Zeigt 13-24 von 85 Ergebnissen
Jenseits von Gut & Böse: 20. Jubiläumsausgabe (eShop) Nintendo Switch
14,84 €Tauche als Action-Reporterin Jade in die wunderbare Welt der Hillys ein und untersuche die mysteriösen DomZ-Alienangriffe an der Seite von bunten Charakteren wie ihrem Adoptivonkel Pey'j oder dem tapferen Double H.
Erlebe dieses epische Abenteuer in bis zu 4K, 60 Bildern pro Sekunde, mit verbesserter Grafik, Steuerung und Audio sowie brandneuen Funktionen für automatisches Speichern und Cross-Save.
Genießen Sie exklusive neue Belohnungen, während Sie den Planeten erforschen und bei einer neuen Schatzsuche in Hillys mehr über Jades Vergangenheit erfahren.
Stellen Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten dank des neuen Speedrun-Modus und der aktualisierten Achievements auf die Probe und erfahren Sie mehr über die Entwicklung und die Geheimnisse des Spiels in der Jubiläumsgalerie!
Bewaffnet mit ihrem Dai-Jo und ihrer treuen Kamera erkundest du in Jades Abenteuer die Hillys, bekämpfst große und kleine Kreaturen, dringst in gefährliche Gebiete ein, löst rätselhafte Rätsel, spielst süchtig machende Minispiele, trittst gegen die besten Hovercraft-Piloten an und machst Fotos von dem ganzen Erlebnis.
Freuen Sie sich auf eine bahnbrechende Mischung aus Action-Gameplay und spannenden, emotionalen Zwischensequenzen!
Blade Assault (eShop) Nintendo Switch
19,79 €Nach dem verheerenden Krieg um den Roten Stein ist die Welt in drei Regionen aufgeteilt: das von Mutanten verseuchte Außengelände, die Unterstadt, in die die Menschen geflohen sind, um vor den Mutanten zu fliehen, und die Himmelsstadt Esperanza, in der die Reichen und Mächtigen die Welt beherrschen. Kämpfen Sie als Teil der Widerstandskräfte in der Unterstadt gegen das korrupte Militär von Esperanza. Bringen Sie die Korrupten vor Gericht, indem Sie stärker werden und an der Seite Ihrer treuen Kameraden kämpfen.
Blade Assault ist ein 2D-Action-Rogue-Lite-Platformer mit wunderschöner Pixelgrafik, der in einer trostlosen Sci-Fi-Welt spielt. Das Spiel bietet eine straffe, reaktionsschnelle Steuerung und eine Reihe charmanter Charaktere. Die spielbaren Charaktere haben verschiedene transformierbare Waffen, die sie im Kampf gegen ihre Feinde einsetzen. Die Waffen können durch verschiedene "Kerne" und "Transform-Upgrades", die während des Spiels zufällig erscheinen, weiter angepasst werden.
Befriedigende, rasante Kämpfe. Nutze verschiedene Fähigkeiten, weiche gegnerischen Angriffen aus, indem du rennst, Wurfgeschosse wirfst und Gegnerhorden aufschlitzt. Deine Angriffe ändern sich je nach den "Kernen", die du auswählst, und den Upgrades, die du auf deinen Läufen einsetzt.
Triff NPCs und finde Upgrades auf deiner Suche, um einzigartige Kräfte freizuschalten. Jeder spielbare Charakter hat seine eigenen Waffen, die er in seiner eigenen Waffenkammer aufbewahrt. -
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection (Epic Game) PC
31,44 €Pandora is a dangerous planet, so it makes sense that the strongest people will dominate it. 4 Vault Hunters arrive to find the legendary Vault found themselves at the Fyrestone, where mysterious girl only known as Angel guides them, helping to build the reputation of problem solvers. Eventually, players will be tasked to find the first piece, of the Vault Key.
By being a story-driven first-person shooter with RPG elements, Borderlands allows adjusting the playstyle by finding different weapons, leveling up the character and improving some skills or attributes. Cooperative in nature, Borderlands can be played with up to 3 other players in total, where players can take the roles of 4 different characters: Brick the Berserker, Mordecai the Hunter, Lilith the Siren and Roland the Soldier. Some characters are naturally proficient in specific weapons, but players are not constricted to the skill requirements. When a specific weapon type is used often – the more proficient players are. Borderlands have several story DLCs that either shift the tone of the main game or expand on the existing storyline and characters. -
Call of Duty: Black Ops III (Steam) PC
12,37 €Call of Duty Black Ops III is a science fiction first-person shooter, the twelfth game in the whole Call of Duty franchise and the third chapter in the Black Ops series. The action begins in 2065, 40 years after the events of the second part, so the game has several historical references. However, the game is not a direct sequel to the previous Black Ops game. Players are offered to assume the role of a CIA special unit trooper trying to get along with the new artificial intelligence DNI (Direct Neural Interface) system and to solve mysteries hidden in it. The whole gameplay is divided into three usual for Black Ops series game modes: Campaign, Multiplayer, and Zombies. The single-player campaign can be also completed in a squad (up to four members). Players are able to choose proper equipment and even customize the character before starting another mission. After the completion, each level could be replayed in a “realistic” difficulty or in a “Nightmares” mode (regular enemies are replaced with zombies).
