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The Legend of Heroes : Trails Through Daybreak (eShop) Nintendo Switch
20,79 €The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak includes:
The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak (Base Game)
The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak – Free Sample SetAfter the war, Calvard is enjoying unprecedented economic prosperity. However, the public grows uncertain as the number of immigrants increases and political reform runs rampant. Follow Van, a young man and local spriggan, on a unique request that will prove more than he bargained for. Will the nation fall into chaos?
The AT (Action Time) battle command has been completely revamped transitioning seamlessly from field battles to turn-based combat. The sixth-generation tactical orbment Xipha offers a revolutionary combat experience unique to this iteration of the Trails series!
In addition, the Topic System allows players to gain an advantage in battle by using conversation topics as bargaining chips. These topics can be obtained by interacting with other characters throughout the city. The game also features the Alignment system, which allows players to change their character’s three unique attributes and influence characteristics such as their status, the forces they fight with (or against), and even how the plot unfolds.
Dive into the dynamic adventure in “Trails through Daybreak!”
The spriggan’s life is but one of many professions that has emerged from the Calvard Republic. Be it playing detective, negotiator, or bounty hunter, Van Arkride takes on the kind of work that can’t be taken to more legitimate sources. It could be something the police can’t handle, work that’s best left out of the public eye, or even a request from a criminal of organization in the underworld; so long as it pays and doesn’t cross too far over the gray line, he’ll accept near-any job that comes across his table.The year is 1208. A prim-and-proper young lady dressed in the uniform of an esteemed academy visits a dilapidated, multi-tenant building in a downtown district of Edith, the nation’s capital. With a most dignified gaze, she looks upon the plague of the door before her. It reads: ‘ARKRIDE Solutions Office: Complicated Matters Only.’
Steeling herself, she knocks on the door three times.
“First thing in the morning…?” a relaxed yet surprisingly young voice grumbles with a yawn.
From the moment he opens the door to greet her, a new tale begins.
Vigtige funktioner
The AT (Action Time) Battle system has been completely revamped, transitioning seamlessly from field battles to turn-based combat.
The sixth-generation combat orbment, Xipha, offers a revolutionary combat experience unique to this iteration of the Trails series!In addition, the Topic system allows players to gain an advantage in battle by using conversation topics as bargaining chips. These topics can be obtained by interacting with other characters throughout the city.
The game also features the Alignment system, which allows players to change their character’s three unique attributes and influence characteristics such as their status, the forces they fight with (or against), and even how the story unfolds.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak – Free Sample Set:
It includes the following DLC:
Free Sample Set Vol. 1
Free Sample Set Vol. 2
Free Sample Set Vol. 3 -
The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie (eShop) Nintendo Switch
19,79 €This game is part of the GOG Games Festival!
Discover new releases, hot gaming deals, latest demos to try and a whole line-up of exciting upcoming titles that you can wishlist.
What destinies await these three fateful figures? Use the Crossroads system to switch between Rean Schwarzer, Lloyd Bannings, and the masked figure “C”, and determine the fates of key characters and locations within Zemuria. Dive into refined tactical combat with new features such as United Front, and discover new allies and challenges within the halls of the True Reverie Corridor!
Where one trail ends, another begins…
The intertwining fates of three figures in Zemuria will be decided in this climactic chapter of The Legend of Heroes series! Follow the footsteps of the war hero Rean Schwarzer, the liberator Lloyd Bannings, and the masked enigma “C”, and switch between each of their paths freely with the Crossroads system.
– Lloyd Bannings, leader of the Crossbell Police Department’s Special Support Section, finds himself fighting for his city’s freedom once again after Crossbell’s independence celebrations are interrupted by the sudden reappearance of an old threat.
– Following the events of the Great Twilight, Erebonian hero Rean Schwarzer and his students return to life at the branch campus. However, this fleeting peace is disturbed by the emergence of a new threat.
– When the former governor general of Crossbell suddenly returns and lays claim to the city state, four figures carry out a secret mission to investigate his actions. Their leader is “C,” a masked individual who seems to be using the same codename as the leader of the Imperial Liberation Front. But to what end?
Vigtige funktioner
A Trio of Trails: Experience three different story arcs and switch between them any time with the Crossroads system. Plus, discover side episodes to fully flesh out the characters and world of Zemuria.
Reverie into Reality: Enter the True Reverie Corridor, which allows you to encounter and recruit new characters from across Zemuria, enter randomly generated dungeons to test your mettle, and play a variety of mini games.
Paragons of Combat: Utilize Arts, Brave Orders, and cunning tactics to prevail in battle. Master the new United Front system and harness the power of your entire team to decimate enemies while empowering yourself. -
The Oregon Trail (eShop) Nintendo Switch
19,79 €The Oregon Trail™ af Gameloft - Oplev The Oregon Trail™ som aldrig før. Denne officielle efterfølger til det globale fænomen er et moderne twist på strabadserne på vejen til Oregon, og det vil fordybe spillerne i spændende rejser, der spænder fra det historisk korrekte til det helt ekstreme. Spillerne vælger deres rejsegruppe, fylder vognen med forsyninger og begiver sig ud på et eventyr fyldt med svære valg, nye farer og uventede situationer. At overleve snestorme, brækkede lemmer, slangebid, udmattelse, sult og den frygtede dysenteri er ikke nogen lille bedrift; alt imens du navigerer i et utæmmet grænseland for at få din gruppe til deres nye liv i Oregon inden vinteren. Spor en forsvunden gruppe i kølvandet på en voldsom snestorm, transporter flygtigt krudt gennem brændende ørkenhede, konkurrer i udfordrende jagtminispil, og mød en bred vifte af historiske personer. Med proceduremæssigt udvalgte tilfældige begivenheder, hvor spillernes valg påvirker deres gruppe og fremtidige spilbegivenheder, er der altid et nyt eventyr i horisonten, hver gang du spiller.
