Zeigt 13-24 von 32 Ergebnissen

  • Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy (Epic Game) PC


    Fire up a wild ride across the cosmos with a fresh take on Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. In this third-person action-adventure game, you are Star-Lord, and thanks to your bold yet questionable leadership, you have persuaded an oddball crew of unlikely heroes to join you. Some jerk (surely not you) has set off a chain of catastrophic events, and only you can hold the unpredictable Guardians together long enough to fight off total interplanetary meltdown. Use Element Blasters, tag-team beat downs, jet boot-powered dropkicks, nothing’s off-limits. If you think it’s all going to plan, you’re in for a world of surprises, with the consequences of your actions guaranteed to keep the Guardians on their toes. In this original Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy story, you’ll cross paths with powerful new beings and unique takes on iconic characters, all caught in a struggle for the galaxy’s fate. It’s time to show the universe what you’re made of. You got this. Probably.

  • Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    Fire up a wild ride across the cosmos with a fresh take on Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. In this third-person action-adventure game, you are Star-Lord, and thanks to your bold yet questionable leadership, you have persuaded an oddball crew of unlikely heroes to join you. Some jerk (surely not you) has set off a chain of catastrophic events, and only you can hold the unpredictable Guardians together long enough to fight off total interplanetary meltdown. Use Element Blasters, tag-team beat downs, jet boot-powered dropkicks, nothing’s off-limits. If you think it’s all going to plan, you’re in for a world of surprises, with the consequences of your actions guaranteed to keep the Guardians on their toes. In this original Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy story, you’ll cross paths with powerful new beings and unique takes on iconic characters, all caught in a struggle for the galaxy’s fate. It’s time to show the universe what you’re made of. You got this. Probably.

  • Mass Effect Legendary Edition (Epic Game) PC


    One person is all that stands between humanity and the greatest threat it’s ever faced. Relive the legend of Commander Shepard in the highly acclaimed Mass Effect trilogy with the Mass Effect™ Legendary Edition. Includes single-player base content and DLC from Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3, plus promo weapons, armors, and packs – all remastered and optimized for 4k Ultra HD.

  • Mass Effect Legendary Edition (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    One person is all that stands between humanity and the greatest threat it’s ever faced. Relive the legend of Commander Shepard in the highly acclaimed Mass Effect trilogy with the Mass Effect™ Legendary Edition. Includes single-player base content and DLC from Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3, plus promo weapons, armors, and packs – all remastered and optimized for 4k Ultra HD.

  • No Mans Sky - (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    No Man's Sky ist ein Weltraum-Action-Adventure-Survival-Spiel, das von Hello Games entwickelt wurde.

    Der allgemeine visuelle Stil des Spiels ist von verschiedenen Science-Fiction-Büchern inspiriert. Auch Demoscene diente den Entwicklern als Inspirationsquelle.

    Das Hauptmerkmal, um das sich das Spiel dreht, ist die prozedurale Generierung. Jeder Planet, den Sie besuchen, wird von Grund auf neu generiert. Die Informationen über die Planeten und ihre Bewohner werden dynamisch aktualisiert, sodass jeder Spieler eine neue Spezies oder einen neuen Planeten entdecken und ihm einen Namen geben kann.

    Das Gameplay von No Man's Sky beinhaltet die Erkundung des Weltraums und der Planeten, von denen einige mit außerirdischem Leben bewohnt sind, das Sammeln von Ressourcen, Weltraumschlachten, die Wartung und Aufrüstung des Spielerschiffs und die Erfüllung von Kopfgeldjagd-Missionen. Das Hauptziel ist es, das Zentrum der Galaxie zu erreichen.

    Bei der Veröffentlichung hieß es, das Spiel sei zwar ein Multiplayer-Spiel, aber die Welt sei so groß, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit, einen anderen Spieler zu treffen, extrem gering sei. Es stellte sich heraus, dass es aufgrund des extrem begrenzten Multiplayer-Aspekts unmöglich ist, einen anderen Spieler zu treffen. Im Jahr 2018 veröffentlichte Hello Games das vierte große Update, das die vollständige Multiplayer-Erfahrung beinhaltet.

  • Oxygen Not Included (Epic Game) PC


    In the space-colony simulation game Oxygen Not Included you’ll find that scarcities of oxygen, warmth and sustenance are constant threats to your colony’s survival. Guide colonists through the perils of subterranean asteroid living and watch as their population grows until they’re not simply surviving, but thriving…
    Just make sure you don’t forget to breathe.

    Build Extensive Bases and Discover What it Takes to Survive:
    Everything in your space colony is under your control, from excavation and resource allocation right down to plumbing and power systems. Resources will begin depleting with your first breath, however, so be sure to dig fast if you want to live.
    t’s Mind Over Matter with Stress Simulations:
    Keep the psychological impact of survival at bay with fun leisure activities, great accommodations and even better food for your colony. Duplicants each have different and potentially destructive ways of reacting to stress, so be sure to always keep them happy. Whatever the cost.

