Zeigt 109-120 von 464 Ergebnissen

  • Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Überquere Inseln voller Plattform-Perfektion und Nonstop-Action als die klassischen Kongs des Originalspiels oder spiele die Geschichte als Funky Kong im neuen Funky-Modus!

    Arktische Eindringlinge haben Donkey Kong Island in ihre persönliche Eisfestung verwandelt, und es liegt an dir, den Tag zu retten. Spiele als Donkey Kong im Originalmodus und schließe dich mit Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong und Cranky Kong zusammen - jeder von ihnen hat einzigartige Fähigkeiten -, um Plattformherausforderungen und frostige Feinde zu überwinden.

    Für ein zugänglicheres Spielerlebnis kannst du ein Spiel im Funky-Modus starten, um eine Reihe von Gameplay-Updates und eine neue Hauptcharakteroption zu genießen: den spektakulären surfenden Affen Funky Kong! Seine zusätzlichen Herzen und einzigartigen Fähigkeiten sorgen für ein entspannteres Spielerlebnis. Und egal, für welchen Modus du dich entscheidest, eine Fülle von Sammelobjekten und der Koop-Modus für zwei Spieler runden den Spaß ab!

  • DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ (Xbox Live) Xbox Serie X|S


    Pre-Purchase Offer
    Pre-order and receive early character unlocks to SSGSS Goku and SSGSS Vegeta, 2 exclusive lobby avatars, and 3 stamps.
    FighterZ Edition
    The FighterZ Edition includes the game and the FighterZ Pass, which adds 8 new mighty characters to the roster.
    Ultimate Edition
    The Ultimate Edition includes:
    • The game
    • FighterZ Pass (8 new characters)
    • Anime Music Pack (11 songs from the Anime)
    • Commentator Voice Pack
    About the GameDRAGON BALL FighterZ is born from what makes the DRAGON BALL series so loved and famous: endless spectacular fights with its all-powerful fighters.
    Partnering with Arc System Works, DRAGON BALL FighterZ maximizes high end Anime graphics and brings easy to learn but difficult to master fighting gameplay.
    High-end Anime Graphics
    Using the power of the Unreal engine and the talented team at Arc System Works, DRAGON BALL FighterZ is a visual tour-de-force.
    3vs3 Tag/Support
    Build your dream team and sharpen your skills to master high-speed tag combinations.
    Thrilling Online Features
    Ranked matches, interactive lobby, crazy 6-player Party Match… There is something for every taste!
    Exclusive Story Mode
    Discover a never-seen-before scenario featuring Android 21, a brand new character whose creation was supervised by Akira Toriyama himself.
    Spectacular Fights
    Experience aerial combos, destructible stages and famous scenes from the DRAGON BALL anime in 60FPS and 1080p resolution!

  • Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Erlebe die Geschichte von Goku in DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT! Neben den epischen Kämpfen erlebst du das Leben in der DRAGON BALL Z-Welt, wenn du mit Goku kämpfst, fischst, isst und trainierst. Erkunde die neuen Gebiete und Abenteuer, während du in der Geschichte vorankommst, und knüpfe starke Bande mit anderen Helden aus dem DRAGON BALL Z-Universum.

  • DRAGON BALL: Funkenschlag! ZERO (PSN) PS5


    DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO takes the legendary gameplay of the Budokai Tenkaichi series and raises it to whole new levels. DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO has an incredible number of playable characters, each with signature abilities, transformations and techniques. Unleash the fighting spirit within you and take the fight to arenas that crumble and react to your power as the battle rages on.

  • DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO (Steam) PC


    DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO takes the legendary gameplay of the Budokai Tenkaichi series and raises it to whole new levels. DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO has an incredible number of playable characters, each with signature abilities, transformations and techniques. Unleash the fighting spirit within you and take the fight to arenas that crumble and react to your power as the battle rages on.

  • DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO takes the legendary gameplay of the Budokai Tenkaichi series and raises it to whole new levels. DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO has an incredible number of playable characters, each with signature abilities, transformations and techniques. Unleash the fighting spirit within you and take the fight to arenas that crumble and react to your power as the battle rages on.

