Viser 169-180 af 464 resultater

  • Football Manager 2024 (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Træd ind i skoene på en rigtig chef, og skriv din egen fodboldhistorie i Football Manager 2024, den mest komplette udgave i serien til dato.
    Uanset om du er en manager, der kan lide at bygge op fra bunden eller foretrækker at jagte øjeblikkelig hæder, så venter den perfekte udfordring. Ankomsten af den nye Meiji Yasuda Insurance Ltd J. League-licens låser op for J1 League, J2 League og J3 League for første gang nogensinde, hvilket giver dig mulighed for at udforske nye horisonter i Japan.
    Uanset hvor du er leder, er det op til dig at opbygge et hold, der kan konkurrere med verdenseliten.
    Beskrivelse af spillet
    Fortsæt din ubarmhjertige rejse til toppen af fodboldverdenen ved at bruge den nye mulighed for at importere din eksisterende karriere fra Football Manager 2023.
    Lav en vindende taktisk tilgang, der indeholder moderne fodbolds mest populære systemer og banebrydende positionelle innovationer for at levere sejre på banen.
    Behersk transfermarkedet, og brug nye måder at forme dit hold på for at skabe en trup, der kan nå dine mål.
    Gør dine spillere bedre på træningsbanen, og udvikl den mentalitet og det teamwork, der skal til for at forvandle udfordrere til mestre.
    Se din taktiske vision komme til live på kampdage, hvor hver kamp forbedres med forbedringer af bold- og spillerbevægelser.NYT TIL DENNE SÆSON
    Forbedringer af spilleranimationer, boldfysik og belysning giver den mest medrivende kampmotor i Football Managers historie. Bevæg dig på forkant med fodbolden ved at bruge den nye inverterede back-rolle, mens mere intelligente spillerrotationsbevægelser gør hvert højdepunkt mere flydende.
    Gør indtryk i begge ender af banen med en revideret Set Piece Creator. Læn dig op ad ekspertisen hos helt nye Set Piece Coaches for at udvikle vindende rutiner i alle scenarier, der hjælper dig med at overliste dine rivaler.
    Vis dine evner til at opbygge et hold i vores mest raffinerede transfermarked til dato. Du vil stå over for en vanskeligere kamp om talenter, da dine rivaliserende modstanderes managers nu er mere strategiske end nogensinde i deres beslutningstagning om rekruttering.
    Form dit perfekte hold bedre med introduktionen af nye mellemmænd, der hjælper dig med at sælge overskydende spillere for en del af den endelige transfersum. Yderligere funktionalitet til eksisterende agenter og debuten af TransferRoom, en fodboldmarkedsplads for transfers i den virkelige verden, giver dig flere værktøjer end nogensinde før til at opbygge et elitehold og dominere konkurrencen.
    Motiver dit hold til at opnå mere på og uden for banen ved at sætte individuelle mål for dem. Uanset om du fokuserer på mål scoret i en sæson eller gennemsnitlige træningspræstationer, kan du udfordre dine stjernespillere og potentielle topspillere til at maksimere deres evner.
    Nyd større variation i hver karriere med ankomsten af to nye spiltilstande. Real World afspejler, hvornår spillerne faktisk kom til din klub. Your World fastsætter klubhold og budgetter på den dag, din karriere starter, hvilket betyder, at kun spillere, der er kommet til før den dato, vil være i din trup, hvilket giver dig mulighed for at omskrive dit holds transfervindue.
    Andre steder kan du se frem til at dominere international ledelse og planlægge dit lands fremtid med en fornyet national pulje, der giver dig et bedre overblik over de talenter, du har til rådighed. Kampforberedelse og briefingmøder giver dig vindende indsigt før hver kamp.
    Men det er ikke alt, for der er mange flere ændringer, som venter på at blive opdaget i hver eneste karriere.
    Denne version indeholder oplysninger, der stadig er under godkendelse af rettighedshaverne, og kan indeholde data, der på nuværende tidspunkt ikke afspejler den virkelige verdens data nøjagtigt. Som en del af konteksten kan nogle klub- og spilleraktiver være fraværende i denne version.

  • Foretales (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    A terrible curse is ravaging the realm and the only one who can stop it is a small-time thief named Volepain.
    The Weaver entrusted the instruments of creation to her children, the Nymphants.
    The Weaver put in the hands of her children the fate of the world’s creation and stability. The instruments of creation have the power to create and destroy the many worlds of Foretales. Discover the true goals of the Nymphants and the Cult or embrace the Maelstorm for eternity!
    Foretales tells the story of a world doomed by a dark prophecy. With the clock ticking on the apocalypse, it’s up to you to decide how to use what little time is left.
    If you want to find the path to salvation, you’ll need to decide what’s best for you and your companions!

