Zeigt 1-12 von 30 Ergebnissen
Achilles: Unerzählte Legenden (Episches Spiel) PC
10,19 €Nehmen Sie teil an der Reise von Achilles, der sich mitten im jahrhundertelangen Konflikt zwischen Hades und Ares befindet. Der junge Held wird ausgesandt, um gegen das Kind des Kriegsgottes Phobos zu kämpfen. Seine Reise führt ihn in viele verschiedene Ecken der mythologischen Länder, wo er mächtige Artefakte erhält, die ihm bei seiner Suche helfen werden. Achilles ist nicht allein, denn Hephaistos - der Gott der Schmiede - ist immer bereit, im Tausch gegen Materialien neue Waffen herzustellen.
Achilles: Legends Untold ist ein isometrisches Action-Rollenspiel, das stark vom Souls-Genre und von Hack&Slash-Spielen der alten Schule inspiriert ist. Die Spieler werden sich durch viele unwirtliche Orte wagen, gegen legendäre Kreaturen kämpfen und versuchen, die Geschichte der Welt zu verstehen. Das Spiel ist ein bisschen leichter auf der "Seelen"-Seite, da das Studio eine leicht zu erlernende, aber schwer zu meisternde Erfahrung schaffen wollte. Aus diesem Grund ist Achilles: Legends Untold sowohl für Seelen-Veteranen als auch für neue Spieler geeignet. Und wenn du Hilfe brauchst, rufst du einfach deine Freunde zusammen, um gemeinsam zu spielen und verschiedene Dungeons zu erkunden.
Das Gameplay bietet unterhaltsame und geschicklichkeitsbasierte Kämpfe, RPG-Elemente und Ressourcenmanagement. Jeder Gegenstand, der auf der Reise gefunden wird, kann sich bei der Herstellung neuer Waffen und Ausrüstungsgegenstände als nützlich erweisen, wenn er zu Hephaistos zurückgebracht wird. Im Laufe des Spiels werden die Spieler an der Seite des Hauptcharakters immer geschickter und erlangen die Fähigkeit, es mit noch stärkeren Gegnern aufzunehmen! Und du kannst dir sicher sein, dass es viele abscheuliche und furchtbare Feinde gibt, die deinen Weg kreuzen werden.
Achilles: Legends Untold bietet außerdem ein innovatives GAIA-System, das für die Aktionen der KI-Charaktere verantwortlich ist, die sich lebensecht anfühlen und auf unvorhersehbare Weise zusammenarbeiten. Erlebe fesselnde Kämpfe, in denen sich die Monster an deinen Spielstil anpassen, verschiedene Strategien ausprobieren oder Szenarien aus dem Hinterhalt erstellen, angetrieben von diesem modernen, selbst entwickelten System.
Wirst du hartnäckig genug sein, um an Stärke zu gewinnen und Ares zu besiegen? -
Der Schatz einer anderen Krabbe (eShop) Nintendo Switch
14,84 €Another Crab's Treasure ist ein seelenähnliches Abenteuer in einer zerfallenden Unterwasserwelt, die von einem mysteriösen Fluch geplagt wird. Als Kril, der Einsiedlerkrebs, musst du den Müll um dich herum als Panzer tragen, um Angriffen von Feinden zu widerstehen, die ein Vielfaches deiner Größe haben. Begeben Sie sich auf eine epische Schatzsuche, um Ihre beschlagnahmte Muschel zurückzukaufen, und entdecken Sie die dunklen Geheimnisse hinter dem verschmutzten Ozean.
Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon (PSN) PS5
69,07 €Dynamic, Fast-Paced Mech Action
Based on the knowledge gained during joint development of their recent titles, Bandai Namco Entertainment and FromSoftware seek to deliver a new action game. By combining FromSoftware’s longstanding expertise in mech games and their signature robust gameplay, ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON will be a new action experience.In ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON, players will assemble and pilot their own mech with 3D maneuverability to move freely through three dimensional fast-paced missions. Take on difficult challenges and overwhelm your enemies with dynamic movements that make full use of ranged and melee combat. Players can enjoy a variety of actions that can only be truly realized with mechs.
