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Path of Exile 2 Early Access Supporter Pack (Steam) PC
18,92 €Path of Exile 2 is a new seven-act storyline that is available alongside the original Path of Exile 1 campaign. … Path of Exile 2 retains all expansion content that has been created over the last six years and introduces a new skill system, ascendancy classes, engine improvements and more.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chernobyl Deluxe Edition (Steam) PC
53,46 €This post-apocalyptic game that spawned the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. franchise is inspired by (but not really based on) the ‘Roadside Picnic’ novel by brothers Strugatsky and Tarkovsky’s movie ‘Stalker’, borrowing some of the terms and aesthetics from both. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl is set in Ukraine, in the infamous Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Several parts of the open-world setting were modeled after the real Chernobyl surroundings, including the power plant and the city of Pripyat, although designers took some liberties. The bleak environment and dark ambient music help to create an unsettling atmosphere of this place.
According to the backstory, in 2006, the second Chernobyl disaster occurred, turning the surrounding area into post-apocalyptic ruins, full of grotesque mutants and time-space anomalies. The “stalkers” in this world are the explorers who wander The Zone in search of valuable loot. You play as the Marked One, a stalker who lost his memory. All that remains of his past is a memo that says “Kill Strelok”. The Marked One will have to learn more about himself, Strelok, The Zone, and its mysteries. The plot is non-linear, and there are multiple endings that depend on the quests you completed earlier. -
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chernobyl Deluxe Edition (Steam) PC Key
54,50 €This post-apocalyptic game that spawned the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. franchise is inspired by (but not really based on) the ‘Roadside Picnic’ novel by brothers Strugatsky and Tarkovsky’s movie ‘Stalker’, borrowing some of the terms and aesthetics from both. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl is set in Ukraine, in the infamous Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Several parts of the open-world setting were modeled after the real Chernobyl surroundings, including the power plant and the city of Pripyat, although designers took some liberties. The bleak environment and dark ambient music help to create an unsettling atmosphere of this place.
According to the backstory, in 2006, the second Chernobyl disaster occurred, turning the surrounding area into post-apocalyptic ruins, full of grotesque mutants and time-space anomalies. The “stalkers” in this world are the explorers who wander The Zone in search of valuable loot. You play as the Marked One, a stalker who lost his memory. All that remains of his past is a memo that says “Kill Strelok”. The Marked One will have to learn more about himself, Strelok, The Zone, and its mysteries. The plot is non-linear, and there are multiple endings that depend on the quests you completed earlier. -
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chernobyl Deluxe Edition (Steam) PC Key EU
56,75 €This post-apocalyptic game that spawned the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. franchise is inspired by (but not really based on) the ‘Roadside Picnic’ novel by brothers Strugatsky and Tarkovsky’s movie ‘Stalker’, borrowing some of the terms and aesthetics from both. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl is set in Ukraine, in the infamous Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Several parts of the open-world setting were modeled after the real Chernobyl surroundings, including the power plant and the city of Pripyat, although designers took some liberties. The bleak environment and dark ambient music help to create an unsettling atmosphere of this place.
According to the backstory, in 2006, the second Chernobyl disaster occurred, turning the surrounding area into post-apocalyptic ruins, full of grotesque mutants and time-space anomalies. The “stalkers” in this world are the explorers who wander The Zone in search of valuable loot. You play as the Marked One, a stalker who lost his memory. All that remains of his past is a memo that says “Kill Strelok”. The Marked One will have to learn more about himself, Strelok, The Zone, and its mysteries. The plot is non-linear, and there are multiple endings that depend on the quests you completed earlier. -
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl Ultimate Edition (Epic Game) PC
96,28 €This post-apocalyptic game that spawned the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. franchise is inspired by (but not really based on) the ‘Roadside Picnic’ novel by brothers Strugatsky and Tarkovsky’s movie ‘Stalker’, borrowing some of the terms and aesthetics from both. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl is set in Ukraine, in the infamous Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Several parts of the open-world setting were modeled after the real Chernobyl surroundings, including the power plant and the city of Pripyat, although designers took some liberties. The bleak environment and dark ambient music help to create an unsettling atmosphere of this place.
According to the backstory, in 2006, the second Chernobyl disaster occurred, turning the surrounding area into post-apocalyptic ruins, full of grotesque mutants and time-space anomalies. The “stalkers” in this world are the explorers who wander The Zone in search of valuable loot. You play as the Marked One, a stalker who lost his memory. All that remains of his past is a memo that says “Kill Strelok”. The Marked One will have to learn more about himself, Strelok, The Zone, and its mysteries. The plot is non-linear, and there are multiple endings that depend on the quests you completed earlier. -
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl Ultimate Edition (Steam) PC
77,42 €This post-apocalyptic game that spawned the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. franchise is inspired by (but not really based on) the ‘Roadside Picnic’ novel by brothers Strugatsky and Tarkovsky’s movie ‘Stalker’, borrowing some of the terms and aesthetics from both. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl is set in Ukraine, in the infamous Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Several parts of the open-world setting were modeled after the real Chernobyl surroundings, including the power plant and the city of Pripyat, although designers took some liberties. The bleak environment and dark ambient music help to create an unsettling atmosphere of this place.