  • Forza Horizon 5 (Xbox Live) Xbox Series X|S


    Dit ultimative Horizon-eventyr venter! Udforsk Mexicos livlige og evigt udviklende åbne landskaber med grænseløs, sjov køreaction i hundredvis af verdens bedste biler.
    Udforsk en verden af slående kontraster og skønhed. Oplev levende ørkener, frodige jungler, historiske byer, skjulte ruiner, uberørte strande, store kløfter og en tårnhøj snedækket vulkan.
    Fordyb dig i en dyb kampagne med hundredvis af udfordringer, der belønner dig for at engagere dig i de aktiviteter, du elsker. Mød nye figurer, og vælg udfaldet af deres Horizon Story-missioner.
    Tag imod imponerende vejrbegivenheder som tårnhøje støvstorme og intense tropiske storme, mens Mexicos unikke, dynamiske årstider ændrer verden hver uge. Bliv ved med at komme tilbage for at få nye begivenheder, udfordringer, samleobjekter og belønninger samt nye områder at udforske.
    Slå dig sammen med andre spillere, og gå ind i Horizon Arcade for at få en række sjove, overdrevne udfordringer, der holder dig og dine venner i gang og har det sjovt uden menuer, indlæsningsskærme eller lobbyer.
    Skab dine egne udtryk for sjov med det nye EventLab-gameplay-værktøjssæt, herunder brugerdefinerede løb, udfordringer, stunts og nye spiltilstande. Tilpas dine biler på flere måder end nogensinde før. Brug Gift Drops-funktionen til at dele dine egne kreationer.

  • Freedom Planet 2 (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Join the heroes of Avalice as they face their greatest challenge yet! An ancient terror has emerged from the depths of the ocean. Merga, a water dragon from Avalice’s oldest and deadliest war, has been freed from her crystal prison as a consequence of the Kingdom Stone’s destruction. War is imminent once again, but this time, the heroes are split between sides. As friendships are tested, will the girls stand united when Bakunawa rises?Features Four playable characters available from the start, each with her own unique fighting style: Lilac the Dragon Girl (Speed Type), Carol the Wildcat (Brawler Type), Milla the Hound (Explorer Type), and Neera the Frost Knight (Power Type).
    Explore the world of Avalice in Adventure mode. Travel through a sprawling world map filled with treasures, landmarks, and over 100 unique animal NPCs to interact with and catalog.
    Dive straight into the action with Classic Mode. A streamlined navigation screen gives you quick access to stages and other important features without the need for travelling.
    Test your fighting skills in the Battlesphere arena. Once reached, the Battlesphere hosts a variety of challenges featuring enemies and bosses you’ve previously encountered, along with brand new surprises!
    Parry enemy attacks with the new Guard button. If timing’s not your thing, an Auto Guard item exists in the game that makes your character automatically guard against attacks if possible.
    A new Revival system gives you a chance to clinch victory during very close battles. Use it wisely – it costs a stock and one more hit will knock you out again!
    Power up your heroine with customizable potions. Collect and mix a rainbow of ingredients that boost her vitality in different ways, such as increasing her stock count, shield durability, attack power, speed, and more.
    Change the rules with a multitude of equippable items. Amulets and Charms provide helpful effects, while Brave Stones make combat harder in exchange for bonus crystals.

  • Frostpunk (Epic Game) PC


    In an ultimately frozen world, people develop steam-powered technology to oppose the overwhelming cold. The city ruler has to manage both the inhabitants and the infrastracture the citizens live in. Leader’s tactical skills face challenges, frequently questioning morality and the basic foundation of what we consider an organized society. Here optimization and resource management often clash with empathy and thoughtful decision-making. While city and society management consume most of the ruler’s time, at some point exploration of outside world is necessary to understand its history and present state.
    What decisions will you make so the society can survive? What will you do when pushed to the limits? And…
    …who will you become in the process?

    Frostpunk is a city-survival game where heat means life and every decision comes with a cost.

    Survival is about hope and will to live. Your ability to spark and maintain these two in your people will be a determinant factor for success.

    Society is a group of people abiding the same rules and sharing similar beliefs. Establishing laws and customs will be a crucial factor shaping your society.

    Will you allow child-labour? How will you treat the sick and wounded? Frostpunk challenges a player’s tactical skills, while questioning one’s morality.

    The world covers not only bits of the past but also the potential means to secure the future of your people.

