where each game adds a new chapter to your ever-growing saga.
Powerful Wizard Kings have returned to the realms to reign as gods among mortals. Claim and master the Tomes of Magic to evolve your people, and prepare for an epic battle that will determine the ages to come.
Craft your followers by combining bodily forms, societal traits and arcane powers. Build anything from a clan of cannibal halflings to mystic moon elves, or recreate your favorite fantasy tropes
Seek powerful tomes of magic to enchant your armies and evolve your people! See your people physically change as they morph into angelic beings or scions of chaos to face their enemies.
Seek glory through brutal domination, cunning alliances, or ultimate arcane knowledge, and write your legacy into the very fabric of the realm itself!Every choice opens up new possibilities and tactical advantages; deep, multilayered strategy allows you to try new tactics or explore new powers at every turn
Tactical turn-based battles bring your armies to life, showcasing their power in an environment shaped by your decisions. From skirmishes with roaming monsters to vast sieges with dozens of units on each side, with the addition of a morale system and more features, every battle brings a fresh challenge
Tremendous variety in empires, units, and environments keep the game endlessly replayable. Age of Wonders is more moddable and open-ended than ever in the series’ historyExplore a new realm with each game – or create your own! Challenge new variations and combinations of locations and features, from frozen wastelands ruled by ice queens to desolated ruins where dragons roam
A new event system provides unexpected levels of storytelling for 4X games. See your decisions shape the world around you, from growing cities and roaming armies to world-warping magic effects
Guide your empire to greatness – but the story doesn’t end with your victory or defeat! Ascend your rulers to an in-game pantheon and unlock ways to further customize your experience. Encounter your own creations as potential rivals or allies in subsequent games, and experience the next chapter in your own story! -
Alien: Isolation (Epic Game) PC
7,98 €Alien: Isolation is an action-survival horror game played from the first-person perspective for a more intense experience. The game is not a sequel to any of Alien games, but it is directly connected to the original 1979 Alien film, so the gameplay includes historical references, and the game itself transfers the unique atmosphere and the old vision of the future. The action is set 15 years after the film events. Young Amanda Ripley accompanied by Nina Taylor and the android Christopher Samuels reaches a distant space station Sevastopol to investigate the case of her mother Ellen Ripley (the protagonist of the 1979 film) disappearance. On the way to the Nostromo’s (Ellen’s spacecraft) flight recorder, Amanda will face plenty of hardships like hostile androids and Aliens because the Sevastopol station is wholly abandoned. Players have to explore the entire station inhabited with Aliens. Due to the crafting system, players can create the necessary gear to prevent contacts with countless enemies.
Alien: Isolation (PSN) PS4
49,99 €Alien: Isolation is an action-survival horror game played from the first-person perspective for a more intense experience. The game is not a sequel to any of Alien games, but it is directly connected to the original 1979 Alien film, so the gameplay includes historical references, and the game itself transfers the unique atmosphere and the old vision of the future. The action is set 15 years after the film events. Young Amanda Ripley accompanied by Nina Taylor and the android Christopher Samuels reaches a distant space station Sevastopol to investigate the case of her mother Ellen Ripley (the protagonist of the 1979 film) disappearance. On the way to the Nostromo’s (Ellen’s spacecraft) flight recorder, Amanda will face plenty of hardships like hostile androids and Aliens because the Sevastopol station is wholly abandoned. Players have to explore the entire station inhabited with Aliens. Due to the crafting system, players can create the necessary gear to prevent contacts with countless enemies.
Aliens Fireteam Elite (Steam) PC
14,04 €A mysterious distress call reroutes your Marine Assault Unit to LV-895 in the outer colonies, where deadly Xenomorph legions, hidden corporate secrets, and ancient alien ruins await your arrival.
Set in the iconic Alien universe, Aliens: Fireteam is a cooperative third-person survival shooter that drops your fireteam of hardened marines into a desperate fight to contain the Xenomorph threat.
Face off against waves of terrifying Xenomorph and Weyland-Yutani Synthetic foes alongside two players or AI teammates, as you and your fireteam desperately fight your way through four unique campaigns that introduce new storylines to the Alien universe. Create and customize your own Colonial Marine, choosing from an extensive variety of classes, weapons, gear and perks, battling overwhelming odds in this heart-pounding survival shooter experience.