According to the backstory, in 2006, the second Chernobyl disaster occurred, turning the surrounding area into post-apocalyptic ruins, full of grotesque mutants and time-space anomalies. The “stalkers” in this world are the explorers who wander The Zone in search of valuable loot. You play as the Marked One, a stalker who lost his memory. All that remains of his past is a memo that says “Kill Strelok”. The Marked One will have to learn more about himself, Strelok, The Zone, and its mysteries. The plot is non-linear, and there are multiple endings that depend on the quests you completed earlier. -
The Oregon Trail (eShop) Nintendo Switch
19,79 €The Oregon Trail™ af Gameloft - Oplev The Oregon Trail™ som aldrig før. Denne officielle efterfølger til det globale fænomen er et moderne twist på strabadserne på vejen til Oregon, og det vil fordybe spillerne i spændende rejser, der spænder fra det historisk korrekte til det helt ekstreme. Spillerne vælger deres rejsegruppe, fylder vognen med forsyninger og begiver sig ud på et eventyr fyldt med svære valg, nye farer og uventede situationer. At overleve snestorme, brækkede lemmer, slangebid, udmattelse, sult og den frygtede dysenteri er ikke nogen lille bedrift; alt imens du navigerer i et utæmmet grænseland for at få din gruppe til deres nye liv i Oregon inden vinteren. Spor en forsvunden gruppe i kølvandet på en voldsom snestorm, transporter flygtigt krudt gennem brændende ørkenhede, konkurrer i udfordrende jagtminispil, og mød en bred vifte af historiske personer. Med proceduremæssigt udvalgte tilfældige begivenheder, hvor spillernes valg påvirker deres gruppe og fremtidige spilbegivenheder, er der altid et nyt eventyr i horisonten, hver gang du spiller.
Altid et nyt eventyr
- Sammensæt og navngiv din gruppe ud fra forskellige klasser - hver med deres egne startgenstande, færdigheder og personligheder - for at gøre hver rejse til Oregon unik.
- Overvind hundredvis af tilfældige begivenheder, hvor dine valg påvirker dine rejsendes skæbne og påvirkes af deres unikke færdigheder og karaktertræk.
- Husk at passe på din gruppe, din vogn og dine okser, ellers bliver de ofre for sporet.
Nye funktioner
- Tag på 15 spilbare rejser.
- Oplev 7 quests inspireret af historiske begivenheder.
- Overvåg dine gruppemedlemmers helbred, moral, udholdenhed og hygiejne.
- Administrer din beholdning, så du kan presse alt, hvad du kan, ind i vognen.
- Vedligehold din vogn for at forhindre nedbrud og tab af lagerbeholdning på grund af ødelæggelse eller spild.
- Lær om rigtige mennesker og steder i din interaktive dagbog.
- Saml og lær om de mange interessante dyr, du ser på stien.
- Fang mere end 80 arter i det nye minispil Fishing.
- Opnå 140+ præstationer.
Tro mod originalen
- Jagt og Rafting vender længe ventet tilbage med troværdigt gameplay og helt ny grafik.
- Dysenteri, flodforcering, brækkede ben og mange flere klassiske farer venter!
Slående art direction og score
- En smuk blanding af charmerende pixel art-figurer, 3D-miljøer og banebrydende belysning og visuelle effekter skaber en unik visuel stil, der er både nostalgisk og moderne.
- Et helt originalt soundtrack med alt-country-inspireret musik kombineret med lydeffekter i 8-bit-stil.
Respektfuld repræsentation
- For første gang indeholder spillet indianske spilbare figurer og historier, der fejrer historien og kulturerne hos de folk, der først boede i dette land og stadig bor her i dag.
- Grundig research og flere akademiske konsulenter var involveret i produktionen af dette spil for at sikre nøjagtighed og respektfuld repræsentation af alle mennesker, der er afbildet i spillet.
Officielt licenseret og understøttet
- The Oregon Trail™ er et officielt licenseret spil fra HarperCollins Productions, som støttede udviklingen af The Oregon Trail™, så det var tro mod originalen, men med opdateret gameplay og grafik.
- Optaget i Video Game Hall of Fame i 2016. -
The Outlast Trials (Steam) PC
9,09 €Set in the era of the Cold War, human guinea pigs are involuntarily recruited by the good folks at the Murkoff Corporation to test advanced methods of brainwashing and mind control. In a world of distrust, fear, and violence, your morals will be challenged, your endurance tested, and your sanity crushed. All in the name of progress, science, and profit.
Red Barrels invites you to experience mind-numbing terror, this time with friends. Work together and maybe you’ll survive The Outlast Trials. It’s always better to shit your pants in good company.
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