Zeigt 1-12 von 14 Ergebnissen

  • Achilles: Unerzählte Legenden (Episches Spiel) PC


    Nehmen Sie teil an der Reise von Achilles, der sich mitten im jahrhundertelangen Konflikt zwischen Hades und Ares befindet. Der junge Held wird ausgesandt, um gegen das Kind des Kriegsgottes Phobos zu kämpfen. Seine Reise führt ihn in viele verschiedene Ecken der mythologischen Länder, wo er mächtige Artefakte erhält, die ihm bei seiner Suche helfen werden. Achilles ist nicht allein, denn Hephaistos - der Gott der Schmiede - ist immer bereit, im Tausch gegen Materialien neue Waffen herzustellen.

    Achilles: Legends Untold ist ein isometrisches Action-Rollenspiel, das stark vom Souls-Genre und von Hack&Slash-Spielen der alten Schule inspiriert ist. Die Spieler werden sich durch viele unwirtliche Orte wagen, gegen legendäre Kreaturen kämpfen und versuchen, die Geschichte der Welt zu verstehen. Das Spiel ist ein bisschen leichter auf der "Seelen"-Seite, da das Studio eine leicht zu erlernende, aber schwer zu meisternde Erfahrung schaffen wollte. Aus diesem Grund ist Achilles: Legends Untold sowohl für Seelen-Veteranen als auch für neue Spieler geeignet. Und wenn du Hilfe brauchst, rufst du einfach deine Freunde zusammen, um gemeinsam zu spielen und verschiedene Dungeons zu erkunden.

    Das Gameplay bietet unterhaltsame und geschicklichkeitsbasierte Kämpfe, RPG-Elemente und Ressourcenmanagement. Jeder Gegenstand, der auf der Reise gefunden wird, kann sich bei der Herstellung neuer Waffen und Ausrüstungsgegenstände als nützlich erweisen, wenn er zu Hephaistos zurückgebracht wird. Im Laufe des Spiels werden die Spieler an der Seite des Hauptcharakters immer geschickter und erlangen die Fähigkeit, es mit noch stärkeren Gegnern aufzunehmen! Und du kannst dir sicher sein, dass es viele abscheuliche und furchtbare Feinde gibt, die deinen Weg kreuzen werden.

    Achilles: Legends Untold bietet außerdem ein innovatives GAIA-System, das für die Aktionen der KI-Charaktere verantwortlich ist, die sich lebensecht anfühlen und auf unvorhersehbare Weise zusammenarbeiten. Erlebe fesselnde Kämpfe, in denen sich die Monster an deinen Spielstil anpassen, verschiedene Strategien ausprobieren oder Szenarien aus dem Hinterhalt erstellen, angetrieben von diesem modernen, selbst entwickelten System.
    Wirst du hartnäckig genug sein, um an Stärke zu gewinnen und Ares zu besiegen?

  • Bandle Tale A League of Legends Story (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Digital Deluxe Edition
    Bandle Tale: A League of Legends Story™ Deluxe Edition includes the following:
    Poro Closet: Dress up your fluffy little poro pal in two exclusive (and ultra-cute) outfits.
    Stand Behind Poro!
    Buzzy PoroHome Sweet Backpack: Two eye-catching exteriors for your bigger-on-the-inside backpack home.
    Honeycomb Hive
    Purple Prism BungalowStrut with Style: Three pathway effects for your character.
    Busy Bee
    Full Speed AheadSecret Menu: Order up! Fresh out of the oven, three additional recipes to add to your cookbook.
    Rainbow Egg
    Almost-Perilous Pie
    Poro Snax
    About the GameOne little Yordle, one humongous problem.
    From Lazy Bear, the studio that brought you Graveyard Keeper, comes Bandle Tale: A League of Legends Story™. Jump into this delightful crafting RPG set in the magical world of Bandle City, home of the furry and fun-loving yordles.
    You are a shy yordle living in Yarnville, a cozy but isolated island obsessed with all things knitting. When your 101-year-long apprenticeship ends, you want nothing more than to see what lies beyond the portals that connect the rest of Bandle City. But when a party you attend goes horribly wrong, the portals collapse and everything is thrown into chaos!
    With your unique knitting magic and unflappable spirit, enlist the help of new friends, restore the portals, and reunite Bandle City once more!
    In Bandle Tale, experience a never-before-seen look at life beyond the bandlewoods. Encounter curious critters, gather materials to make impossible crafts, and awaken magical portals as you move between five unforgettable new islands.
    A good life in Bandle City hinges on one thing: beet soup! Wait, no, having fun! Throw festivals to ensure that your fellow yordles are happy and entertained. Cultivate your green thumb and cook farm-to-table dishes for your guests, or flex your engineering prowess and build gadgets to delight them.
    Befriend colorful characters and make League of Legends Champions your allies as you unravel the mysteries around you and mend your community, one magical stitch at a time.

