Zeigt 49-60 von 85 Ergebnissen

  • No Mans Sky - (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    No Man's Sky ist ein Weltraum-Action-Adventure-Survival-Spiel, das von Hello Games entwickelt wurde.

    Der allgemeine visuelle Stil des Spiels ist von verschiedenen Science-Fiction-Büchern inspiriert. Auch Demoscene diente den Entwicklern als Inspirationsquelle.

    Das Hauptmerkmal, um das sich das Spiel dreht, ist die prozedurale Generierung. Jeder Planet, den Sie besuchen, wird von Grund auf neu generiert. Die Informationen über die Planeten und ihre Bewohner werden dynamisch aktualisiert, sodass jeder Spieler eine neue Spezies oder einen neuen Planeten entdecken und ihm einen Namen geben kann.

    Das Gameplay von No Man's Sky beinhaltet die Erkundung des Weltraums und der Planeten, von denen einige mit außerirdischem Leben bewohnt sind, das Sammeln von Ressourcen, Weltraumschlachten, die Wartung und Aufrüstung des Spielerschiffs und die Erfüllung von Kopfgeldjagd-Missionen. Das Hauptziel ist es, das Zentrum der Galaxie zu erreichen.

    Bei der Veröffentlichung hieß es, das Spiel sei zwar ein Multiplayer-Spiel, aber die Welt sei so groß, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit, einen anderen Spieler zu treffen, extrem gering sei. Es stellte sich heraus, dass es aufgrund des extrem begrenzten Multiplayer-Aspekts unmöglich ist, einen anderen Spieler zu treffen. Im Jahr 2018 veröffentlichte Hello Games das vierte große Update, das die vollständige Multiplayer-Erfahrung beinhaltet.

  • Outriders (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    Outriders is a 1-3 player, drop-in-drop-out, co-op shooter, set in an original dark and desperate sci-fi universe. This brand new IP is developed by People Can Fly the creators of Gears of War Judgement and Bulletstorm and is published by Square Enix External Studios and is releasing Spring 2021, on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.

  • Overwatch Legendary Edition (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    ###The Legacy
    Overwatch is a multiplayer first-person shooter from the company that gave players the saga of Azeroth, Starcraft and the Diablo universe. Despite these releases coming out years ago, they are still alive and actively updated. But the developers at Blizzard wanted something new: the company does not like to experiment with new settings, preferring to transfer existing characters to new genres, worlds, and situations. The exception, perhaps, can only be a game about the three Vikings—The Lost Vikings, but this, too, was a long time ago.

    ###The story and setting
    Anyway, the company Blizzard has approached the development of Overwatch with team-specific meticulousness to details and desire to create an elaborative game universe. The player faces a choice between 21 characters who were part of the elite Overwatch unit. The task of Overwatch soldiers is to protect the Earth from conflicts and external threats. But something goes wrong, and the team of heroes breaks up. Despite the multiplayer bias, the game has a full story, it combines all the characters and maps on which the battle takes place. Since the launch, seven new characters have been added to the hero pool. Blizzard tells the story of the world of Overwatch through their characters: almost everyone has an animated short film, comparable in quality to a full meter from, for example, Pixar.

    ###Continuous support
    The game won the hearts of players around the world immediately after the launch. The figures confirm this fact: more than half a million dollars from sales and more than 40 million players. Overwatch has become an anchor project for Activision Blizzard, and the company continues to develop the project two years later, constantly offering players new maps, new characters, new themed events, and new cosmetic skins.

  • Oxygen Not Included (Epic Game) PC


    In the space-colony simulation game Oxygen Not Included you’ll find that scarcities of oxygen, warmth and sustenance are constant threats to your colony’s survival. Guide colonists through the perils of subterranean asteroid living and watch as their population grows until they’re not simply surviving, but thriving…
    Just make sure you don’t forget to breathe.

    Build Extensive Bases and Discover What it Takes to Survive:
    Everything in your space colony is under your control, from excavation and resource allocation right down to plumbing and power systems. Resources will begin depleting with your first breath, however, so be sure to dig fast if you want to live.
    t’s Mind Over Matter with Stress Simulations:
    Keep the psychological impact of survival at bay with fun leisure activities, great accommodations and even better food for your colony. Duplicants each have different and potentially destructive ways of reacting to stress, so be sure to always keep them happy. Whatever the cost.

    Avoid Boiling with Thermodynamics:
    Temperature control is a constant concern in space; too cold and you’ll freeze, too hot and you’ll fry. Keep tabs on ambient environmental temperatures and your colony’s heat production to maintain a nice, cozy atmosphere for your colonists.

