Mostrando resultados de 1-12 de 157

  • Ace Attorney Investigations Collection (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Experience both Ace Attorney Investigations games in one gorgeous collection! Step into the shoes of Miles Edgeworth, that prosecutor of prosecutors from the Ace Attorney mainline games!
    Leave the courtroom behind as you walk with Edgeworth around the crime scene, gathering evidence and clues and talking with persons of interest. Use your wit and what you discover to solve tough, intriguing cases through logic and deduction.
    – Both games have been given the full HD treatment, including all-new designs for the chibi characters! Classic pixel art style is also available for a more retro vibe!
    – Quality of life improvements including Chapter Select have been added, making it a breeze to replay your favorite parts!
    – Autoplay and Story Mode have also been added. Autoplay will progress the dialogue for you, while Story Mode will solve even the toughest puzzles on your behalf — perfect for those who just want to sit back and enjoy a good mystery!
    *You can turn Story Mode on and off at any time.
    – A Gallery section packed with bonus materials that are sure to please is also included! View in-game illustrations and character animations along with character design sketches and more! Listen to the background music of each game or bask in the beauty of some orchestral arrangements!
    – Play the games in English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese!

  • Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown es la octava gran entrega de la serie de simuladores de vuelo Ace Combat.

    ###Precinto y escenario
    La serie está ambientada en Strangereal, una versión ficticia alternativa de la Tierra. Este mundo tiene una geografía y una historia diferentes, aunque sus países y culturas se basan en prototipos de nuestro mundo real. Skies Unknown sigue la Guerra del Faro (también llamada Segunda Guerra Continental), un conflicto entre el Reino de Erusea y la Federación Oseana en un 2019 alternativo. El objetivo de la guerra es controlar el Ascensor Espacial Internacional. El ejército eruseano ataca a los militares oseanos que protegían el Ascensor. En respuesta, Osea lanza un ataque a gran escala contra Farbanti, la capital de Erusea, causando una pérdida masiva de vidas civiles.

    ###M Caracteres principales
    El protagonista principal de la campaña Skies Unknown es Trigger, un piloto de las Fuerzas Aéreas de Osean. Fue incriminado por asesinato y transferido al escuadrón penal. Aunque el jugador comienza como militar oseano, el juego no favorece a ningún bando en el conflicto. Rosa Cossette D'Elise, princesa y heredera al trono de Erusea, también desempeña un papel importante en la trama.

    El jugador controla el avión de combate de Trigger, el F-22A Raptor, y completa varias misiones contra cazas enemigos. En este juego no aparecen otros tipos de aviones, a diferencia de los anteriores. El juego reintroduce algunas de las mecánicas de las entregas anteriores, como los puntos de control y las bengalas controladas por el jugador. Skies Unknown es también el primer juego de la serie en el que las nubes influyen en la jugabilidad.

  • Aquiles: Legends Untold (Epic Game) PC


    Participa en el viaje de Aquiles, que se encuentra en medio de un conflicto de siglos entre Hades y Ares. El joven héroe es enviado a luchar contra el hijo del Dios de la Guerra: Fobos. Su viaje le llevará a diferentes rincones de tierras mitológicas donde obtendrá poderosos artefactos que le ayudarán en su búsqueda. Aquiles no está solo, ya que Hefistos, el dios de los herreros, siempre está dispuesto a fabricar nuevas armas a cambio de materiales.

    Aquiles: Legends Untold es un juego de rol de acción isométrico, muy inspirado en el género souls-like y en los juegos hack&slash de la vieja escuela. Los jugadores se aventurarán por muchos lugares poco acogedores, luchando contra criaturas legendarias e intentando reconstruir la historia del mundo. El juego es un poco más ligero en el lado "souls", ya que el estudio quería crear una experiencia fácil de aprender pero difícil de dominar. Por eso, Achilles: Legends Untold pueden disfrutarlo tanto los veteranos de las almas como los nuevos jugadores. Y si necesitas ayuda, sólo tienes que convocar a tus amigos para jugar juntos en alegre cooperación, y explorar juntos varias mazmorras.