Cave Story+ (Epic Game) PC
3,83 €Cave Story is a game in the Metroidvania platform-adventure genre, first released on PC in 2004. The game is set in deep dark caves on a floating island. The island is inhabited by a race of intelligent rabbit-like creatures called Mimigas.
Controlling the main character with a gamepad or a keyboard, the player explores an amazing and mysterious world, simultaneously solving platformer-puzzles and defeating enemies. In the world of the game, several types of weapons are available, and a victory in a duel with a foe will bring experience points. In the rest – Cave Story is a classic 2D platformer with polished controls and an interesting setting.
The unnamed main character wakes up in a dark cave without remembering who he is and where he came from. After reaching the settlement, he learns that the world of Mimigas is in danger and decides to help. In the + version of the game released on Steam in 2011, an alternative scenario that does not coincide with the original English localization of the game is featured, as well as an additional “Wind Fortress” level.
Control (Epic Game) PC
3,71 €Control is a surrealist low-fantasy game about a secret organization that deals with the paranormal activities.
The game follows Jesse Faden, a woman with superhuman powers. She works with the Federal Bureau of Control, a secret governmental organization that deals with the paranormal phenomena, often by annihilating it as a threat. The Bureau headquarters, known as the Oldest House, is taken over by a supernatural power called the Hiss. The director of Bureau, Zachariah Trench, is killed, and Faden is unexpectedly promoted to his place, while the ghost of her predecessor haunts her. She has to travel the endless corridors of the Oldest House and defeat the Hiss using magical Director’s Pistol.###Setting
Most of the game takes place in the FBC building, which is a high-rise on Manhattan. The Oldest House is a non-euclidian space, which is larger on the inside. Its corridors and rooms change shape and positions depending on the rituals its inhabitants perform. The Oldest House stores the magical artifacts called Altered Items.###Gameplay
The player controls Faden from the third person view. To defeat her enemies, she uses various superhuman powers, such as telekinesis or levitation. She also wields the shape-shifting Director’s Pistol and the magic artifacts she can obtain as a reward for completing quests. Jesse’s skills grow throughout the game.There is no multiplayer mode.
Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate Edition (Steam) PC
43,76 €Cyberpunk 2077 is a science fiction game loosely based on the role-playing game Cyberpunk 2020.
The game is set in the year 2077 in a fictional futuristic metropolis Night City in California. In the world of the game, there are developed cybernetic augmentations that enhance people’s strength, agility, and memory. The city is governed by corporations. Many jobs are taken over by the robots, leaving a lot of people poor and homeless. Night City has a roaring underworld, with black markets, underground surgeons, drug dealers, and street gangs abound.###C-Zeichen
The main protagonist is fully customizable, including his or her sex and appearance, and goes by the nickname V. He or she is an underground mercenary who does “dirty business” for the various contractors. An NPC companion named Jackie joins the protagonist early at the game, and various other companions may join the player on certain missions as the plot demands. However, the game has no parties and no companion system.###Gameplay
The player controls V from the first person view, with the third-person view used for cutscenes only. The protagonist can travel across the city on feet or using various vehicles, in a manner some observers compared to GTA series. There are many options for the character customization, including three character classes, and a variety of augmentations V can install to enhance his or her abilities. -
Daemon X Machina (eShop) Nintendo Switch
13,01 €Daemon X Machina ist ein Mecha-Simulator-Spiel, in dem der Spieler einen gigantischen Kampfroboter steuert.