Story Overview
A mysterious new substance was discovered on the remote planet, Rubicon 3. As an energy source, this substance was expected to dramatically advance humanity’s technological and communications capabilities. Instead, this substance caused a catastrophe that engulfed the planet and the surrounding stars in flames and storms, forming a Burning Star System.Almost half a century later, the same substance resurfaced on Rubicon 3, a planet now contaminated and sealed off by the catastrophe.
Extra-terrestrial corporations and resistance groups fight over control of the substance. The player infiltrates Rubicon as an independent mercenary and finds themself in a struggle over the substance with the corporations and other factions.
Development Team
Hidetaka Miyazaki will be involved as the Initial Game Director. Based on the initial development, Masaru Yamamura has taken over as Director. -
Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S
23,95 €Dynamic, Fast-Paced Mech Action
Based on the knowledge gained during joint development of their recent titles, Bandai Namco Entertainment and FromSoftware seek to deliver a new action game. By combining FromSoftware’s longstanding expertise in mech games and their signature robust gameplay, ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON will be a new action experience.In ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON, players will assemble and pilot their own mech with 3D maneuverability to move freely through three dimensional fast-paced missions. Take on difficult challenges and overwhelm your enemies with dynamic movements that make full use of ranged and melee combat. Players can enjoy a variety of actions that can only be truly realized with mechs.
Story Overview
A mysterious new substance was discovered on the remote planet, Rubicon 3. As an energy source, this substance was expected to dramatically advance humanity’s technological and communications capabilities. Instead, this substance caused a catastrophe that engulfed the planet and the surrounding stars in flames and storms, forming a Burning Star System.Almost half a century later, the same substance resurfaced on Rubicon 3, a planet now contaminated and sealed off by the catastrophe.
Extra-terrestrial corporations and resistance groups fight over control of the substance. The player infiltrates Rubicon as an independent mercenary and finds themself in a struggle over the substance with the corporations and other factions.
Development Team
Hidetaka Miyazaki will be involved as the Initial Game Director. Based on the initial development, Masaru Yamamura has taken over as Director. -
Chronos Before the Ashes (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S
7,65 €Chronos is an atmospheric RPG that chronicles one young hero’s lifelong quest to save their homeland from a great evil. Central to this quest is an ancient labyrinth, which holds the secrets necessary to restore life and peace to their home. However, the architects of this labyrinth designed it to open only once a year. The labyrinth is a test, and each time the hero fails they are cast out and must wait one year to return.
* Adventure RPG – Refreshing combination of Adventure Game elements and RPG mechanics.
* VR – Explore an atmospheric fantasy world in full Virtual Reality. The level of immersion, scale and detail is incredible!
* Unique leveling mechanic – Each journey into the labyrinth cost the Hero a measure of his life. Player’s must adapt to their advancing age as they progress their character; start the game young , nimble and quick, and end wise and more attuned to magic.
* Unlock the Secrets of the Labyrinth – There are many mysteries behind the origins of the labyrinth. Who built it? Why did they build it? What does it do? -
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy (eShop) Nintendo Switch
15,83 €Your favorite marsupial, Crash Bandicoot™, is back! He’s enhanced, entranced and ready-to-dance with the N. Sane Trilogy game collection. Now you can experience Crash Bandicoot like never before. Spin, jump, wump and repeat as you take on the epic challenges and adventures through the three games that started it all, Crash Bandicoot™, Crash Bandicoot™ 2: Cortex Strikes Back and Crash Bandicoot™ 3: Warped. Relive all your favorite Crash moments in their fully-remastered graphical glory and get ready to put some UMPH in your WUMP!Crash Bandicoot™ N. Sane Trilogy Stormy Ascent Level
Experience the notorious Stormy Ascent level from the original Crash Bandicoot game. Previously unfinished and unreleased, this level will challenge even the most hardcore of Crash fans! Do you have what it takes to tackle the fast retracting steps, vial throwing lab assistants, flying birds, moving platforms and iron spikes?Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Future Tense Level
Play the first-ever NEW level built for the original trilogy’s gameplay in almost 20 years. Drawing inspiration from the cut “Waterfall Level” from the first Crash Bandicoot game, Future Tense features several puzzles from the original level set in the futuristic setting from Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped. Discover a whole new level of difficulty for Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy as you dodge rockets, destroy robots and leaps lasers while ascending a massive futuristic skyscraper. -