Play a pivotal role in the epic events that occur 23 years after the original Alien trilogy as a Colonial Marine stationed aboard the USS Endeavor, battling terrifying Xenomorph threats. Stunning visuals, iconic enemies, realistic environments, powerful weapons, futuristic equipment, and an eerie soundscape fill out new storylines in a series of replayable campaigns that evoke and expand upon the blockbuster films.SURVIVE THE HIVE
Face overwhelming odds against over 20 enemy types, including 11 different Xenomorphs along the evolutionary scale from Facehuggers to Praetorians, each designed with their own intelligence to ambush, outsmart and eviscerate vulnerable marines. Utilize cover and master team strategy to survive extraterrestrial threats as they overrun your fireteam from every angle, swarm through doors and vents, scramble across walls and ceilings, and strike from darkness with uncanny ferocity.CUSTOMIZE YOUR FIRETEAM
Choose from five unique classes – Gunner, Demolisher, Technician, Doc and Recon – each with their own special abilities and character perks. Utilize an extensive arsenal of 30+ weapons and 70+ mods/attachments in your effort to eradicate the Alien threat. An innovative Perk Board modifies and improves your abilities, while a unique Challenge Card system alters the approach to each Campaign mission, offering a new experience with every playthrough. -
Aliens Fireteam Elite (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S
4,51 €A mysterious distress call reroutes your Marine Assault Unit to LV-895 in the outer colonies, where deadly Xenomorph legions, hidden corporate secrets, and ancient alien ruins await your arrival.
Set in the iconic Alien universe, Aliens: Fireteam is a cooperative third-person survival shooter that drops your fireteam of hardened marines into a desperate fight to contain the Xenomorph threat.
Face off against waves of terrifying Xenomorph and Weyland-Yutani Synthetic foes alongside two players or AI teammates, as you and your fireteam desperately fight your way through four unique campaigns that introduce new storylines to the Alien universe. Create and customize your own Colonial Marine, choosing from an extensive variety of classes, weapons, gear and perks, battling overwhelming odds in this heart-pounding survival shooter experience.
Play a pivotal role in the epic events that occur 23 years after the original Alien trilogy as a Colonial Marine stationed aboard the USS Endeavor, battling terrifying Xenomorph threats. Stunning visuals, iconic enemies, realistic environments, powerful weapons, futuristic equipment, and an eerie soundscape fill out new storylines in a series of replayable campaigns that evoke and expand upon the blockbuster films.SURVIVE THE HIVE
Face overwhelming odds against over 20 enemy types, including 11 different Xenomorphs along the evolutionary scale from Facehuggers to Praetorians, each designed with their own intelligence to ambush, outsmart and eviscerate vulnerable marines. Utilize cover and master team strategy to survive extraterrestrial threats as they overrun your fireteam from every angle, swarm through doors and vents, scramble across walls and ceilings, and strike from darkness with uncanny ferocity.CUSTOMIZE YOUR FIRETEAM
Choose from five unique classes – Gunner, Demolisher, Technician, Doc and Recon – each with their own special abilities and character perks. Utilize an extensive arsenal of 30+ weapons and 70+ mods/attachments in your effort to eradicate the Alien threat. An innovative Perk Board modifies and improves your abilities, while a unique Challenge Card system alters the approach to each Campaign mission, offering a new experience with every playthrough. -
Aliens: Dark Descent (Epic Game) PC
19,99 €In Aliens: Dark Descent, command a squad of hardened Colonial Marines to stop a terrifying Xenomorph outbreak on Moon Lethe. Lead your soldiers in real-time combat against iconic Xenomorphs, rogue operatives from the insatiable Weyland-Yutani Corporation, and a host of horrifying creatures new to the Alien franchise.
You are the commander. They are your weapon.
Infiltrate large open levels and annihilate enemies with your squad, dispatching orders strategically and intuitively at the touch of a button. Tread carefully, as your foes will adapt their tactics to your actions while hunting you down because death is permanent. Forge unique paths for survival, uncovering shortcuts, creating safe zones, and setting up motion trackers in a persistent world where your actions impact levels forever.
Customize your squad with a selection of different classes. Level up and specialize your soldiers with unique abilities and an arsenal of weapons, armor, and perks, for high stakes missions in treacherous territory. Develop your base to research new tech and improve your squad even further.
Manage your resources wisely and take calculated risks to outsmart the deadliest creature mankind has ever faced. Can you and your squad stop the outbreak before it’s too late?
• Face off in a gripping original Alien story against iconic Xenomorph creatures ranging from Facehuggers to Praetorians, Alien Queens and many more, including rogue human commandos and a brand-new threat unique to this Alien storyline
• Lead strategically and change squad tactics from mission to mission, carefully managing your soldiers’ health, resources, and sanity, to avoid permanent team losses and mental breakdowns
• Forge unique paths for survival in a persistent world, uncovering shortcuts, creating safe zones and setting up motion trackers to stay one step ahead of these creatures
• Assemble and level up squads composed of 5 starting Marines classes, with dozens of specializations, unique abilities and weapons.
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