Das Spiel spielt in der Zukunft nach einer apokalyptischen Kollision von Erde und Mond. Infolge der Katastrophe wurde die gesamte KI auf der Erde zerstört, und die Maschinen erhoben sich gegen die Menschheit. Der Spieler schlüpft in die Rolle eines Söldnerpiloten (ein "Outer"), der einen Kampfroboter (genannt "Arsenal") steuert und die Aufgabe hat, die Menschheit zu schützen. Die Outers sind nicht einfach nur Menschen, sondern Menschen mit übermenschlichen Kräften, die sie zu Außenseitern der Gesellschaft machen.###Gameplay
Die Roboter sind in hohem Maße anpassbar. Das Spiel erlaubt es dem Spieler, Details sogar während des Kampfes zu verändern. Wenn der Spieler die feindlichen Roboter besiegt, kann er deren Teile für seine eigene Maschine verwenden. Die Outers sind ebenfalls anpassbar. Der Spieler kann das Geschlecht und das Aussehen seines Avatars sowie dessen Fähigkeiten wählen. Der wichtigste Knotenpunkt im Spiel ist der Hangar, wo der Spieler Missionen annehmen und Upgrades kaufen kann.###Visueller Stil
Da das Spiel stark von Anime-Serien wie Evangelion und Gundam inspiriert ist, versucht es, diese visuell zu imitieren. Daemon X Machina zeichnet sich durch einen zellschattierten Pseudo-2D-Animationsstil mit hohem Kontrast und begrenzter Verwendung von Farben aus. Es ist mit Heavy-Metal-Musik unterlegt.###Multispieler
Das Spiel verfügt über einen kooperativen Mehrspielermodus, an dem bis zu vier Spieler teilnehmen können. Im Solospiel werden die Nicht-Spieler-Begleiter von der KI gesteuert. -
Dead Space (2023) (Xbox Live) Xbox Series X|S
6,44 €Dead Space is a third-person shooter with horror elements. Playing as Isaac Clarke, the systems engineer, players will be isolated on the spaceship USG Ishimura after the crew was slaughtered by mindless Necromorphs after the failed investigation of the distress signal. Now Isaac not only has to escape but uncover the dark secrets of Ishimura, while looking for the clues about the whereabouts of his girlfriend Nicole.
Dead Space accents the survival aspect of the game, by keeping minimal UI and keeping HUD on the armor, making sure that the players can see the corners of the screen. Only weapons Isaac has access to are his engineer tools, which can all be upgraded with the limited supplies. Dead Space introduces a new variant of zombies called Necromorphs, that are highly mobile and instead of aiming for the head, players will be asked to attack the limbs, in order to incapacitate and slow them down, eventually killing them. -
Death Stranding (Epic Game) PC
19,25 €Sam Bridges must brave a world utterly transformed by the Death Stranding. Carrying the stranded remnants of the future in his hands, Sam embarks on a journey to reunite the shattered world one step at a time. What is the mystery of the Death Stranding? What will Sam discover on the road ahead? A genre defining gameplay experience holds these answers and more.
Experience a journey like nothing before it, from legendary game creator Hideo Kojima. Take control of working man Sam Bridges, as he braves a deadly and mysterious world where death’s tide lurks everywhere.
Featuring an all-star cast, including Norman Reedus, Mads Mikkelsen, Lindsay Wagner, Léa Seydoux and Guillermo del Toro, Death Stranding is a unique and unforgettable game.
Deliver Us Mars (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S
6,73 €Sequel to the award-winning Deliver Us The Moon, Deliver Us Mars is an atmospheric sci-fi adventure offering an immersive astronaut experience. Explore new frontiers on a suspense-fuelled, high-stakes mission to recover the ARK colony ships stolen by the mysterious Outward.
Ten years after the Fortuna mission, humanity is closer than ever to extinction. After a mysterious distress call from Mars, join the Zephyr and its crew as they journey to the red planet and seek to recover the ARK colony ships stolen by the mysterious Outward, and with them, ensure the survival of the human race.
Journey from Earth to the surface of Mars and endure its harsh and unforgiving terrain as you hope discover the secrets of Outward. Use both brains and brawn to overcome mental and physical challenges, find the ARKs, and uncover the motivations of those behind the distress call that brought you here.
Experience a highly polished and absorbing narrative experience packed with engaging gameplay. Every moment is handcrafted, delivering a suspense-filled, emotion-fuelled narrative alongside music from award-winning composer Sander Van Zanten, state-of-the-art motion capture, stunning graphics and real-time ray traced shadows and reflections, powered by Unreal Engine. -
Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueles (eShop) Nintendo Switch
18,71 €The Netherworlds of Hinomoto
Hinomoto consists of a myriad of Netherworlds.
Vengeful ghosts boil forth from Haunt Springs,
Sardemon World exists within a gargantuan space sardine,
and Shicroaku’s enticing tides are formed from countless demons, swirling together like seaweed…In this land of diverse Netherworlds,
many of the inhabitants once adhered to a code at odds with their demonic nature–bushido.But that was all long ago.
When Demmodore Opener and his Netherarmy arrived, Hinomoto changed.The demons of Hinomoto now live under the Hinomoto Code of Destruction enacted by Opener…
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