Zeigt 73-84 von 85 Ergebnissen

  • Subnautica: Below Zero (Steam) PC


    Below Zero is an underwater adventure game set on an alien ocean world. It is a new chapter in the Subnautica universe, and is currently in development by Unknown Worlds.Watch out!
    Below Zero is not finished! It is in active development: Full of bugs, missing features, and performance issues. If you would like to play Below Zero when it is finished, follow our development progress. We’ll keep you informed as updates improve the game.Return to planet 4546B
    Dive into a freezing underwater adventure. Below Zero is set in an arctic region of planet 4546B. As a scientist posted to a research station on the planet’s surface, you are tasked with studying alien artefacts…
    The Vesper space station orbits high above you, sending supplies, instructions, and receiving samples you launch from the surface.When disaster strikes the research station, you must improvise to survive: Construct habitats, scavenge for resources, hunt for food, and craft equipment.Explore new biomes
    Swim beneath the blue-lit, arching growth of Twisty Bridges. Navigate treacherous ice floes on the ocean surface. Clamber up snow covered peaks, and venture into icy caves. Maneuver between steaming Thermal Vents. Below Zero presents entirely new environments for you to survive, study, and explore.
    Discover new lifeforms in the icy depths of 4546B. Swim through the giant Titan Holefish, escape from the aggressive Brute Shark, and visit the adorable Pengwings. Some residents of the frozen ocean will help you, and some might try to harm you.An ocean of intrigue
    Who were the aliens who came here before? Why were they on this planet? Can you trust your commanders? Below Zero extends the story of the Subnautica universe, diving deep into the mystery introduced in the original game. Open up new story elements with every Early Access update.About the development team
    Below Zero is being created by Unknown Worlds, a small studio that traces its roots back to the 2002 Half-Life mod Natural Selection. It is the same team that created the original Subnautica. The team is scattered around the globe, from the United States to the United Kingdom, France, Russia, Austria, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, Taiwan, and many more places.

  • The Artful Escape (Steam) PC


    The game centers on the character of Francis Vendetti, the nephew of a deceased folk-music legend, Johnson Vendetti. Though a musician like his uncle, Francis struggles under the influence of his genealogical relationship to his uncle on his own career. Before his first public concert, he sets off on a journey not only geographically to get away from London, but to also create a new identity for himself to completely stand out from his uncle.

  • The Callisto Protocol Deluxe Edition (Epic Game) PC


    This is Striking Distance’s new game, The Callisto Protocol. Studio head Glen Schofield came onto the stream to say that the development team was aiming to make one of the scariest games ever, which only sounds like a tall order if it weren’t for the pedigree of the Dead Space series.

    Set on Jupiter’s moon Callisto in the year 2320, The Callisto Protocol is a next-generation take on survival horror. The game challenges players to escape the maximum security Black Iron Prison and uncover its terrifying secrets. A blend of horror, action, and immersive storytelling, the game aims to set a new bar for horror in interactive entertainment.

  • The Expanse: A Telltale Series (Epic Game) PC


    In the near future on the outskirts of the asteroid belt, a bloody mutiny breaks loose on the Artemis. You take the role of XO Camina Drummer, where your choices determine the fate of the ship. What will you do with the truth, Bosmang?

    In The Expanse: A Telltale Series, take on the role of Camina Drummer (played by actress Cara Gee in both the game and TV series), the leader of a ragtag scavenging crew on the hunt for a mysterious treasure on the edges of The Belt. As Drummer, players must work with a mix of big personalities, square off against a bloody mutiny, explore locations beyond the belt, and, most of all, make tough decisions that will decide the fate of The Artemis spaceship and its crew.

  • Titanfall 2 Ultimate Edition (Steam) PC


    Now Titanfall 2 has a full-scale story campaign. The main plot is the confrontation of the people’s Militia against the IMC Corporation, which seeks to destroy the rebels of the Frontier, a region of star systems that will allow them to get control over their resources.

    You play as Jack Cooper, a soldier who dreams of becoming an elite pilot with advanced technology and a personal Titan – a fighting machine. Captain Tai Lastimosa trained Cooper and prepared for his candidacy. During the task of finding the missing Major Anderson, who had the information about the plans of the IMC. The entire squad of Cooper, including Lastimosa, dies in the attack of IMC mercenaries. The Captain gives his Titan to Cooper.

    As the first part of the game, it is a first-person shooter in which you can control the pilot and exoskeleton “Titan”. The pilot has a diverse arsenal of abilities that allow you to jump and run on steep walls with the help of the “jump pilot module”. These abilities can be used with each other to move through the game locations quickly.