    “(…) this is a game about finding reasons to survive rather than just the means to go on living.”
    – Adam Smith, Rock, Paper, Shotgun
    “In a steampunk ice age, the only thing that can be crueler than the bitter cold are the decisions you have to make to keep your people alive.”
    – Stephanie Chan, VentureBeat
    “(…) decisions push your morality to its limits for the sake of productivity, which could make for an captivating, draining adventure when the game releases later this year.”
    – Suriel Vazquez, Game Informer

  • Gargoyles Remastered (eShop) Nintendo Switch


    Gargoyles Remastered is an artfully crafted revival of the ‘90s classic 16-bit side-scrolling platform adventure. Relive the epic journey of Goliath and the Gargoyles featuring enhanced visuals, animations, and SFX, all inspired by the acclaimed animated series. The world of Gargoyles comes to life with a level of detail that will thrill fans of the animated series and retro gaming enthusiasts alike. Experience classic gameplay that stays authentic to its predecessor while including new features such as achievements, gameplay rewind, and more!
    Vigtige funktioner
    • Play as Goliath, leader of the Gargoyles: Use stone-crushing strength, scale stone towers and buildings with razor-sharp claws, and glide through the air as you master mid-air attacks and hand-to-hand combat in non-stop action to save the world from destruction.
    • Immersive Graphics Experience: Seamlessly toggle in real-time between graphics inspired by the animated series and classic 16-bit mode true to the original game.
    • Authentic Gargoyles Experience: Relive the story of Goliath and the Gargoyles’ battle against the evil Eye of Odin with new animations and sound effects inspired by the Gargoyles animated series.
    • Customize Your Experience: Tailor your gameplay with modern features including instant rewind, wide-screen presentation, and achievements!
    • Remastered Soundtrack: Experience the original soundtrack, remastered and optimized for a more immersive adventure.

  • Gear.Club Unlimited 2 Ultimate Edition (Steam) PC Key GLOBAL


    Find all the Gear.Club Unlimited 2 content and discover new driving sensations: on simple roads & on tracks, for speed and endurance challenges… but always with prestigious vehicles!
    It’s up to you to dominate the races and settle your supremacy on your opponents!
    Embark the Porsche Series and drive legendary Porsche cars such as the 911 930 Turbo, drive iconic endurance cars such as the Ford GT40 MK I Gulf on the official 24H Le Mans racetrack in the Endurance Championship… or just drive for pleasure on multiple surfaces!
    You will need a lot of talent and persistence, and a big push on the throttle to be the best!
    Drive legendary vehicles in a huge game area with rich & diverse environments with remastered graphics for an intense experience!
    In Career mode, you can save the family racing team from bankruptcy by challenging charismatic drivers of various nationalities.
    Discover the Porsche Series mode and drive the famous manufacturer’s most prestigious vehicles, to get the chance to drive the iconic 911 930 Turbo.
    Try the Endurance Championship mode, focused on motorsport, in a campaign dedicated to the 24H Le Mans race and GT vehicles: prepare for the race, manage your fuel level, your tires’ erosion and your pit stops.
    Create and manage your Club and recruit the best players who cross your path. You can take on rival clubs from around the world as you lead your crew to the top of the leaderboard.
    Manage your garage and make it your space! Admire your collection of racing cars acquired along your races. Gear.Club Unlimited 2 offers more than 50 licensed vehicles from some of the world’s most prestigious manufacturers.
    Find all Gear.Club Unlimited 2 DLCs for the most complete racing experience and hours of fast-paced driving!

  • Ghostrunner (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S


    Enter an intense cyberpunk world and experience fierce, dynamic combat! Conquer your enemies in the physical world and in cyberspace. Hunt for answers inhumanity’s last remaining shelter.

    Ascend humanity’s last remaining shelter, a great tower-city. The tower is torn by violence, poverty, and chaos. Conquer your enemies, discover the secrets of the superstructure and your own origin and obtain the power to challenge The Keymaster.

    The game takes place in the future, after a global cataclysm where the remains of humanity live in a tower built by The Architect, who died mysteriously years ago. Everyone knows the truth, no one says it aloud.

    The world ruled by The Keymaster is harsh. A person’s worth depends on the category of implants they have, defining their whole lives. The implants—given to them in childhood—determine which social group a person belongs to. If you weren’t lucky enough to get a good life, there is nothing you can do.

    It’s no surprise that a rebellion starts.

    You are a cyber-warrior, the only one capable of fighting both in the physical world and in cyberspace. Lost and hunted, thrown into the middle of the conflict, you must use this bond with technology to ascend the tower.

    As you climb higher, secrets are revealed. The clock starts ticking on a race to uncover the mystery behind the structure that houses humanity’s last hope. Solve the riddle or be killed—there is no other option.

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