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy (Steam) PC
29,45 €Your favorite marsupial, Crash Bandicoot™, is back! He’s enhanced, entranced and ready-to-dance with the N. Sane Trilogy game collection. Now you can experience Crash Bandicoot like never before. Spin, jump, wump and repeat as you take on the epic challenges and adventures through the three games that started it all, Crash Bandicoot™, Crash Bandicoot™ 2: Cortex Strikes Back and Crash Bandicoot™ 3: Warped. Relive all your favorite Crash moments in their fully-remastered graphical glory and get ready to put some UMPH in your WUMP!Crash Bandicoot™ N. Sane Trilogy Stormy Ascent Level
Experience the notorious Stormy Ascent level from the original Crash Bandicoot game. Previously unfinished and unreleased, this level will challenge even the most hardcore of Crash fans! Do you have what it takes to tackle the fast retracting steps, vial throwing lab assistants, flying birds, moving platforms and iron spikes?Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Future Tense Level
Play the first-ever NEW level built for the original trilogy’s gameplay in almost 20 years. Drawing inspiration from the cut “Waterfall Level” from the first Crash Bandicoot game, Future Tense features several puzzles from the original level set in the futuristic setting from Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped. Discover a whole new level of difficulty for Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy as you dodge rockets, destroy robots and leaps lasers while ascending a massive futuristic skyscraper. -
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S
5,83 €Your favorite marsupial, Crash Bandicoot™, is back! He’s enhanced, entranced and ready-to-dance with the N. Sane Trilogy game collection. Now you can experience Crash Bandicoot like never before. Spin, jump, wump and repeat as you take on the epic challenges and adventures through the three games that started it all, Crash Bandicoot™, Crash Bandicoot™ 2: Cortex Strikes Back and Crash Bandicoot™ 3: Warped. Relive all your favorite Crash moments in their fully-remastered graphical glory and get ready to put some UMPH in your WUMP!Crash Bandicoot™ N. Sane Trilogy Stormy Ascent Level
Experience the notorious Stormy Ascent level from the original Crash Bandicoot game. Previously unfinished and unreleased, this level will challenge even the most hardcore of Crash fans! Do you have what it takes to tackle the fast retracting steps, vial throwing lab assistants, flying birds, moving platforms and iron spikes?Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Future Tense Level
Play the first-ever NEW level built for the original trilogy’s gameplay in almost 20 years. Drawing inspiration from the cut “Waterfall Level” from the first Crash Bandicoot game, Future Tense features several puzzles from the original level set in the futuristic setting from Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped. Discover a whole new level of difficulty for Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy as you dodge rockets, destroy robots and leaps lasers while ascending a massive futuristic skyscraper. -
Elden Ring (Steam) PC
33,99 €The Golden Order has been broken.
Rise, Tarnished, and be guided by grace to brandish the power of the Elden Ring and become an Elden Lord in the Lands Between.
In the Lands Between ruled by Queen Marika the Eternal, the Elden Ring, the source of the Erdtree, has been shattered.
Marika’s offspring, demigods all, claimed the shards of the Elden Ring known as the Great Runes, and the mad taint of their newfound strength triggered a war: The Shattering. A war that meant abandonment by the Greater Will.
And now the guidance of grace will be brought to the Tarnished who were spurned by the grace of gold and exiled from the Lands Between. Ye dead who yet live, your grace long lost, follow the path to the Lands Between beyond the foggy sea to stand before the Elden Ring.
Elden Ring (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S
19,79 €The Golden Order has been broken.
Rise, Tarnished, and be guided by grace to brandish the power of the Elden Ring and become an Elden Lord in the Lands Between.
In the Lands Between ruled by Queen Marika the Eternal, the Elden Ring, the source of the Erdtree, has been shattered.
Marika’s offspring, demigods all, claimed the shards of the Elden Ring known as the Great Runes, and the mad taint of their newfound strength triggered a war: The Shattering. A war that meant abandonment by the Greater Will.
And now the guidance of grace will be brought to the Tarnished who were spurned by the grace of gold and exiled from the Lands Between. Ye dead who yet live, your grace long lost, follow the path to the Lands Between beyond the foggy sea to stand before the Elden Ring.
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