    With enough points, the player can call the Titan, landing from the sky. They are much slower than pilots but have more powerful weapons.

  • Void Crew (Steam) PC Key


    Über das Spiel
    In der Zukunft vereint eine Doktrin des Überlebens die Menschheit gegen einen mysteriösen Angreifer - die Hollow. Als die Auserwählten liegt es an dir, mit einer Crew von bis zu 4 Außenseitern der Leere zu trotzen und Ordnung in die Galaxie zu bringen!
    Steigen Sie in die fortschrittlichsten Raumschiffe ein, die je gebaut wurden, und begeben Sie sich auf spannende Missionen in die Tiefen des Weltraums, für die Sie und Ihre Crew nie trainiert haben! Asteroidenstürme, Sonneneruptionen und die Pannen deiner Kumpels werden deine geringste Sorge sein, während feindliche Aliens und verzweifelte menschliche Aasfresser deine Crew an ihre Grenzen bringen.
    Steuern Sie das Schiff, bemannen Sie die Geschütztürme, führen Sie Notreparaturen durch, laden Sie die Energiezellen wieder auf, nutzen Sie die Waffen der Raumstation, stellen Sie Munition her und verlassen Sie das Schiff für außerelektronische Missionen - sei es zum Flicken der Schiffshülle oder zum Ausschlachten von Wracks.
    Teamwork ist der Schlüssel: Wählen Sie eine Rolle und priorisieren Sie Ihre dringendsten Aufgaben mit Ihrer Crew... oder versuchen Sie, alles auf einmal zu erledigen, da Ihnen zuverlässige Arbeitskräfte fehlen werden!
    Durchdringen Sie mit brachialer Gewalt dicke Panzerungen, durchstoßen Sie Energieschilde, feuern Sie Raketen ab oder schießen Sie auf Schwachstellen - so oder so sorgen Sie dafür, dass die feindlichen Schiffe außer Kontrolle geraten und zerstört werden - am besten, bevor Sie in die Luft fliegen! Der Sieger erhebt Anspruch auf die Beute, und du musst wertvolle Materialien erbeuten, um deine Ausrüstung aufzurüsten und den widrigsten Umständen zu trotzen ... und vergiss nicht, den Raumanzug deines Charakters anzupassen, um mit Stil zu fliegen und kühn dorthin zu gehen, wo du wahrscheinlich nicht hättest fliegen sollen!
    Bilden Sie ein Team von 2-4 Spielern im Koop-Modus: Trommle deine besten Freunde zusammen, und es beginnt ein wilder Ritt durch den Weltraum!
    Dein Schiff, deine Art zu spielen: Mit einem flexiblen Spielerrollensystem und unterwegs installierbaren Schiffssystemen können Sie Ihre Strategien schneller ändern als ein Asteroid seinen Kurs.
    Anpassen und aufrüsten: Verleihe deinem Charakter einen schicken neuen Look mit reichhaltigen Upgrades oder rüste dein Schiff mit mehr Spielzeug aus! Ihr werdet die mächtigste und stilvollste Crew in der Galaxie sein!

  • Warhammer 40000 Battlesector (Steam) PC


    Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector is a fast-paced turn-based strategy game set in the grimdark universe of the 41st Millenium. Pick your force, develop your army, field mighty heroes and fight for victory using superior strategy, awesome abilities, and devastating weaponry.Age of Crimson DawnExperience an epic twenty mission single-player campaign that explores the aftermath of the Devastation of Baal. Help Sergeant Carleon and his allies purge the Tyranid infestation on Baal Secundus, and preserve the honour of the noble Blood Angels.Skirmish ModeFight across the surface of Baal on maps of your choosing and select either the Blood Angels or the Tyranids in the Skirmish mode. Completely customize your army list by picking your units, heroes and their loadouts.Forge Your ArmiesCommand iconic units like the Sanguinary Priest, the Librarian Dreadnought, and the Hive Tyrant to annihilate your foes. Use over 60 abilities and 50 weapons to orchestrate your opponent’s bloody demise.Build MomentumEach faction has a unique Momentum system that can result in a Surged unit. Units that Surge are able to string together superhuman chains of actions, or use the opportunity to further upgrade their abilities.Call In Air SupportUse Command Points to call in faction-specific air support abilities. The Blood Angels Stormraven can obliterate xenos with a missile barrage, or deep strike a unit of veteran Assault Marines behind enemy lines. Meanwhile, the Tyranid Harpy can devastate the enemy defenses with its Sonic Screech, or scatter the battlefield with its deadly Spore Mines.Face Your Friends On The BattlefieldWith live and asynchronous multiplayer, and hotseat modes available, there’s no excuse not to take your friends to war.

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