  • Diablo IV (PSN) PS5


    Meet Your Maker

    Lilith has returned to Sanctuary, summoned by a dark ritual after eons in exile. Her return ushers in an age of darkness and misery.

    Sanctuary, a land once ravaged by war between the High Heavens and Burning Hells, has fallen once more into darkness. Lilith, daughter of Mephisto, Lord of Hatred, has been summoned by dark ritual after eons in exile. Now, hatred threatens to consume Sanctuary as evil spreads and a new wave of cultists and worshippers arise to embrace Lilith’s coming. Only a brave few dare to face this threat…

    Forge your path through the corrupt lands of Sanctuary – a continuous, ever-growing, and fully explorable world, teeming with choices, quests, corruption, and loot. Join fellow adventurers, retake besieged towns, delve into nightmarish dungeons, and uncover lost secrets as you fight for the fate of the world. Every inch of Diablo IV is built for adventure, with multiple zones to explore freely, each ripe with non-linear quests, epic bosses, discoverable towns, and multitudes of demons to slay.

    Create and customize your character to become steadfast in the face of darkness. Choose from one of five classes and forge your hero from an abundance of different cosmetics, talents, and abilities, creating a character that is uniquely your own. Grow stronger as your character progresses through powerful Skill Trees, developing even more unique end game specializations with Paragon Boards to dramatically impact your gameplay.

    Defeating great evil requires great gear. Discover and experiment with a vast arsenal of powerful weapons, armor, and more to fight back against the demons threatening these lands. Embrace the many powers of your collection by exploring unique combinations to battle in immersive, action-packed combat against the deadliest of enemies with devastating results.

  • Hades (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Hades ist ein schurkenähnlicher Dungeon Crawler, der die besten Aspekte der von der Kritik gefeierten Supergiant-Titel vereint, darunter die rasante Action von Bastion, die reichhaltige Atmosphäre und Tiefe von Transistor und die charakterorientierte Erzählweise von Pyre.

    Als unsterblicher Prinz der Unterwelt nutzen Sie die Kräfte und mythischen Waffen des Olymps, um sich aus den Fängen des Totengottes zu befreien, während Sie mit jedem einzelnen Fluchtversuch stärker werden und mehr über die Geschichte erfahren.

    Die Olympier halten dir den Rücken frei! Triff Zeus, Athene, Poseidon und viele andere und wähle aus ihren Dutzenden von mächtigen Segen, die deine Fähigkeiten verbessern. Es gibt Tausende möglicher Charaktere, die du nach und nach entdecken kannst.

    Eine ganze Reihe von bunten, überlebensgroßen Charakteren wartet darauf, dich kennenzulernen! Baue deine Beziehungen zu ihnen aus und erlebe Hunderte von einzigartigen Ereignissen, während du erfährst, was für diese große, gestörte Familie wirklich auf dem Spiel steht.

    Jedes Mal, wenn du in die sich ständig verändernde Unterwelt eintauchst, warten neue Überraschungen auf dich, deren Wächterbosse sich an dich erinnern werden. Benutze den mächtigen Spiegel der Nacht, um dauerhaft stärker zu werden, und verschaffe dir einen Vorsprung, wenn du das nächste Mal von zu Hause wegläufst.

    Dank permanenter Upgrades müssen Sie nicht selbst ein Gott sein, um die spannenden Kämpfe und die fesselnde Geschichte zu erleben. Wenn du aber einer bist, solltest du die Herausforderung erhöhen und dich auf knallharte Action gefasst machen, die deine gut eingeübten Fähigkeiten auf die Probe stellen wird.

