Zeigt 301-312 von 369 Ergebnissen
Super Mario Party (eShop) Nintendo Switch
29,69 €Super Mario Party ist das elfte Spiel in der Reihe der Partyspiele und das erste, das für Nintendo Switch veröffentlicht wird.
Die Figuren aus dem Mario-Universum beschließen, eine Party mit vielen Wettbewerbsspielen zu starten, um zu bestimmen, wer von ihnen der Superstar wird.###Gameplay
Der Spieler steuert seine Spielfigur aus der Third-Person-Perspektive und navigiert sie durch die Mario-Welt, um Sterne zu sammeln und an Minispielen teilzunehmen.###C-Zeichen
Das Spiel enthält alle spielbaren Hauptfiguren aus den vorherigen Mario Party-Spielen, wie Mario, Prinzessin Peach, Luigi und Bowser. Es gibt eine Liste von 20 Charakteren, von denen vier freigeschaltet werden müssen. Toad ist nicht spielbar und fungiert stattdessen als Gastgeber und Richter der Party. Super Mario Party führt mehrere Charaktere ein, die neu in der Serie sind, wie z. B. Monty Mole, Goomba und Pom Pom, und führt auch Charaktere wieder ein, die nur in den Handheld-Ablegern vorkamen, nämlich Diddy Kong und Bowser Jr.###Multispieler
Das Spiel bietet eine Vielzahl von Multiplayer-Optionen. Bis zu vier Spieler können im Haupt-Party-Modus gegeneinander antreten und sich dabei abwechseln. Im Partner-Party-Modus treten die Spieler in Teams gegeneinander an, ähnlich wie bei Mario Party: Star Rush. Super Mario Party erlaubt es zwei Spielern, eine einzige Switch zu benutzen, wobei jeder Spieler einen der Joy-Cons übernimmt. Die Spieler können ihre Switch-Konsolen auch lokal synchronisieren. -
Super Mario RPG (eShop) Nintendo Switch
29,69 €A mysterious enemy named Smithy has appeared, forcing Mario and Bowser
to fight as allies. Journey across a wide variety of locations and
tackle a mixture of obstacles that will require both timing and strategy
to overcome. Gain experience, grow more powerful, and meet new
characters to use their abilities in taking down Smithy and his gang!
This classic game is part of the Virtual Console service, which brings you great games created for consoles such as NES™, Super NES™ and Game Boy™ Advance. We hope you’ll enjoy the new features (including off-TV play) that have been added to this title. See more Virtual Console games for Wii U. -
Super Monkey Ball : Banana Rumble (eShop) Nintendo Switch
22,76 €Super Monkey Ball is a 2001 platform party video game developed by Amusement Vision and published by Sega. The game debuted in Japan at the 2001 Amusement Operators Union trade show as Monkey Ball, an arcade cabinet running on Sega’s NAOMI hardware and controlled with a distinctive banana-shaped analog stick. Due to the failure of Sega’s Dreamcast home console and the company’s subsequent restructuring, an enhanced port dubbed Super Monkey Ball was released as a launch title for the GameCube in late 2001, garnering interest as Sega’s first game published for a Nintendo home console.
Conceived by Amusement Vision head Toshihiro Nagoshi, Super Monkey Ball involves guiding a transparent ball containing one of four monkeys—AiAi, MeeMee, Baby, and GonGon—across a series of maze-like platforms. The player must reach the goal without falling off or letting the timer reach zero to advance to the next stage. There are also several multiplayer modes: independent minigames as well as extensions of the main single-player game.
Super Monkey Ball received highly positive reviews from critics, who praised the simplicity and subtle depth of its control scheme as well as the new multiplayer modes not present in its arcade counterpart, although some felt its presentation was lacking. The game was commercially successful and remained one of Sega’s best-sellers in the United States for much of 2002, eventually spawning a direct sequel, Super Monkey Ball 2, and an entire Super Monkey Ball franchise. -
Super Smash Bros Ultimate (eShop) Nintendo Switch
20,28 €Super Smash Bros. Ultimate ist das fünfte Spiel der Franchise. Es ist auch das erste Spiel der Serie, das für Nintendo Switch veröffentlicht wird.