    Enhance Efficiency through Complex Gas and Liquid Simulations:
    Create interlocking pipe systems to swiftly deliver fuel and liquid to critical areas of your base. Plan well and be rewarded as your colony transforms into an imperishable, well-oiled machine.

    Take Charge with Power Grid Simulations:
    Choose from a multitude of power sources including coal, hydrogen, natural gas or just plain old elbow grease. Manage power runoff, circuit overloads and meltdowns to keep your colony running smoothly.

    Always Keep Yourself Breathing:
    Enter the Oxygen Overlay and watch air moving through your base in real time. Monitor carbon dioxide accumulation and oversee oxygen generation processes to mold your colony into a veritable deep-space oasis.

    Waste Nothing through Extreme Recycling:
    Make use of every last resource for a base that truly exemplifies efficiency. Recycle waste into precious fuel, process unbreathable gas into air or harness the natural bodily processes of wild creatures for food. If you’re clever, you might even be able to run a base off colonist farts.Explore Diverse, Procedurally Generated New Worlds:
    Summon new worlds with a push of a button. Experience tons of untamed space rocks, then suffocate to death in them!

  • Oxygen Not Included (Steam) PC


    In the space-colony simulation game Oxygen Not Included you’ll find that scarcities of oxygen, warmth and sustenance are constant threats to your colony’s survival. Guide colonists through the perils of subterranean asteroid living and watch as their population grows until they’re not simply surviving, but thriving…
    Just make sure you don’t forget to breathe.

    Build Extensive Bases and Discover What it Takes to Survive:
    Everything in your space colony is under your control, from excavation and resource allocation right down to plumbing and power systems. Resources will begin depleting with your first breath, however, so be sure to dig fast if you want to live.
    t’s Mind Over Matter with Stress Simulations:
    Keep the psychological impact of survival at bay with fun leisure activities, great accommodations and even better food for your colony. Duplicants each have different and potentially destructive ways of reacting to stress, so be sure to always keep them happy. Whatever the cost.

    Avoid Boiling with Thermodynamics:
    Temperature control is a constant concern in space; too cold and you’ll freeze, too hot and you’ll fry. Keep tabs on ambient environmental temperatures and your colony’s heat production to maintain a nice, cozy atmosphere for your colonists.

    Enhance Efficiency through Complex Gas and Liquid Simulations:
    Create interlocking pipe systems to swiftly deliver fuel and liquid to critical areas of your base. Plan well and be rewarded as your colony transforms into an imperishable, well-oiled machine.

    Take Charge with Power Grid Simulations:
    Choose from a multitude of power sources including coal, hydrogen, natural gas or just plain old elbow grease. Manage power runoff, circuit overloads and meltdowns to keep your colony running smoothly.

    Always Keep Yourself Breathing:
    Enter the Oxygen Overlay and watch air moving through your base in real time. Monitor carbon dioxide accumulation and oversee oxygen generation processes to mold your colony into a veritable deep-space oasis.

    Waste Nothing through Extreme Recycling:
    Make use of every last resource for a base that truly exemplifies efficiency. Recycle waste into precious fuel, process unbreathable gas into air or harness the natural bodily processes of wild creatures for food. If you’re clever, you might even be able to run a base off colonist farts.Explore Diverse, Procedurally Generated New Worlds:
    Summon new worlds with a push of a button. Experience tons of untamed space rocks, then suffocate to death in them!

  • Pacific Drive (Steam) PC


    Pacific Drive is a run-based, first-person driving survival game. Your car is your only companion as you navigate a surreal and anomaly-filled reimagining of the Pacific Northwest. Structured as a “road-like”, each excursion into the wilderness brings unique and strange challenges, as you restore and upgrade your car from an abandoned garage that acts as your home base. With the car as your lifeline, you’ll unravel a long-forgotten mystery as you make your way to the heart of the Olympic Exclusion Zone.

  • Rage 2 (Epic Game) PC


    RAGE 2 is the second installment in the RAGE series of post-apocalyptic action games. It is inspired by the Mad Max movie series.

    ###Plot and setting
    The game is set in 2165, thirty years after the events of the original Rage. More than a century before that, the Apophis asteroid fell on Earth, causing mass destruction and driving humanity to near-extinction. The few remaining people hide in the few safe oases, while the rest of the world is a post-apocalyptic wasteland raided by gangsters and evil mutants. The main protagonist is a man named Walker, who is the last ranger of the wasteland and a wielder of superhuman powers. He fights against the totalitarian organization called The Authority.