    Die reichhaltige, atmosphärische Präsentation und die einzigartige Verschmelzung von Gameplay und Erzählung, die das Herzstück der Supergiant-Spiele ist, ist hier in voller Stärke zu finden: spektakuläre, handgemalte Underworld-Umgebungen und ein blutiger Original-Score erwecken die Unterwelt zum Leben.

  • Industry Giant 4.0 (Steam) PC key GLOBAL


    Über das Spiel
    Are you the next Rockefeller, Jobs or Bezos? Put your business acumen to the test as you embark on a journey to economic dominance with Industry Giant 4.0, where you shape an industrial empire from the ground up. This immersive simulation goes beyond mere construction, offering a comprehensive experience in producing goods, building up logistics, industrial building, production planning, and financial management. As a visionary industrial tycoon, you confront the challenges of a dynamic business landscape influenced by global events, environmental regulations, and technological breakthroughs.
    Industry Giant 4.0 starts in the 1950’s and embodies the fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, marked by digitization and networked value chains. Experience the progression and evolution to automation and digitization. Engage in strategic decision-making across the value chain, enhancing productivity, flexibility, innovation, and resource efficiency.
    In this game, the ripple effects of world events, climate regulations, and economic crises create a thrilling business dynamic, challenging players to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing environment. Are you ready to build, innovate, and conquer the industrial world? Unleash your entrepreneurial spirit and become one of the greatest industrial magnates of all time in Industry Giant 4.0.

    25 different industries including mines, farms, manufacturing and more than 70 goods (raw materials, intermediate products, end products) to manage.
    Utilize data in various tables and charts, monitor the flow of goods, as well as the condition and efficiencies of factories, stores and warehouses to resolve production issues and implement appropriate optimizations.
    Various city buildings and many stores in different sizes over several time periods and categories (food, fashion, home decoration/furniture, hardware store, electronics).
    Transport goods using trucks, trains and ships. Build roads and railways and set up timetables to specify the quantity of goods to be transported in a certain period of time.
    Seasons influence the production of certain raw materials, e.g. food and impact the consumption and purchasing behavior of customers depending on the time of year.

  • Jagged Alliance 3 (Steam) PC


    Grand Chien, a nation of rich natural resources and deep political divides, is thrown into chaos when the elected president goes missing and a paramilitary force known as “The Legion” seizes control of the countryside. Now, the President’s family has pulled together all their resources, including an arrangement with the powerful Adonis corporation, to hire a group of skilled mercenaries tasked with finding the President and bringing order back to the country.

    In Jagged Alliance 3, select from a huge cast of mercenaries all with their own unique personalities, quirks, and backstories. Then go out and explore Grand Chien as you meet new people, earn money, grow your team, and ultimately make your own decisions that will decide the country’s fate.

  • New Arc Line (Steam) PC Key


    Am Horizont taucht die Neue Welt auf, an ihrer Küste die strahlende Stadt des Fortschritts und der letzte Hoffnungsschimmer auf Ihrer Suche nach einem Heilmittel für die tödliche Krankheit Ihrer Familie - New Arc. Du kommst in diesem fremden Land im Zwischendeck eines Dampfers an, eingepfercht mit Tausenden von anderen Einwanderern, ein Fremder in einem fremden Land, voller Wunder. Doch schon bald wirst du feststellen, dass die Schönheit der Stadt nur oberflächlich ist und du unter der goldenen Fassade nur Fäulnis findest.

    Dunkler Rauch aus den Fabriken verpestet den Himmel, Rassentrennung, Ungleichheit und Korruption sind an der Tagesordnung. Sie müssen sich von ganz unten hocharbeiten, harte Entscheidungen treffen und sich die Hände schmutzig machen, wenn Sie Erfolg haben wollen - und das müssen Sie, koste es, was es wolle!

    Stellen Sie Technopunk-Ausrüstung her oder beherrschen Sie die arkanen Künste, kämpfen, stehlen oder reden Sie sich an die Spitze und werden Sie der Held oder Schurke, der Sie sein wollen. Doch du musst dich den Prüfungen dieser Welt nicht allein stellen. Finde deine Gefährten und stelle deine Gruppe zusammen, mache dir Feinde und Verbündete, verliebe dich, werde in eine gewaltige Verschwörung verwickelt und verändere den Lauf der Geschichte für immer.