    La jugabilidad incluye combates divertidos y basados en la habilidad, elementos de RPG y gestión de recursos. Todos los objetos encontrados durante el viaje pueden resultar útiles para crear nuevas armas y equipo cuando se lleven de vuelta a Hefestos. A lo largo del juego, los jugadores se volverán cada vez más hábiles junto al personaje principal, ¡y podrán enfrentarse a enemigos aún más poderosos! Y puedes estar seguro de que habrá un montón de enemigos abominables y espantosos que se cruzarán en tu camino.

    Aquiles: Legends Untold también cuenta con un innovador sistema GAIA, responsable de las acciones de los personajes de la IA, que parecen reales y colaboran de forma impredecible. Experimenta batallas inmersivas en las que los monstruos se adaptan a tu estilo de juego, prueba diferentes estrategias o crea escenarios de emboscada, impulsados por este contemporáneo sistema de diseño propio.
    ¿Serás lo bastante persistente como para crecer en fuerza y acabar con Ares?

  • Another Crab’s Treasure (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Another Crab’s Treasure is a soulslike adventure set in a crumbling underwater world plagued by a mysterious curse. As Kril the hermit crab, you’ll need to wear the trash around you as shells to withstand attacks from enemies many times your size. Embark on an epic treasure hunt to buy back your repossessed shell, and discover the dark secrets behind the polluted ocean.

  • Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Apollo Justice’s Legal Journey Begins Anew!
    Join rookie attorney Apollo Justice and his mentor, the legendary Phoenix Wright, in this collection of 3 games! This title features the 14 episodes of “Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney”, “Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies”, and “Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice”, and the 2 previously DLC-only Special Episodes for a total of 16 episodes!
    Also included is a mountain of extra goodies that’s sure to satisfy any Ace Attorney fan!
    Orchestra Hall – Listen to the in-game background music and select orchestral arrangements!
    Art Library – View illustrations, design specs, commissioned pieces, and even the special Spirit of Justice Prologue anime!
    Animation Studio – Play around with character animations and recreate your favorite scenes!
    This collection supports Japanese, English, French, German, Korean, and Traditional and Simplified Chinese. Mix and match to play in whichever languages you’d like!
    Immerse yourself in this beautiful collection as you shout “Objection!” in these newly renovated halls of justice!
    Some of the contents of the games in this collection are presented as initially released to preserve the games as originally created.

  • Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    Apollo Justice’s Legal Journey Begins Anew!
    Join rookie attorney Apollo Justice and his mentor, the legendary Phoenix Wright, in this collection of 3 games! This title features the 14 episodes of “Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney”, “Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies”, and “Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice”, and the 2 previously DLC-only Special Episodes for a total of 16 episodes!
    Also included is a mountain of extra goodies that’s sure to satisfy any Ace Attorney fan!
    Orchestra Hall – Listen to the in-game background music and select orchestral arrangements!
    Art Library – View illustrations, design specs, commissioned pieces, and even the special Spirit of Justice Prologue anime!
    Animation Studio – Play around with character animations and recreate your favorite scenes!
    This collection supports Japanese, English, French, German, Korean, and Traditional and Simplified Chinese. Mix and match to play in whichever languages you’d like!
    Immerse yourself in this beautiful collection as you shout “Objection!” in these newly renovated halls of justice!
    Some of the contents of the games in this collection are presented as initially released to preserve the games as originally created.

  • Assassin's Creed : Valhalla (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    Become Eivor, a mighty Viking raider and lead your clan from the harsh shores of Norway to a new home amid the lush farmlands of ninth-century England. Explore a beautiful, mysterious open world where you’ll face brutal enemies, raid fortresses, build your clan’s new settlement, and forge alliances to win glory and earn a place in Valhalla.

    England in the age of the Vikings is a fractured nation of petty lords and warring kingdoms. Beneath the chaos lies a rich and untamed land waiting for a new conqueror. Will it be you?

  • Assassin’s Creed Mirage (Epic Game) PC


    Experience the story of Basim, a cunning street thief seeking answers and justice as he navigates the bustling streets of ninth–century Baghdad.