    Like in the original RAGE, the sequel emphasizes its over-the-top action. The player controls Walker from the first person view and uses his huge guns and other weapons to fight monsters. The protagonist can also drive any vehicle that can be found in the game and engage in vehicular battles. When the player is driving, the game switches to the third person view. A new feature introduced in RAGE 2 is its Overdrive system that encourages aggressive playing style. By killing multiple enemies in a short amount of time, the player can enter Overdrive mode, which increases the guns’ power and the amount of loot. There is also a multiplayer mode.

  • Returnal (Steam) PC


    Returnal combines side-scrolling action with roguelike gameplay into a third-person shooter where players fight to survive a hostile planet that changes with every death. Players can switch instinctively between firing modes by using a single adaptive trigger and can get right back into the action after dying. PS5’s immersive 3D audio brings the alien world to life around the player, helping players navigate the intense positional combat.

  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chernobyl Deluxe Edition (Steam) PC


    This post-apocalyptic game that spawned the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. franchise is inspired by (but not really based on) the ‘Roadside Picnic’ novel by brothers Strugatsky and Tarkovsky’s movie ‘Stalker’, borrowing some of the terms and aesthetics from both. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl is set in Ukraine, in the infamous Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Several parts of the open-world setting were modeled after the real Chernobyl surroundings, including the power plant and the city of Pripyat, although designers took some liberties. The bleak environment and dark ambient music help to create an unsettling atmosphere of this place.
    According to the backstory, in 2006, the second Chernobyl disaster occurred, turning the surrounding area into post-apocalyptic ruins, full of grotesque mutants and time-space anomalies. The “stalkers” in this world are the explorers who wander The Zone in search of valuable loot. You play as the Marked One, a stalker who lost his memory. All that remains of his past is a memo that says “Kill Strelok”. The Marked One will have to learn more about himself, Strelok, The Zone, and its mysteries. The plot is non-linear, and there are multiple endings that depend on the quests you completed earlier.

  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chernobyl Deluxe Edition (Steam) PC Key


    This post-apocalyptic game that spawned the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. franchise is inspired by (but not really based on) the ‘Roadside Picnic’ novel by brothers Strugatsky and Tarkovsky’s movie ‘Stalker’, borrowing some of the terms and aesthetics from both. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl is set in Ukraine, in the infamous Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Several parts of the open-world setting were modeled after the real Chernobyl surroundings, including the power plant and the city of Pripyat, although designers took some liberties. The bleak environment and dark ambient music help to create an unsettling atmosphere of this place.
    According to the backstory, in 2006, the second Chernobyl disaster occurred, turning the surrounding area into post-apocalyptic ruins, full of grotesque mutants and time-space anomalies. The “stalkers” in this world are the explorers who wander The Zone in search of valuable loot. You play as the Marked One, a stalker who lost his memory. All that remains of his past is a memo that says “Kill Strelok”. The Marked One will have to learn more about himself, Strelok, The Zone, and its mysteries. The plot is non-linear, and there are multiple endings that depend on the quests you completed earlier.

  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chernobyl Deluxe Edition (Steam) PC Key EU


    This post-apocalyptic game that spawned the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. franchise is inspired by (but not really based on) the ‘Roadside Picnic’ novel by brothers Strugatsky and Tarkovsky’s movie ‘Stalker’, borrowing some of the terms and aesthetics from both. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl is set in Ukraine, in the infamous Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Several parts of the open-world setting were modeled after the real Chernobyl surroundings, including the power plant and the city of Pripyat, although designers took some liberties. The bleak environment and dark ambient music help to create an unsettling atmosphere of this place.
    According to the backstory, in 2006, the second Chernobyl disaster occurred, turning the surrounding area into post-apocalyptic ruins, full of grotesque mutants and time-space anomalies. The “stalkers” in this world are the explorers who wander The Zone in search of valuable loot. You play as the Marked One, a stalker who lost his memory. All that remains of his past is a memo that says “Kill Strelok”. The Marked One will have to learn more about himself, Strelok, The Zone, and its mysteries. The plot is non-linear, and there are multiple endings that depend on the quests you completed earlier.

  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl (Epic Games) PC


    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is a brand-new entry in the legendary series, enjoyed by millions of players worldwide.

    The explosive combination of first-person shooter, immersive sim and horror is back. It’s the ultimate S.T.A.L.K.E.R. experience of unprecedented scale, advanced graphics, freedom of choices and the thickest atmosphere of a deadly adventure.

    Welcome to The Zone — an area of exclusion around the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Full of radiation, mutants and anomalies, it keeps drawing adventurers from beyond the perimeter.

    Bounty hunters dwell deep into the Zone, driven by its treasures and mysteries. These people are known as stalkers.

    Are you ready to become one of them?

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