    Werden Sie der Situation gewachsen sein?

  • Path of Exile 2 Early Access Supporter Pack (Steam) PC


    Path of Exile 2 is a new seven-act storyline that is available alongside the original Path of Exile 1 campaign. … Path of Exile 2 retains all expansion content that has been created over the last six years and introduces a new skill system, ascendancy classes, engine improvements and more.

  • Project Zomboid (GOG) PC Key


    The game combines the genres of survival horror and role-playing game. The main theme of the game – survival during a zombie apocalypse.

    It has an open and changing world, many opportunities for the manufacture of useful things and cooperation with other characters, to fight hunger, injuries, depression and paranoia.

    The game takes place in Knox County, Kentucky, USA.

    As a result of the epidemic, a huge part of the population of the district became infected with an unknown virus and turned into a zombie. The few survivors will have to fight for survival.

    The player plays as one of the survivors. The game does not have any definite ending, it cannot be won and it will end when the player’s character dies – and it depends only on him how late it will happen.

    The game begins with the creation of a character.

    The player can choose the name, gender, race, hairstyle, initial clothing, as well as the presence of a beard and chest hair in a male character.

    Then begins the creation of character and part of the background of the character. You can choose the character’s profession before the apocalypse. Subsequently, this will affect some of the skills (for example, a former policeman shoots better, a builder builds defenses better, nurses heal wounds more successfully, cooks cook better, etc.).

    You can then choose the positive and negative traits of the character. The negative ones include obesity, laziness, poor eyesight, chronic fatigue, constant thirst, etc. For the chosen negative traits you get points – these points can be spent on the positive traits of this character, such as agility, strength, high disease resistance and even luck.

    After creating a character, you (or rather, a character) find yourself in a randomly selected house on a game map. The zombie apocalypse has already begun, and your character has to look for a way to survive. In the game, not even very moral ways are allowed to do this: you can loot and rob, you can create a group of honest people and resist both zombies and bandits.

    In addition to winning battles, the hero needs food, water, sleep, rest, and fellowship to survive – constant loneliness can lead to depression.

    The complexity of the game increases constantly and gradually – the activity of zombies increases, electricity and water supply are turned off, and the products deteriorate. However, the player is able to provide a lot for himself – to cook food on a fire, collect rainwater, grow food.

    However, no action can ensure eternal survival – sooner or later the character dies. The slogan at the beginning of each new game is pessimistic: “This is the story of your death.”

  • Project Zomboid (Steam) PC


    The game combines the genres of survival horror and role-playing game. The main theme of the game – survival during a zombie apocalypse.

    It has an open and changing world, many opportunities for the manufacture of useful things and cooperation with other characters, to fight hunger, injuries, depression and paranoia.

    The game takes place in Knox County, Kentucky, USA.

    As a result of the epidemic, a huge part of the population of the district became infected with an unknown virus and turned into a zombie. The few survivors will have to fight for survival.

    The player plays as one of the survivors. The game does not have any definite ending, it cannot be won and it will end when the player’s character dies – and it depends only on him how late it will happen.

    The game begins with the creation of a character.

    The player can choose the name, gender, race, hairstyle, initial clothing, as well as the presence of a beard and chest hair in a male character.

    Then begins the creation of character and part of the background of the character. You can choose the character’s profession before the apocalypse. Subsequently, this will affect some of the skills (for example, a former policeman shoots better, a builder builds defenses better, nurses heal wounds more successfully, cooks cook better, etc.).

    You can then choose the positive and negative traits of the character. The negative ones include obesity, laziness, poor eyesight, chronic fatigue, constant thirst, etc. For the chosen negative traits you get points – these points can be spent on the positive traits of this character, such as agility, strength, high disease resistance and even luck.

    After creating a character, you (or rather, a character) find yourself in a randomly selected house on a game map. The zombie apocalypse has already begun, and your character has to look for a way to survive. In the game, not even very moral ways are allowed to do this: you can loot and rob, you can create a group of honest people and resist both zombies and bandits.

    In addition to winning battles, the hero needs food, water, sleep, rest, and fellowship to survive – constant loneliness can lead to depression.

    The complexity of the game increases constantly and gradually – the activity of zombies increases, electricity and water supply are turned off, and the products deteriorate. However, the player is able to provide a lot for himself – to cook food on a fire, collect rainwater, grow food.