    In Assassin’s Creed Mirage, you are Basim, a cunning street thief with nightmarish visions seeking answers and justice. Join an ancient organization and come to understand a new creed – one that will change Basim’s fate in ways he never could have imagined.

    Parkour seamlessly through the city and leverage the largest assortment of tools to date, and stealthily take down targets with more visceral assassinations than ever before.

    Discover a narrative-driven action-adventure experience that follows the transformation of a defiant young man into a refined Master Assassin with a conflicted destiny.

    Journey to Alamut, the legendary home of the Assassins who laid the foundations of the Creed in this heartfelt homage to the game that started it all.

  • Assassin's Creed Odyssey (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is the twentieth game in its series. It is the earliest game in the Assassin’s Creed universe chronology and the prequel to Assassin’s Creed Origins.

    The events of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’s take place in the Classical Era of Ancient Greece, in 431 BC, before the Brotherhood of Assassins was even formed. The plot follows a fictionalized story of the Peloponnesian War between city-states of Sparta and Athens that left Greece devastated. The player can choose to control either a male (named Alexios) or female (named Kassandra) protagonist, both of them being descendants of the famous Spartan king Leonidas. The player enters the plot as a mercenary and can side with either Athens or its rival Sparta. There’s also the frame story set in the contemporary age. Its protagonist is Layla Hassan, who was also the main character in the frame story of Assassin’s Creed Origins.

    Unlike most earlier installments of Assassin’s Creed, which put the emphasis solely on action, Odyssey has a strong role-playing element in it. Dialogue options and the non-linear plot allow the player to reach several alternate endings. The game also has a reputation system and multiple options for romancing, including same-sex romances. The combat system is similar to that in Origins with the addition of new skills. The game also reintroduces naval battles.

  • Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Deluxe Edition (Epic Game) PC


    Become Eivor, a mighty Viking raider and lead your clan from the harsh shores of Norway to a new home amid the lush farmlands of ninth-century England. Explore a beautiful, mysterious open world where you’ll face brutal enemies, raid fortresses, build your clan’s new settlement, and forge alliances to win glory and earn a place in Valhalla.

    England in the age of the Vikings is a fractured nation of petty lords and warring kingdoms. Beneath the chaos lies a rich and untamed land waiting for a new conqueror. Will it be you?

  • Assassin’s Creed III: Remastered (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    Relive the American Revolution or experience it for the first time in Assassin’s Creed® III Remastered, with enhanced graphics and improved gameplay mechanics. Plus, Assassin’s Creed® III Liberation Remastered and all solo DLC content are included.
    Includes: Assassin’s Creed® III Liberation and all original solo DLC, including The Tyranny of King Washington.
    Enhanced graphics, now featuring 4K resolution, new character models, polished environment rendering, and more.
    Gameplay mechanics have been revamped as well, improving your experience and your immersion.
    Fight for freedom! As the American Colonies are about to revolt, secure liberty for your people and your nation.
    1 player
    Software subject to license ( Online features require an account and are subject to terms of service and applicable privacy policy ( & One-time license fee for play on account’s designated primary PS4™ system and other PS4™ systems when signed in with that account.
    © 2019 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Assassin’s Creed, Ubisoft, and the Ubisoft logo are registered or unregistered trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the US and/or other countries.

  • Assassin’s Creed Mirage (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    Experience the story of Basim, a cunning street thief seeking answers and justice as he navigates the bustling streets of ninth–century Baghdad.

    In Assassin’s Creed Mirage, you are Basim, a cunning street thief with nightmarish visions seeking answers and justice. Join an ancient organization and come to understand a new creed – one that will change Basim’s fate in ways he never could have imagined.

    Parkour seamlessly through the city and leverage the largest assortment of tools to date, and stealthily take down targets with more visceral assassinations than ever before.

    Discover a narrative-driven action-adventure experience that follows the transformation of a defiant young man into a refined Master Assassin with a conflicted destiny.

    Journey to Alamut, the legendary home of the Assassins who laid the foundations of the Creed in this heartfelt homage to the game that started it all.

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