Die Serie ist ein Crossover von Charakteren aus verschiedenen Videospiel-Franchises, wie The Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario, Metroid und Mega Man, neben vielen anderen. Ihre berühmten Protagonisten kämpfen in einer Arena gegeneinander. Gemäß seinem Namen ist das Spiel der "ultimative" Teil der Serie, da es den Spielern alle Charaktere bietet, die jemals in Super Smash Bros. zu sehen waren. Das Spiel führt auch fünf neue Charaktere ein, am bekanntesten ist Simon Belmont aus Castlevania.###Gameplay
Im Gegensatz zu den meisten Kampfspielen geht es in der Super Smash Bros. Serie darum, Gegner aus der Arena zu werfen, anstatt ihre Lebenspunkte zu verringern. Allerdings erhöht die Schadensanzeige die Chancen des Charakters, ausgeknockt zu werden. Jeder Kämpfer hat eine begrenzte Anzahl von Leben und verliert eines, wenn er oder sie k.o. geschlagen wird. Der Spieler scheidet aus, wenn er oder sie alle Leben verloren hat.###Multispieler
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate enthält mehrere kompetitive Multiplayer-Modi. Neben dem traditionellen Versus-Modus gibt es mehrere neue Modi, die in den vorherigen Spielen nicht enthalten waren. Dazu gehören Tournament (der Playoff-Modus für 32 Spieler), Smash Squad (Team-Multiplayer), Smashdown (ein Modus, in dem die besiegten Charaktere eliminiert werden). -
Sword of the Vagrant (eShop) Nintendo Switch
19,79 €Enter the fantastic world of Mithrilia and go in search of the truth about your family and its deepest secrets. Play as a mercenary known as Vivian the Wanderer who pursues the search for her late father with the sole aim of finding his family. From the peaceful little village to the huge haunted castle, passing through…
Tactics Ogre Reborn (eShop) Nintendo Switch
19,79 €Tactics Ogre, crown jewel of the tactical role-playing genre, is reborn! Based on the 2010 release, the game features improved graphics and sound, as well as updated game design, bringing to life a new Tactics Ogre that remains true to its roots. Tactics Ogre veterans will experience a game that surpasses their fondest memories, while…
Tales of Symphonia Remastered (eShop) Nintendo Switch
19,79 €THE EPIC BATTLE FOR SURVIVAL In a dying world, legend has it that a Chosen One will one day rise from amongst the people and the land will be reborn. The line between good and evil blurs in this epic adventure where the fate of two interlocked worlds hangs in the balance. AN EPIC ADVENTURE…
Tchia (eShop) Nintendo Switch
19,79 €Join Tchia on her tropical open-world adventure as she sets off to rescue her father from the cruel tyrant, Meavora, ruler of the archipelago. Climb, glide, swim, and sail your boat around beautiful islands as you explore a physics-driven sandbox. Face the fabric soldiers created by Meavora in open encounters where your creativity gives you…
Team Sonic Racing (eShop) Nintendo Switch
19,79 €Team Sonic Racing kombiniert die besten Elemente von Arcade-Rennen und rasanten Wettkämpfen, während du dich mit deinen Freunden in intensiven Multiplayer-Rennen misst. Fahren Sie gemeinsam Rennen und arbeiten Sie als Team zusammen, indem Sie Power-Ups und Geschwindigkeitsschübe teilen. Übernimm die Kontrolle über deinen Rennstil - Wähle aus 3 verschiedenen Charaktertypen und schalte spielverändernde Fahrzeuge frei...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Cowabunga Collection (eShop) Nintendo Switch
39,99 €Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection assembles thirteen classic TMNT games by Konami in one incredible package. This collection provides a unique opportunity for gamers to experience these immensely popular and very influential games and includes a fantastic set of new quality of life features:
• Added Online Play* for certain games and Local Couch Play
• Save Anytime and Rewind
• Eleven Japanese Regional Version Releases
• Button Mapping
• Unique Development Art & Sketches
• Historic TMNT Media Content -
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge (eShop) Nintendo Switch
24,99 €Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge reunites Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, and Donatello to kick shell in a beautifully realized pixel art world invoking the turtles’ classic 1987 design.
With Bebop and Rocksteady amassing gizmos to support Krang and Shredder’s latest scheme, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge finds the turtles battling through a breathless tour of iconic TMNT locations to thwart their nemeses’ most diabolical plan yet. Armed with shell-shocking new abilities built on a foundation of classic brawling mechanics, the gang are in for an exhilarating, Foot Clan-stomping romp leading them through the sewers and bustling boroughs of New York City all the way to Dimension X.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splitterschicksal (eShop) Nintendo Switch
14,07 €Grab your friends, pick your favorite Turtle and jump into a roguelike adventure to save Master Splinter from the foot clan! Master ninja skills, unite in bodacious online and local co-op gameplay, and conquer iconic NYC locales. In In TMNT Splintered Fate, brace yourself for fast-paced, roguelike action where no two runs are the same. With randomized power-ups, room layouts, and boss modifiers, the excitement never ends. Take control of all four Turtles, each wielding unique powers, and team up with friends for bodacious co-op gameplay. Explore iconic NYC locations, upgrade your Turtle powers, and prepare to face off against formidable enemies. Master the powers of water and fire, utrom and ooze, light and darkness, and -most importantly- Ninja to create unique and bodacious builds for your Turtles. Every run brings new challenges and opportunities – explore and perfect your favorite builds, and combine them with allies to conquer your enemies. When Splinter is kidnapped by Shredder, mysterious portals simultaneously appear across NYC. With April and Metalhead analyzing recovered artifacts for clues, the Turtles battle to recover their father from the clutches of the Foot Clan. However, as the gang gets ever closer to Splinter’s otherworldly location, an even greater threat lingers in the shadows… With additional settings, balance and tuning enhancements for PC, Splintered Fate promises to keep you engaged in the FIGHT, ADAPT, REPEAT portal loop. Be ready to restore peace to the city!
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