  • Dragon Quest Builders 2 (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Wenn Sie das Spiel jetzt vorbestellen oder bis einschließlich Montag, den 6. Januar um 17:00 Uhr GMT kaufen, erhalten Sie diese exklusiven Bonusinhalte:
    Heilkräuterdekoration: ein Rezept für ein dekoratives Heilkraut
    Dragon Quest Logo Dekoration: ein Rezept für das berühmte DRAGON QUEST Logo.
    Chimärenflügel-Dekoration: ein Rezept für einen dekorativen Chimärenflügel
    Siegel-Blöcke: fünf Rezepte für Blöcke, die entweder ein Sonnen-, Mond-, Stern-, Wassertropfen- oder Herzsymbol haben
    Lo-Res Luminary Recipes: eine Reihe von Rezepten für den Bau der Scions of Erdrick
    Rezept für legendäre Linienkunst: ein Rezept für ein Gemälde der Scions of Erdrick
    Dieser Bonusinhalt wird mit der Veröffentlichung von DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS™ 2 verfügbar sein.
    Über das Spiel
    DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS 2 ist das von der Kritik gefeierte Klötzchenbau-RPG von Yuji Horii, dem Schöpfer der DRAGON QUEST-Serie, Charakterdesigner Akira Toriyama und Komponist Koichi Sugiyama - jetzt auch für Steam-Spieler!
    Die Steam-Version enthält alle Inhalte des Season Pass, die zuvor für die Konsolenversionen veröffentlicht wurden:
    Hotto Stuff Pack, Modernist Pack, Aquarium Pack, Designer's Sunglasses, Legendary Builder Outfit, Dragonlord's Throne, und mehr!
    Lassen Sie sich nicht vom Namen täuschen, trotz der 2 ist dies ein völlig eigenständiges Erlebnis mit neuen Charakteren, einer ausgedehnten Welt, unbegrenzten Baukombinationen und einer Geschichte, die sowohl langjährige Fans als auch Neulinge begeistern wird!
    Begib dich auf eine epische Reise und werde zum Baumeister! Passe deinen Charakter an und mache dich auf den Weg, um eine verlassene Welt an der Seite eines mysteriösen Begleiters namens Malroth wiederzubeleben. Dann nimm deinen Baumeister mit ins Internet und schließe dich mit deinen Freunden zusammen, um gemeinsam etwas wahrhaft Großartiges zu erschaffen.
    Die bösen Kinder Hargons sind entschlossen, alle Schöpfer auszurotten und haben das Bauen, Kochen und Erschaffen aller Dinge verboten. Um ihr zerstörerisches Dogma zu verbreiten, nimmt die verhängnisvolle Sekte die Baumeister der Welt gefangen. Alle Hoffnung scheint verloren, bis es dir, einem jungen Baumeisterlehrling, gelingt, aus den Fängen des Bösen zu entkommen.
    Nachdem du an der Küste der verlassenen Insel des Erwachens angeschwemmt wurdest, triffst du auf den temperamentvollen Malroth, einen mysteriösen Jungen ohne Erinnerung an seine Vergangenheit. Mit der Hilfe deines furchtlosen neuen Freundes begibst du dich auf ein großes Abenteuer, um die Fähigkeiten zu erlangen, die du brauchst, um ein vollwertiger Baumeister zu werden, aber der Weg, den du beschreitest, ist mit Gefahren gepflastert. Nur du kannst die Kinder von Hargon besiegen, die Geheimnisse von Malroths Vergangenheit lüften und die Rätsel dieses mysteriösen Landes entschlüsseln.
    Blockbau-Rollenspiel - Beweise dich als Baumeister und Krieger und hilf den Menschen des Reiches, ihr zerstörtes Land wieder aufzubauen. Je mehr du hilfst, desto mehr Herzen und Anerkennung erhältst du. Mach dich bereit für eine Kur der Kreativität und Freundlichkeit!
    Kreative offene Welt - Konstruieren Sie große Strukturen in dieser Fantasie-Blockwelt mit einer Vielzahl von Optionen.
    Erforschen, sammeln und basteln - Jede Insel enthält ihre eigenen einzigartigen Materialien, mit denen du neue Kreationen anbauen, herstellen und kochen kannst. Auf dem Weg dorthin verbesserst du deine Fähigkeiten und entwickelst dich als Baumeister weiter, während du neue Rezepte und Baupläne lernst.
    Kämpfen Sie an der Seite Ihres Partners gegen furchterregende Feinde - Der mysteriöse Malroth, ein aggressiver Amnesiekranker mit einer Vorliebe für den Kampf gegen Feinde, begleitet Sie auf Ihrer Suche. Seine mächtigen Angriffe und Fähigkeiten sind auf dem Schlachtfeld wirklich unverzichtbar!
    Renne, schwimme und gleite durch eine weitläufige Welt - Renne über offene Felder und erkunde charmante Dörfer, tückische Minen und spektakuläre Schlösser. Tauche in die Tiefen des Wassers, um verborgene Schätze zu entdecken, erklimme den höchsten Berg, um den Sonnenuntergang zu erleben, und gleite nach Hause, um dich für den nächsten Tag voller Abenteuer auszuruhen.
    Pflanzen, gießen und wachsen! - Arbeite mit deinen Dorfbewohnern zusammen, um den Boden zu bestellen, Samen zu säen und eine Vielzahl von Feldfrüchten anzubauen. Achte darauf, dass du deine Felder so anlegst, dass sie die Art der Pflanzen unterstützen, die du anbaust. Erntet alles, vom einfachen Kohl bis zu süßen Zuckerstangen!
    Entwerfen und Bauen mit Freunden online - Große Projekte erfordern große Hilfe! Bis zu 4 Spieler können sich online zusammentun, um auf der Sandkasteninsel Isle of Awakening alles zu bauen, was du dir vorstellen kannst.

  • Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake (Steam) PC key GLOBAL


    DRAGON QUEST III HD-2D Remake is a stunning reimagining of the beloved masterpiece and narrative beginning to The Erdrick Trilogy.Story:Years ago, the great hero Ortega bid farewell to his wife and child as he set off on a quest to defeat the villainous Archfiend, Baramos. Ortega failed his quest, and Baramos still threatens the world. Now, on their sixteenth birthday, Ortega’s only child is summoned by the king of Aliahan and entrusted with a mission of the highest import: to take on Ortega’s quest, vanquish Baramos, and save the world.Build your perfect party:Recruit a variety of allies, with three able to join your party to aid you on your quest. Choose their vocations, appearances and their voices. There’s even a brand new vocation exclusive to this remake: the monster wrangler!Travel across an expansive open world:Explore a wealth of towns, castles, caves, towers and dungeons to explore on your adventure, with hidden secrets waiting to be discovered.Strategic, turn-based battles:Battle a vast array of monsters in classic DRAGON QUEST turn-based battles. Set party tactics and switch up weapons, abilities and spells to take on all of the challenging foes that await you.

  • Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    DRAGON QUEST MONSTERS: The Dark Prince comes to Steam®!
    Compose your very own team of monsters from across the DRAGON QUEST series and engage in thrilling battles against your foes. Recruit monsters from the wild world around you and combine them to synthesize new creatures as you see fit. With over 500 monsters to choose from and a revamped synthesis system to explore, you can mix and match to you heart’s content to create your favorite cute critters and dastardly supervillains, as well as brand-new additions to the monstrous roll call.
    Your quest to become the greatest monster wrangler of all time starts here!Story
    Psaro is cursed and is unable to harm anything with monster blood. Now, he must become a Monster Wrangler to create an army for battle.
    The hunt for high-ranked monsters takes Psaro through the ever-changing seasons of Nadiria and its unique environments, with rivers of bubbling lava, mysterious ancient ruins, and soaring towers of cake. Along the way, Psaro meets the kind-hearted elf, Rose, who joins his adventure to seek out ever-stronger monsters.
    The key to Psaro’s success lies with synthesis: the ability to combine two monsters and create a stronger offspring. Each new creation brings Psaro one step closer to his goal of becoming the Master of Monsterkind.
    (The network mode Online Battles from the console version, where players battle one another in real time, is not included.)Game Features
    – A Wondrous World Awaits
    As time passes in Nadiria, so too do the seasons change, with different weather conditions tempting new monsters out of hiding and revealing paths to undiscovered areas. The Circles of Nadiria are sure to provide a fresh experience every time you visit.
    – Over 500 Unique Monsters
    With such varied environments to explore, you can expect them to be inhabited by a plethora of monsters. While many can be recruited in battle, occasionally a defeated monster will ask to join your team of its own accord. Befriend as many monsters as you can, then combine them to synthesize new creatures and build a unique party to your exact liking.
    – Enjoy All the DLC from the Console Version
    The Steam® version includes the DLC packs from the console version: the Mole Hole, Coach Joe’s Dungeon Gym and Treasure Trunks. Make the most of their unique features to enhance your adventure.
    – Test Your Might in Quickfire Contests
    Register your team for the network mode Quickfire Contests to participate in automated battles against the party data of 30 other players. Once a day you can earn stat-boosting items as a prize, and the monsters from any team you defeat will be added to your roster (up to rank B monsters only).