Altid et nyt eventyr
- Sammensæt og navngiv din gruppe ud fra forskellige klasser - hver med deres egne startgenstande, færdigheder og personligheder - for at gøre hver rejse til Oregon unik.
- Overvind hundredvis af tilfældige begivenheder, hvor dine valg påvirker dine rejsendes skæbne og påvirkes af deres unikke færdigheder og karaktertræk.
- Husk at passe på din gruppe, din vogn og dine okser, ellers bliver de ofre for sporet.
Nye funktioner
- Tag på 15 spilbare rejser.
- Oplev 7 quests inspireret af historiske begivenheder.
- Overvåg dine gruppemedlemmers helbred, moral, udholdenhed og hygiejne.
- Administrer din beholdning, så du kan presse alt, hvad du kan, ind i vognen.
- Vedligehold din vogn for at forhindre nedbrud og tab af lagerbeholdning på grund af ødelæggelse eller spild.
- Lær om rigtige mennesker og steder i din interaktive dagbog.
- Saml og lær om de mange interessante dyr, du ser på stien.
- Fang mere end 80 arter i det nye minispil Fishing.
- Opnå 140+ præstationer.
Tro mod originalen
- Jagt og Rafting vender længe ventet tilbage med troværdigt gameplay og helt ny grafik.
- Dysenteri, flodforcering, brækkede ben og mange flere klassiske farer venter!
Slående art direction og score
- En smuk blanding af charmerende pixel art-figurer, 3D-miljøer og banebrydende belysning og visuelle effekter skaber en unik visuel stil, der er både nostalgisk og moderne.
- Et helt originalt soundtrack med alt-country-inspireret musik kombineret med lydeffekter i 8-bit-stil.
Respektfuld repræsentation
- For første gang indeholder spillet indianske spilbare figurer og historier, der fejrer historien og kulturerne hos de folk, der først boede i dette land og stadig bor her i dag.
- Grundig research og flere akademiske konsulenter var involveret i produktionen af dette spil for at sikre nøjagtighed og respektfuld repræsentation af alle mennesker, der er afbildet i spillet.
Officielt licenseret og understøttet
- The Oregon Trail™ er et officielt licenseret spil fra HarperCollins Productions, som støttede udviklingen af The Oregon Trail™, så det var tro mod originalen, men med opdateret gameplay og grafik.
- Optaget i Video Game Hall of Fame i 2016. -
The Thaumaturge (Epic Game) PC
32,15 €The Thaumaturge is an isometric, story-rich RPG with a unique take on tactical combat, character development features, and investigation mechanics, facing you with morally ambiguous choices – set in a world teeming with mysterious powers and strange ethereal beings called Salutors.
The year is 1905. Warsaw lives under the yoke of imperial Russian tsardom. Its inhabitants constitute a diverse group of different ancestries, views, and beliefs with often conflicting interests: Russian soldiers, Jewish merchants, Polish townspeople, and more. Despite the circumstances, the city is a buzzing metropolis, where one can attend a breathtaking party with the high society, and later get robbed in one of the dark alleys of the Praga district. A city of great hopes and dreams on one hand and dark desires on the other.
In this world, a force that cannot be ignored are Thaumaturges – individuals versed in taming spirit-like beings called Salutors, used for manipulation of the temperaments and affinities of other people and even ultimately in combat. The devil is in the detail – only Thaumaturges are fully aware of the Salutors’ nature and only they can perceive them in their true essence. Their capability to influence others significantly and demonstrably increases their ability to change the surrounding world – however, Thaumaturgy is a power that should be used with caution.
Shape your story – as a full-fledged RPG, it allows you to alternate your choices and make you deal with the aftermath.
Develop your character – creating your own version of the Thaumaturge will allow you to approach situations in different ways.
Experience unique combat and defeat your foes using human attacks and skills as well as psychic strikes delivered by Salutors.
Influence and manipulate the temperaments of other characters to bend their will to your liking.
Tame the power of Salutors – use the unique set of their skills to gain an advantage while exploring the world and when bringing your adversaries to their knees.
See the world that’s inevitably gone – explore the uncommon, heavily researched historic period of the early XX century Warsaw, where crime and luxury are often two sides of the same coin. Meet historical figures and learn about their involvement in the story.
Created in Unreal Engine 5 to deliver a detailed & beautifully crafted world. -
Watch Dogs : Legion (Xbox Live) Xbox One/Series X|S
8,41 €In Watch Dogs Legion, you get to build a resistance from virtually anyone you see as you hack, infiltrate, and fight to take back a near-future London that is facing its downfall, courtesy of state surveillance, private military, and organized crime.
Recruit a well-rounded team to overthrow the wankers ruining this once-great city. The fate of London lies with you.
Each character has their own backstory, personality, and skill set—all of which comes into play as you personalize your team. Swap between characters as you explore an open world online with friends. Enjoy free updates of new modes, rewards, and themed events.
Explore a massive urban open world and visit London’s many famous landmarks – including Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Camden, Piccadilly Circus, or the London Eye.
Welcome to the Resistance.
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