    Avoid Boiling with Thermodynamics:
    Temperature control is a constant concern in space; too cold and you’ll freeze, too hot and you’ll fry. Keep tabs on ambient environmental temperatures and your colony’s heat production to maintain a nice, cozy atmosphere for your colonists.

    Enhance Efficiency through Complex Gas and Liquid Simulations:
    Create interlocking pipe systems to swiftly deliver fuel and liquid to critical areas of your base. Plan well and be rewarded as your colony transforms into an imperishable, well-oiled machine.

    Take Charge with Power Grid Simulations:
    Choose from a multitude of power sources including coal, hydrogen, natural gas or just plain old elbow grease. Manage power runoff, circuit overloads and meltdowns to keep your colony running smoothly.

    Always Keep Yourself Breathing:
    Enter the Oxygen Overlay and watch air moving through your base in real time. Monitor carbon dioxide accumulation and oversee oxygen generation processes to mold your colony into a veritable deep-space oasis.

    Waste Nothing through Extreme Recycling:
    Make use of every last resource for a base that truly exemplifies efficiency. Recycle waste into precious fuel, process unbreathable gas into air or harness the natural bodily processes of wild creatures for food. If you’re clever, you might even be able to run a base off colonist farts.Explore Diverse, Procedurally Generated New Worlds:
    Summon new worlds with a push of a button. Experience tons of untamed space rocks, then suffocate to death in them!

  • Oxygen Not Included (Steam) PC


    In the space-colony simulation game Oxygen Not Included you’ll find that scarcities of oxygen, warmth and sustenance are constant threats to your colony’s survival. Guide colonists through the perils of subterranean asteroid living and watch as their population grows until they’re not simply surviving, but thriving…
    Just make sure you don’t forget to breathe.

    Build Extensive Bases and Discover What it Takes to Survive:
    Everything in your space colony is under your control, from excavation and resource allocation right down to plumbing and power systems. Resources will begin depleting with your first breath, however, so be sure to dig fast if you want to live.
    t’s Mind Over Matter with Stress Simulations:
    Keep the psychological impact of survival at bay with fun leisure activities, great accommodations and even better food for your colony. Duplicants each have different and potentially destructive ways of reacting to stress, so be sure to always keep them happy. Whatever the cost.

    Avoid Boiling with Thermodynamics:
    Temperature control is a constant concern in space; too cold and you’ll freeze, too hot and you’ll fry. Keep tabs on ambient environmental temperatures and your colony’s heat production to maintain a nice, cozy atmosphere for your colonists.

    Enhance Efficiency through Complex Gas and Liquid Simulations:
    Create interlocking pipe systems to swiftly deliver fuel and liquid to critical areas of your base. Plan well and be rewarded as your colony transforms into an imperishable, well-oiled machine.

    Take Charge with Power Grid Simulations:
    Choose from a multitude of power sources including coal, hydrogen, natural gas or just plain old elbow grease. Manage power runoff, circuit overloads and meltdowns to keep your colony running smoothly.

    Always Keep Yourself Breathing:
    Enter the Oxygen Overlay and watch air moving through your base in real time. Monitor carbon dioxide accumulation and oversee oxygen generation processes to mold your colony into a veritable deep-space oasis.

    Waste Nothing through Extreme Recycling:
    Make use of every last resource for a base that truly exemplifies efficiency. Recycle waste into precious fuel, process unbreathable gas into air or harness the natural bodily processes of wild creatures for food. If you’re clever, you might even be able to run a base off colonist farts.Explore Diverse, Procedurally Generated New Worlds:
    Summon new worlds with a push of a button. Experience tons of untamed space rocks, then suffocate to death in them!

  • Returnal (Steam) PC


    Returnal combines side-scrolling action with roguelike gameplay into a third-person shooter where players fight to survive a hostile planet that changes with every death. Players can switch instinctively between firing modes by using a single adaptive trigger and can get right back into the action after dying. PS5’s immersive 3D audio brings the alien world to life around the player, helping players navigate the intense positional combat.

  • Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (Xbox Live) Xbox Series X|S


    Star Wars Jedi: Survivor picks up five years after the events of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Cal must stay one step ahead of the Empire’s constant pursuit as he continues to feel the weight of being one of the last remaining Jedi in the galaxy.

  • STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor Deluxe Edition (Epic Game) PC


    Star Wars Jedi: Survivor picks up five years after the events of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Cal must stay one step ahead of the Empire’s constant pursuit as he continues to feel the weight of being one of the last remaining Jedi in the galaxy.

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