  • DRAGON QUEST XI S Echoes of an Elusive Age Definitive Edition (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Includes the critically acclaimed DRAGON QUEST XI, as well as an array of new content, features and quality of life improvements.
    Enjoy the massive content of the base game as well as new character-specific scenarios, which offer the possibility to learn more about some of your favourite companions.
    Play as you want – switch between 3D HD or 2D 16-bit modes, original soundtrack or orchestral version of the music, and English or Japanese audio.
    Dive into the 16-bit World of Tickington – an additional side-quests area that see you journeying to past DRAGON QUEST worlds reimagined in retro style.
    Speed up battle by x2 and x4, ride new mountable monsters and attack with them on the field to earn experience points.
    Spice up the adventure with three new Draconian Quest settings such as ‘Super Shypox’, ‘Townsfolk Talk Tripe’, or ‘Party Wiped Out if Protagonist Perishes’.
    Immortalise your adventure with the photo mode, pose each of the characters and snap some pictures with the beautifully designed world of Erdrea in the background.
    About the GameThe Definitive Edition includes all the content from the original release of the acclaimed DRAGON QUEST XI, and adds extra character-specific scenarios, the choice of playing with the original soundtrack or a grand orchestral version of the music, the ability to switch between 2D and 3D graphic modes, a Japanese voice-acting option, and much more.
    OVERVIEWDRAGON QUEST XI S is the last entry in the legendary RPG series from creator Yuji Horii, character designer Akira Toriyama and composer Koichi Sugiyama. This eleventh main entry is a completely standalone experience that features new characters, a beautifully detailed world, finely tuned turn-based combat, and an immersive story that will appeal to longtime fans and franchise newcomers alike. After its release in Japan, DRAGON QUEST XI won multiple gaming awards and received critical praise, including PlayStation’s Platinum Prize and a perfect 40/40 score from Famitsu (an influential video game publication in Japan).
    A young man, about to participate in his village’s coming of age ceremony, travels to a sacred stone alongside his childhood friend. After a series of unexpected events, this intrepid adventurer learns he is the reincarnation of a legendary hero from a forgotten age.
    The young hero sets forth into an unknown world on a journey to unravel the mystery of his past… but the welcome he receives is far from warm. Upon revealing his identity to the King, the hero is branded as “The Darkspawn” and hunted by a relentless army.
    Fleeing from his pursuers, the hero assembles a band of endearing adventurers who believe he is actually The Luminary reborn. The Luminary and his newfound companions embark on a quest that will take them across continents and over vast oceans as they learn of an ominous threat facing the world.KEY FEATURES
    Unravel an Epic Mystery in a Riveting Tale – You are the Luminary, the reincarnation of a hero from a forgotten age. Denigrated as a demon and pursued by a malicious monarch, you must embark on a quest to uncover the mystery of your fate and save a doomed world. Be prepared for an immersive story with twists and turns that pull you in and keep you craving more.
    Assemble a Colorful Cast of Loyal Companions – Accompanying you is an endearing band of adventurers with their own rich backstories and personalities. Famed manga artist Akira Toriyama brings the characters of DRAGON QUEST to life with his one-of-a-kind style.
    Explore a Massive, Beautiful, Living World – Excitement lurks around every corner, observe NPC’s attend to their daily schedules, monsters change behaviors to fit their environments, and access new areas, by foot, on horseback or with the use of monstrous vehicles.
    Engage in Classic Turn-based Battles with a Modern Twist – DRAGON QUEST XI features mechanics simple enough for beginners, but with enough depth to satisfy hardcore fans. As your adventure continues, learn incredible new abilities to take down even the most fearsome foe with your powerful allies.
    Have Some Fun & Save the World – Tons of side-quests and addicting mini-games awaits you for enough content to keep you playing for well over 100 hours. You will face insurmountable odds and an evil force of unimaginable power… but while the stakes are high, there are many fun distractions to find if you know where to look.
    Challenge Yourself with the Draconian Quest – Available when you start a new game, these options allow you to craft you own customized difficulty with different settings and provide a greater challenge.

  • Dune: Spice Wars (Steam) PC


    A real-time strategy game with 4X elements, from the developers of the critically acclaimed Northgard. Set in Frank Herbert’s groundbreaking Dune universe, you must lead your faction and battle for control and dominance over the harsh desert planet of Arrakis.

    Spice is the most valuable resource in the universe. The spice extends life, it expands consciousness and makes interstellar travel possible. Create your own story and play as one of several factions, including House Atreides and House Harkonnen, and compete for power over Dune and the spice.

    Scan the landscape for wormsign or risk losing your troops and spice harvesters to titanic sandworms who will burst through the sand dunes to swallow and devour them whole. Best your opponents through political intrigue, crush them in combat, and undermine them with your network of illusive spies.

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