    However, no action can ensure eternal survival – sooner or later the character dies. The slogan at the beginning of each new game is pessimistic: “This is the story of your death.”

  • Project Zomboid (Steam) PC Key EU


    The game combines the genres of survival horror and role-playing game. The main theme of the game – survival during a zombie apocalypse.

    It has an open and changing world, many opportunities for the manufacture of useful things and cooperation with other characters, to fight hunger, injuries, depression and paranoia.

    The game takes place in Knox County, Kentucky, USA.

    As a result of the epidemic, a huge part of the population of the district became infected with an unknown virus and turned into a zombie. The few survivors will have to fight for survival.

    The player plays as one of the survivors. The game does not have any definite ending, it cannot be won and it will end when the player’s character dies – and it depends only on him how late it will happen.

    The game begins with the creation of a character.

    The player can choose the name, gender, race, hairstyle, initial clothing, as well as the presence of a beard and chest hair in a male character.

    Then begins the creation of character and part of the background of the character. You can choose the character’s profession before the apocalypse. Subsequently, this will affect some of the skills (for example, a former policeman shoots better, a builder builds defenses better, nurses heal wounds more successfully, cooks cook better, etc.).

    You can then choose the positive and negative traits of the character. The negative ones include obesity, laziness, poor eyesight, chronic fatigue, constant thirst, etc. For the chosen negative traits you get points – these points can be spent on the positive traits of this character, such as agility, strength, high disease resistance and even luck.

    After creating a character, you (or rather, a character) find yourself in a randomly selected house on a game map. The zombie apocalypse has already begun, and your character has to look for a way to survive. In the game, not even very moral ways are allowed to do this: you can loot and rob, you can create a group of honest people and resist both zombies and bandits.

    In addition to winning battles, the hero needs food, water, sleep, rest, and fellowship to survive – constant loneliness can lead to depression.

    The complexity of the game increases constantly and gradually – the activity of zombies increases, electricity and water supply are turned off, and the products deteriorate. However, the player is able to provide a lot for himself – to cook food on a fire, collect rainwater, grow food.

    However, no action can ensure eternal survival – sooner or later the character dies. The slogan at the beginning of each new game is pessimistic: “This is the story of your death.”

  • The Thaumaturge (Epic Game) PC


    The Thaumaturge is an isometric, story-rich RPG with a unique take on tactical combat, character development features, and investigation mechanics, facing you with morally ambiguous choices – set in a world teeming with mysterious powers and strange ethereal beings called Salutors.
    The year is 1905. Warsaw lives under the yoke of imperial Russian tsardom. Its inhabitants constitute a diverse group of different ancestries, views, and beliefs with often conflicting interests: Russian soldiers, Jewish merchants, Polish townspeople, and more. Despite the circumstances, the city is a buzzing metropolis, where one can attend a breathtaking party with the high society, and later get robbed in one of the dark alleys of the Praga district. A city of great hopes and dreams on one hand and dark desires on the other.
    In this world, a force that cannot be ignored are Thaumaturges – individuals versed in taming spirit-like beings called Salutors, used for manipulation of the temperaments and affinities of other people and even ultimately in combat. The devil is in the detail – only Thaumaturges are fully aware of the Salutors’ nature and only they can perceive them in their true essence. Their capability to influence others significantly and demonstrably increases their ability to change the surrounding world – however, Thaumaturgy is a power that should be used with caution.
    Shape your story – as a full-fledged RPG, it allows you to alternate your choices and make you deal with the aftermath.
    Develop your character – creating your own version of the Thaumaturge will allow you to approach situations in different ways.
    Experience unique combat and defeat your foes using human attacks and skills as well as psychic strikes delivered by Salutors.
    Influence and manipulate the temperaments of other characters to bend their will to your liking.
    Tame the power of Salutors – use the unique set of their skills to gain an advantage while exploring the world and when bringing your adversaries to their knees.
    See the world that’s inevitably gone – explore the uncommon, heavily researched historic period of the early XX century Warsaw, where crime and luxury are often two sides of the same coin. Meet historical figures and learn about their involvement in the story.
    Created in Unreal Engine 5 to deliver a detailed & beautifully crafted world.

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